Help us to keep on working for peace!
Financial contributions of people and organisations do constitute an essential source of income for us to keep on investigating and raising awareness of arms and militarism’s perverse effects with the highest level of quality and independence.
Any donation contributes to strengthen our work in order to go further towards peace.
*If you want us to issue your donation certificate to be holder of the tax benefits of your contribution, it is necessary that you provide us with your personal data BEFORE January 15th, since by virtue of article 5 of Order EHA/3021/2007, of October 11, by which model 182 of the informative declaration of donations, donations and contributions received is approved, we have the obligation to present this declaration in the month of January of each year, in relation to the donations, donations and contributions received or dispositions made during the previous calendar year.
If you do not notificate your data on time, you renounce the tax benefits of your contribution, since failure to submit the form 182 declaration, for donations received, within the deadline, implies fines for the Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau for breach of the above regulations.