
Global Days of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS) 2024 launches the call “War costs us a world. Disarmament now to save people and the planet”

The Global Days of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS), which are taking place between April 12th and May 15th, make a call that aims to target the high opportunity cost of enormous military spending, under the motto "War costs us a world. Disarmament now to save people and the planet." This special period of actions is part of GCOMS campaign...


GDAMS 2024 Statement · War Costs Us The Earth

Global Days of Action on Military Spending - from April 12th to May 15th 2024 Disarmament now to save people and planet Humanity is at a crossroads where political decisions on defence budgets will determine the trajectory of the multiple crises in which we are immersed. Wars and armed conflicts are devastating whole regions of the world. Global military spending...

8 September, 2022, 12:00 am

Experts meeting ‘Counteracting militarisation: Taking stock and common ways in the fight against the militarisation of the European Union’ in Brussels

On 8 and 9 September 2022, the Brussels office of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation will hold an expert meeting under the heading ‘Counteracting militarisation: Taking stock and common ways in the fight against the militarisation of the European Union’. Jordi Calvo, Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau Coordinator, will participate in this meeting.


6 out of 10 people worldwide live in a country that has built border walls

The report “A Walled World, towards a Global Apartheid”, aims to analyze the walls that have been built on the borders from 1968 to 2018, as well as the different reasons and more paradigmatic cases of these policies of walled-in. The research also investigates the main companies in the military industrial and security complex, as well as others in the...


Newsletter març 2020

Pau Global 148 març 2020 Pau Global 148 març 2020 Llegeix-ho a la nostra pàgina web / Léelo en nuestra página web PAU GLOBAL Butlletí electrònic en català i castellà...