Gemma Amorós, Eduardo Aragón, Jordi Calvo, Max Carbonell - 02/10/2024

Report 66: «Armed banking and its joint responsibility in the gaza genocide. The financing of companies that manufacture arms used in the massacres against the Palestinian people»

The report «Armed banking and its joint responsibility in the gaza genocide. The financing of companies that manufacture arms used in the massacres against the Palestinian people» focuses in trade between banks and arms companies that are profiting from the Israel offensive on Gaza. We identify and report the connections between arms exports from various countries to Israel in recent...

Eduardo Aragón, Gemma Amorós - 17/03/2023

Report 59: “Financing Mediterranean militarisation and the border war”

The European Union has continued to increase the control over the people who enter and leave its borders, making its frontiers more impenetrable by intensifying the physical and mental militarization of those. Concurrently, these last few years there has been an emphasis on what we have badly named “the refugee crisis”: where a lot of people migrate from their country...

- 22/06/2021

Bombings in Yemen: an interactive map to chart the impact of European arms on the war

In December 2019, ECCHR, Mwatana for Human Rights and other European partner organisations including the Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau, called on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate the criminal responsibilities of corporate and government executives from France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK. The organisations argue that by issuing export authorisations and exporting arms to Saudi Arabia...

Tica Font, Xavier Bohigas, Jordi Calvo, Teresa de Fortuny, Eduardo Melero, Xema Moya, Luis Arbide - 21/04/2021

Pacifistas en acción. Desmilitarizar, desarmar, pacificar

Pacifistas en acción es un análisis único e imprescindible del pacifismo en el Estado español, en el que aparecen las principales iniciativas, acciones y luchas por la paz, el desarme y la desmiliarización. Escrito de manera coral por referentes del pacifismo y antimilitarismo español, muestran no solo quiénes somos, dónde estamos y qué hacemos, sino que identifican también qué nos...

Gemma Amorós, Eduardo Aragón, Jordi Calvo, Edgard Vega - 12/04/2021

Report 48: Financing weapons of the Yemen War. Analysis of the financing of arms companies that have exported to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (2015-2019)

According to UNHCR data, in Yemen 80 per cent of the population needs humanitarian aid to survive, there are about 4 million internally displaced persons and more than 7 million people who need nutritional assistance. It is, in this serious context of armed conflict and human rights violations, that we present a case study on who support the arms companies...

  Read and download the full report in English here.

- 23/09/2020

Ja està disponible la nova Base de Dades Internacional de la Banca Armada

El Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau renova la Base de dades Internacional de la Banca Armada. Amb els canvis realitzats en la manera de visualitzar i treballar amb aquesta eina es pretén facilitar l'accés i l'ús a les dades disponibles per a tot tipus d'usuari. A més, aquesta remodelació de la Base de Dades Internacional de la Banca Armada confluirà amb...

  Pots accedir a la nova Base de Dades Internacional de la Banca Armada aquí.

Jordi Calvo, Eduardo Aragón - 23/09/2020

Informe 45 del Centre Delàs: Asseguradores i Fons de Pensions que financen empreses d’armes. Actualització de la Banca Armada a Espanya 2020

Després de 14 anys d'investigacions i accions sobre el finançament del sector armamentista, hem considerat necessària l'elaboració d'un treball que es focalitzi en analitzar les relacions entre un altre gran pilar del sistema financer, el sector de les assegurances i fons de pensions, i la indústria armamentista. El resultat que presenta aquest nou informe sobre la Banca Armada a Espanya...

  Pots descarregar aquí l'informe complet en català

Eduardo Aragón, Jordi Calvo - 28/11/2019

From Armed Banking to Ethical Banking. Ten keys for switching to ethical finance

From Armed Banking to Ethical Banking: Ten Keys to Ethical Finance is a publication that aims to contribute to social mobilization against the financial practices that fuel the war industry. As consumers, we have great power for social transformation. For this reason, these lines offer alternatives in order to promote changes in the consumption habits of banking and financial services,...

Eduardo Aragón, Jordi Calvo, Chloé Meulewaeter - 06/11/2019

Guía para no colaborar con la financiación de armas

La banca armada, más de 450 entidades financieras de 35 países de todo el mundo, han financiado con 821.659 millones de dólares en el período 2013-18 a 36 empresas de armas, conformando la banca armada internacional. En esta publicación puedes acceder a información específica de los diferentes tipos de financiación que bancos, aseguradoras e inversoras utilizan para ayudar a la...

Jordi Calvo - 20/03/2019

Report 37: Armed Banking in Spain 2019

 This new report, reveals the financing to 31 companies dedicated in part or totally to the production of weapons, among which are some of the most important arms manufacturers in the world, Airbus, Boeing, General Dynamics, Thales or Leonardo. Armed Banking in Spain 2019, also includes financing dedicated to Spanish   companies such as Maxam, Navantia, Indra, Oesia or Sener. The...

  Read and download the full report in Spanish here

Jordi Calvo - 23/01/2019

Report by the Delàs Centre, Fundació Novessendes and Setem Comunitat Valenciana: “From Armed Banking to Ethical Banking. Towards policy coherence and a culture of peace. The case of the Generalitat Valenciana”

The report "From Armed Banking to Ethical Banking. Towards Policy Coherence and a Culture of Peace. The case of the Generalitat Valenciana" aims to identify the financial reality of the main Valencian public administration, the Generalitat Valenciana, and the possibility of achieving a transition towards greater involvement in ethical finances. All of this is within the framework of this administration's...

Pere Ortega, Xavier Bohigas - 30/05/2018

Working Paper: The military budget of Spain continues to grow

Analysis of the budget of Defense in 2018 Authors: Pere Ortega and Xavier Bohigas The Working Paper of May 2018 analyzes the military expenditure of the General State Budget for 2018. It presents an increase in military spending of 10.5% with respect to 2017, this increase confirms the political will of the Minister of Defense, María Dolores de Cospedal, to reach...

   You can download the Working Paper in English here


Xavier Bohigas, Teresa de Fortuny - 25/01/2016

Materiales de trabajo 53

Sumario: - Es necesario abolir las armas nucleares, Editorial. - Contribución de las empresas españolas a la financiación del armamento nuclear, Xavier Bohigas y Teresa de Fortuny. - Situación actual del arsenal nuclear mundial, Teresa de Fortuny y Xavier Bohigas. - Mi llamamiento al mundo, Masashi Ieshima. - Mi experiencia de un bombardeo y el deseo por un mundo en...

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí

Jordi Calvo - 19/12/2013

Report 20: The Evolution of the Armed forces in Spain. How to reduce the financing of of weapon companies?

Update in the investment of weapons of the armed banks that operate in Spain, to October 2013. It includes an analysis of policies and regulations limiting the financing of weapon companies. Authors: Jordi Calvo Rufanges, Jordi Alsina, Ainhoa Díaz, Arnau Jordà, Cristina Mediavilla and Blanca Nogueras Read and download the full report in Spanish.

  Read and download the full report in Spanish here

Jordi Calvo - 09/09/2013

Banca Armada vs Banca Ética

Book published by Dharana Editorial, about the finance of arms trade, based on the author’s articles in context off the campaigns Banca Armada, BBVA sin armas, Banco Santander sin Armas and Caixabank sin armas.In which is incorporated the critical view of the Corporate Social Responsibility (RSC acronym in Spanish) of the banks, showing that there is an alternate way to be an ethical bank which is...

- 24/11/2009

Atlas del militarismo en España 2009

Atlas del militarismo en España 2009 Publication that explains graphically and visually the Spanish military state: Military spending, weapon industry, arms trade, financing for arms trade, Spanish defense policy, overseas operations and Spanish military state life. Each chapter consist of an introduction, conclusion, and relevant comments; accompanied with graphics, figures, tables, that make it easier to comprehend the data that...

Materiales de trabajo 32, Materiales de trabajo 32, Materiales de trabajo 32 - 10/08/2008

Materiales de trabajo 32

Sumari: - Campanya "BBVA sense armes", Jesús Carrión i Jordi Calvo. - Per què no es publiquen les dades dels finançaments de les exportacions espanyoles d’armament?, Alejandro Pozo. - Desarmar la banca, Pere Ortega. - Agències de Crèdit a l’Exportació: complicitat els estats del Nord en els negocis bruts, Francesc Benítez. - Una banca alternativa: la banca ètica, Jordi Calvo. Para descargar el documento haga...

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Jordi Calvo, Pere Ortega - 10/08/2008

Materiales de trabajo 32

Sumari: - Campanya "BBVA sense armes", Jesús Carrión i Jordi Calvo. - Per què no es publiquen les dades dels finançaments de les exportacions espanyoles d’armament?, Alejandro Pozo. - Desarmar la banca, Pere Ortega. - Agències de Crèdit a l’Exportació: complicitat els estats del Nord en els negocis bruts, Francesc Benítez. - Una banca alternativa: la banca ètica, Jordi Calvo....

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.