Pere Brunet - 24/02/2025

Report 70 from Centre Delàs and ENAAT: The European Defence Fund. The opaque use of public funds

The first EDF work programme was launched in 2021. The Call was published during the last quarter of that year, and on 25 January 2023 the list of approved projects was published. Of the 142 projects submitted, 60 were selected. The budget allocated to them amounts to 1,166 million euros, including 322 million for military research projects and 845 million...

- 12/04/2024

Global Days of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS) 2024 launches the call “War costs us a world. Disarmament now to save people and the planet”

The Global Days of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS), which are taking place between April 12th and May 15th, make a call that aims to target the high opportunity cost of enormous military spending, under the motto "War costs us a world. Disarmament now to save people and the planet." This special period of actions is part of GCOMS campaign...

Xavier Bohigas, Pere Brunet, Teresa de Fortuny - 17/11/2023

Working Paper “Analysis of the first R&D projects of the European Defence Fund”

On the 7th of June 2017, the European Commission officially launched the European Defence Fund (EDF), a programme for financing research on military products and technology. It was the first time that the EU earmarked resources to strictly military research. The Defence Fund is part of the process of militarisation begun by the EU several years ago. Work began on...

- 17/10/2023

Report from Transnational Institute, Stop Wapenhandel and Tipping Point, with the collaboration of Centre Delàs: “Climate crossfire. How NATO’s 2% military targets contribute to climate breakdown”

Climate mitigation and adaptation efforts are chronically underfunded by billions of dollars, deepening the climate crisis and its impacts on citizens around the world. This has made climate finance one of the most contentious issues at annual United Nations climate summits as the richest countries that bear the most responsibility for climate breakdown have failed to keep even their limited...

Xavier Bohigas, Xema Moya, Pere Ortega - 13/12/2022

Report 58: “Spanish military budget sees a massive increase in 2023. The myth of 2% spending on Defense is overcome”

This new report analyzes Spanish military spending for 2023 and finds that it reaches a 2.17% of the GDP, surpassing the NATO guideline if we take into account funds allocated to other departments with a military purpose. The budget of the Ministry of Defense increases in 2023 by 26.31 % with the aim of reaching the 2 % of GDP...

- 14/11/2022

Report from Transnational Institute, Stop Wapenhandel and Tipping Point, with the collaboration of IPB and Centre Delàs: “Climate collateral. How military spending accelerates climate breakdown”

As the world’s climate negotiators gather for their annual summit (COP27) in Egypt, military spending is unlikely to be on the official agenda. Yet, as this report shows, military spending and arms sales have a deep and lasting impact on the capacity to address the climate crisis, let alone in a way that promotes justice. Every dollar spent on the...

- 13/04/2022

The Global Days of Action on Military Spending start with a programme of actions all over the world to claim a reduction of military spending and a compromise to fund peace

The Global Days of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS), that will take place between April 13th and May 12th, claim a budget for peace instead of budgets for war.  This special period of actions is part of the International Peace Bureau’s (IPB) campaign coordinated by Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau, which aims to demand major reductions in global military spending...

Pere Brunet - 17/03/2022

ENAAT and TNI’s report: “Fanning teh flames. How the European Union is fuelling a new arms race”

The European Defence Fund (EDF) and its precursor programmes explicitly aim to strengthen the ‘global competitiveness’ of the technological industrial base of European defence. There is a major disconnect between such technologies and their potential impact beyond the profits they will generate. They will inevitably boost European arms exports and fuel the global arms race, which will in turn lead...

  Read the complete report in English here

Ainhoa Ruiz Benedicto, Alejandro Pozo, Anna Montull Garcia, Camino Simarro, Davi Montesinos, Diego Checa Hidalgo, Edgard Vega, Jordi Calvo, Pere Ortega, Tica Font, Tomàs Gisbert, Xavier Bohigas, Gabriela Serra - 23/12/2021

Report 51: “Prepared for war. How militarism permeates our societies”

Militarism is presented in different ways in our society and the institutions promote this normalization of militaristic security as if there were no other options and perspectives from which to build people's security. The report “Prepared for war. How militarism permeates our societies" is a choral work, with a total of 16 authors from different fields, from the activist to...

  Puedes leer y descargar el informe completo en castellano aquí.

Xavier Bohigas, Pere Ortega, Quique Sánchez Ochoa - 14/12/2021

Report 50: Spain’s real military expenditure for 2022. Investments in weapons shoot up the Defence Budget in the middle of the pandemic

The real military expenditure in the State General Budget for 2022 approved by the coalition government between PSOE (center-left) and Unidas Podemos (left) amounts to 22,796 million of euros, a plus 124% from what is allocated directly to the Ministry of Defence (10,155 million), which means a new historical record and a 5.75% increase with respect to the previous year....

  Puedes leer y descargar el informe completo en castellano aquí.

Ainhoa Ruiz Benedicto, Jordi Calvo - 30/06/2021

A militarised Union. Understanding and confronting the militarisation of the European Union

How is the European Union (EU) preparing itself for the challenges that lie ahead? How will it deal with the climate, economic and social crises we are facing? What steps is it taking to tackle the root causes of these crises? Answers to these questions are vital to those living within and outside the EU. The EU’s priorities and the...

   Read and download the full booklet here

Jordi Calvo - 01/06/2021

No business without enemies: War and the arms trade

The arms trade is one of the world’s most successful corporate enterprises. Not only has it created an economic system that grows regardless, it has normalised war and security responses to every social crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed how ineffective the armed forces are in dealing with a global crisis. They divert resources and distort our response. The pandemic...

  Read TNI's State of Power 2021 here

- 04/05/2021

A new GDAMS infographics compares global military spending with human security and climate emergency mitigation costs

To make visible the outrageous opportunity cost of global military expenditures (1.98 trillion $), the Global Campaing on Military Spending (GCOMS), an International Peace Buereau's campaign coordinated by Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau, has prepared this infographic. It illustrates current levels of military spending, also divided in shares, and compares them with the cost of human security-oriented programmes, including...

Tica Font, Xavier Bohigas, Jordi Calvo, Teresa de Fortuny, Eduardo Melero, Xema Moya, Luis Arbide - 21/04/2021

Pacifistas en acción. Desmilitarizar, desarmar, pacificar

Pacifistas en acción es un análisis único e imprescindible del pacifismo en el Estado español, en el que aparecen las principales iniciativas, acciones y luchas por la paz, el desarme y la desmiliarización. Escrito de manera coral por referentes del pacifismo y antimilitarismo español, muestran no solo quiénes somos, dónde estamos y qué hacemos, sino que identifican también qué nos...

- 12/04/2021

The Global Days of Action on Military Spending start with an international appeal: “Reduce Military Spending. Defend People and the Planet”

The Global Days of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS), that will take place between April 10th and May 17th, claim “Reduce Military Spending, Defend People and the Planet".  This special period of actions is part of the International Peace Bureau’s (IPB) campaign coordinated by Centre Delàs, which aims to demand major reductions in global military spending and the redirection of these...

Pere Brunet, Jordi Calvo, Chloé Meulewaeter, Alejandro Pozo - 26/11/2020

Military Spending and Global Security: Humanitarian and Environmental Perspectives

Global military expenditure reached an estimated $1,822 billion in 2018 and this book questions what that spending responds to and indeed what that entails in terms of global security. The book draws from prior knowledge and research on military expenditure but introduces an all-encompassing, in-depth and original analysis of military spending as a key and often overlooked factor of global...

- 26/11/2020

Routledge publishes the book “Military Spending and Global Security: Humanitarian and Environmental Perspectives” edited by Jordi Calvo

Routledge has launched today the book “Military Spending and Global Security: Humanitarian and Environmental Perspectives”, edited by Centre Delàs Coordinator, Global Campaign On Military Spending (GCOMS) Coordinator and International Peace Bureau (IPB) vice-president, Jordi Calvo Rufanges. The book is part of a joint project of Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau and IPB, carried out within the framework of the...

- 28/10/2020

AIPAZ and its member organizations demand to the Spanish government and parliament a reorientation of military spending towards eco-social investment with gender perspective

As an active member of the Spanish Association for Peace Research (AIPAZ), the Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau joins the petition "Arms or Health" together with numerous civil society organizations by which the Spanish Government and Parliament are urged to redirect military spending to eco-social investment with a gender perspective, especially in favor of people and groups in situations...

Pere Ortega - 16/06/2020

Report 43 of the Centre Delàs “Critique of reason for military spending (years 2019-2020). Despite the COVID-19 crisis, the arms race continues”

The new report published by the Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau on Spain's military spending estimates military spending at 20,030 million euros for the year 2020. These data take into account part of the consolidated budget of the Ministry of Defence, of 10,199 million, the rest of the military expenditure distributed in other ministries that are not included in...

  You can consult and download the complete report in Spanish here.

- 06/05/2020

Will the EU fight for peace or prepare for war? It can’t have it both ways

The EU bears a huge responsibility for what the future will look like, and has a key choice to make: work for sustainable peace by seriously tackling the root causes of conflicts, or continue the path to militarism and prepare for war, writes Laëtitia Sédou. Laëtitia Sédou is the EU project officer at the European Network Against Arms Trade (ENAAT)....

  Read the article in Euractive here

- 27/04/2020

The Delàs Centre and the International Peace Bureau are demanding an urgent reorientation of military spending towards health investment and the cancellation of new arms purchases in order to allocate 13 billion euros to tackle the COVID-19 crisis.

Global military spending reached $1.92 trillion by 2019, a figure that is increasing for the fourth year in a row and shows the largest increase in the last decade.In the case of Spain, the Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau estimates that there will be 20,050 million euros of military spending in 2019, the equivalent of 55 million per day.Since...

- 17/04/2020

The Global Days of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS) 2020 claim “Military Spending for Healthcare Investment”

The Global Days of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS), which is taking place this year from April 10 to May 9, claim "Military Spending for Healthcare Investment". This special period of action is part of the GCOMS (Global Campaign for Action on Military Spending) campaign of the International Peace Bureau (IPB) coordinated by the Delàs Centre, which aims to demand...

- 16/03/2020

Infographics “A decade of militarization and armamentism in the Mediterranean. How countries of the Southern Mediterranean arms themselves and militarise in order to stop migratory flows”

To find out more, read the Working Paper “The Mediterranean, a decade of military policies. Arms and militarization of the Southern Mediterranean”, published by the Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau, in collaboration with NOVACT and SUDS in the framework of the work carried out by the ODHE (Observatory of Human Rights and Business in the Mediterranean).


Gemma Amorós, Jordi Calvo - 12/03/2020

Working Paper “The Mediterranean, a decade of military policies. Weapons and the militarisation of the Southern Mediterranean”

The Mediterranean is a highly militarised region in a state of conflict, it is one that possesses complex security situations, in which Europe has opted to increase its military control and surveillance capabilities, furthering a narrative of securitisation, in which the responsibility for the control of forced migra-tions has been transferred to the main countries of the Southern Mediterranean (Algeria,...

  Please consult the full Working Paper in English here

- 09/09/2019

61 civil society organisations urge the new members of the European Parliament to save the EU peace project

Today, 61 civil society organisations active in a wide range of areas (peace, environment, human rights, science, development, health, humanitarian aid, transparency…) wrote to the Members of the newly elected European Parliament, urging them to save the EU peace project: “Since 2017, EU funds have been diverted for military-related spending, with a €590 million envelope to fund military-industrial Research and...

Teresa de Fortuny, Xavier Bohigas - 09/05/2019

Working Paper: European Defence Fund

The EU’s willingness to increase military spending and encourage the arms sector The European Commission announced in 2016 the EU’s intention to implement a Fund to finance the research and development of military products and technology. The Fund will be endowed with 13 billion euros from the Union’s budgets for the period of 2021-2027. It is also foreseen that, in the development projects, the...

  Descarrega aquí el Working Paper complet en català.
  You can consult and download the full Working Paper in English

- 09/05/2019

Working Paper: European Defence Fund

The EU’s willingness to increase military spending and encourage the arms sector The European Commission announced in 2016 the EU’s intention to implement a Fund to finance the research and development of military products and technology. The Fund will be endowed with 13 billion euros from the Union’s budgets for the period of 2021-2027. It is also foreseen that, in the development projects, the...

  You can consult and download the the full Working Paper in English.

Pere Ortega, Xavier Bohigas - 30/05/2018

Working Paper: The military budget of Spain continues to grow

Analysis of the budget of Defense in 2018 Authors: Pere Ortega and Xavier Bohigas The Working Paper of May 2018 analyzes the military expenditure of the General State Budget for 2018. It presents an increase in military spending of 10.5% with respect to 2017, this increase confirms the political will of the Minister of Defense, María Dolores de Cospedal, to reach...

   You can download the Working Paper in English here

Pere Ortega - 16/10/2017

Report 34: The Absurdity of Military Spending: Analysis of the Budget of defence in Spain, 2017

After being in decline for ten continuous years, the budget of the Spanish Ministry of Defense has increased by 32% compared to 2016. This enormous increase, as well as the budgetary fights that have been applied to hide the real military costs from the public opinion, are analyzed in this new report of Delàs Centre of Studies for Peace. Further, this...

  Read and download the full report in English here


Pere Ortega, Tica Font, Gemma Amorós, Maria de Lluc Bagur - 20/12/2013

Materiales de trabajo 48

Sumario: - Ejércitos nuevos con robots, pero las víctimas las de siempre, Editorial. - ¿Qué podemos hacer con el gasto militar?, Pere Ortega. - "La Marañosa", un nombre simpático para una instalación perversa, M. Gabriela Serra. - La robótica y la revolución de la guerra, Tica Font. - La Estrategia de Seguridad Nacional de 2013: seguridad... ¿para quién?, Gemma Amorós y Maria de Lluc Bagur. - Howard...

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

- 02/07/2013

Report: Guns, debt and corruption

Guns, debt and corruption The Centre Delàs has published the report "Guns, Debt and Corruption. Miltary spending and the EU crisis" in Spanish. Its author is the researcher Frank Slipjer of the campaign against arms trade (Campgne tegen wapenhadel) in the Netherlands, entity of the European Network Against Arms Trade (ENAAT), which the Delàs Center is also part of. This...

  Read and download the full report in English here

Tomàs Gisbert, Pere Ortega, Alejandro Pozo, Camino Simarro - 18/12/2012

Materiales de trabajo 45

Sumario: - Es un deber reducir el gasto militar. - Las trampas del presupuesto militar del año 2013, Pere Ortega. - Créditos para la industria militar a golpe de Real Decreto, Camino Simarro. - Un ejército sobredimensionado, Tomàs Gisbert. - La jurisdicción militar: El recorte que no llega, Tomàs Gisbert. - Reflexiones sobre las operaciones militares españolas en el exterior, Alejandro Pozo. - Noticias. Para...

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.


Materiales de trabajo 43, Materiales de trabajo 43, Materiales de trabajo 43, Materiales de trabajo 43 - 07/12/2011

Materiales de trabajo 43

Sumario: - La inseguridad del escudo antimisiles. - La suspensión de pagos del Ministerio de Defensa, Pere Ortega. - Nuevos discursos, ¿viejos objetivos?, Anna Sánchez. - Escudo antimisiles en la base de Rota, Teresa de Fortuny y Xavier Bohigas. - El respeto a los derechos y la dignidad de la persona en la vida militar, Tomàs Gisbert. - Noticias breves. Para descargar el documento...

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Tomàs Gisbert, José Luis Gordillo, Pere Ortega - 28/10/2010

Materiales de trabajo 40

Sumario: - Caminos de paz para Euskadi. - Sobre las listas de organizaciones terroristas, José Luis Gordillo. - Obama y la extensión de la guerra secreta, Tomàs Gisbert. - La Europa de la vigilancia, Pere Ortega. - La guerra contra el terror en Egipto, sólo un pretexto más, Valentina Saini. - El presupuesto militar de EEUU para 2011, Pere Ortega. Para descargar el documento haga...

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Pere Ortega, Xavier Bohigas - 23/04/2010

Report 5: Spanish military expenditure and R&D 2010

The crisis has affected the world’s economy, especially in Europe, something that has affected different states, which have immediately decreased the welfare budget and affected the military budget. Thus, the military budgets for 2010 foresee a reduction in Europe and Spain is not an exception; the majority of the military sectors were reduced in 2010, although we have to wait...

   You can download the report here in English.


Materiales de trabajo 38, Materiales de trabajo 38, Materiales de trabajo 38 - 08/01/2010

Materiales de trabajo 38

Sumario: - Mercenarios para proteger la pesca española en Somalia.  - El nuevo Tratado de Lisboa y la vieja Política de Seguridad y Defensa, Francesc Benítez.  - Gasto en I+D militar para 2010, Xavier Bohigas.  - La Unión Europea y el comercio de armamento, Eduardo Melero.  - El presupuesto de Defensa del Estado Español 2010, Pere Ortega.  - Noticias.  Para descargar el documento haga...

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.


Eduardo Melero, Pere Ortega - 20/05/2009

Materiales de trabajo 35

Sumario: - Aumentar el compromiso con Afganistán retirando las tropas. - El gasto militar del Estado español para el año 2009. - La guerra de Afganistán es una guerra ilegal, Eduardo Melero. - La factura de la guerra y la crisis económica, Pere Ortega. - APPLUS: Bush, Bin Laden y otros. - El fraude de los créditos de I+D militar. Puedes descargar...

  Puedes descargar aquí el documento en catalán.

Pere Ortega - 09/11/2008

Report 3: Spanish military expenditure 2009

Spanish military expenditure 2009 The Spanish State Budgets project for next year 2009 has been presented in the Congress of Deputies. These budgets are presented in an international conjuncture of economic crisis especially aggravated in the Spanish case. The Spanish Government announces the containment of spending in the public sector and especially that relating to the Ministry of Defense, which...

   You can download the report here in English.

Tica Font, Jordi Calvo, Tomàs Gisbert, Eduardo Melero, Pere Ortega - 17/09/2008

Materials de treball 33

Sumari: - Primera llei que regula el comerç d’armes a Espanya. - La inèrcia de la despesa militar de l’Estat espanyol, Pere Ortega. - La Llei d’ocultació de les vendes d’armes, Eduardo Melero i Tica Font. - BBVA i BANESTO lideren un crèdit sindicat a MAXAM, Tomàs Gisbert. - Un pas més cap a la prohibició de les bombes de dispersió?, Jordi Calvo. -...

   Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

- 07/08/2008

Materiales de trabajo 30

Sumario: - Els excessos del clixé Somàlia, Alejandro Pozo. - La despesa militar de l'exercici 2007, Pere Ortega. - ONG i experts rebutgen la ingerència dels exèrcits en l'ajut humanitari. - Campanya contra les municions de dispersió. - La XVII Trobada de Barcelona denuncia els vincles entre l'actual model de consum i la violència. Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Pere Ortega, Alejandro Pozo - 07/08/2008

Materiales de trabajo 30

Sumario: - Els excessos del clixé Somàlia, Alejandro Pozo. - La despesa militar de l'exercici 2007, Pere Ortega. - ONG i experts rebutgen la ingerència dels exèrcits en l'ajut humanitari. - Campanya contra les municions de dispersió. - La XVII Trobada de Barcelona denuncia els vincles entre l'actual model de consum i la violència. Para descargar el documento haga clic...

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Materiales de trabajo 27, Materiales de trabajo 27 - 04/08/2008

Materiales de trabajo 27

Sumario: - Una defensa militaritzada. - La militarització del pressupost d’Espanya, Pere Ortega. - L’Observatori de la Vida Militar, Tomàs Gisbert. - En memòria de Joseph Rotblat. - Caixa Catalunya i GTD poden adquirir GAMESA. - Resum de la reunió anual de l’ENAAT a Londres, Francesc Benítez. - Un llibre: «No-violència i Transformació Social». Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí

Materiales de trabajo 25, Materiales de trabajo 25 - 02/08/2008

Materiales de trabajo 25

Sumario: - Aeronàutica militar a Catalunya. - Drassanes i la deriva sindical, Pere Ortega. - Les tropes espanyoles a Afganistan i el risc radioactiu, Tomàs Gisbert. - Assistència del Centre d’Estudis per la Pau J.M. Delàs a la reunió de la ENAAT, Francesc Benítez. - Més del mateix. El pressupost militar a Espanya per a l’any2005, Pere Ortega. Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Materiales de trabajo 23, Materiales de trabajo 23, Materiales de trabajo 23 - 31/07/2008

Materiales de trabajo 23

Sumario: - Abolir la guerra. La Constitució Europea i la pau. - L’escalada de la despesa en defensa i el deliri de l’R+D militar a l’Estat espanyol, Pere Ortega. - Dels atacs anticipatorios i la revisió estratègica de la defensa, Tomàs Gisbert. - La Conferència de Donants o «Alí Babá i els 40 llladres», Tica Font. Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.