Report 51: “Prepared for war. How militarism permeates our societies”

Report 51: “Prepared for war. How militarism permeates our societies”

Militarism is presented in different ways in our society and the institutions promote this normalization of militaristic security as if there were no other options and perspectives from which to build people’s security. The report “Prepared for war. How militarism permeates our societies” is a choral work, with a total of 16 authors from different fields, from the activist to the academic, and who have carried out a brief analysis of the ways in which militarism curdles and permeates different aspects of our society, which is why the issue has been addressed in four blocks: the militarization of politics, the humanitarian sphere, education and language, and territories. Although we are aware that there are many spaces and territories that remain to be analysed, this report aims to be an approximation to this analysis.

Coordinator: Jordi Calvo

Editor: Ainhoa Ruiz

Authors: Xavier Bohigas, Adrián Caballero, Diego Checa Hidalgo, Tica Font, Tomàs Gisbert, Davi Montesinos, Anna Montull Garcia, Pere Ortega, Alejandro Pozo Marín, Juan Carlos Rois, Ainhoa Ruiz, Ma Gabriela Serra, Camino Simarro Ortiz, Edgard Vega, M. Koldobike Velasco Vázquez

You can read and download the executive summary in Spanish and in Catalan and the full report in Spanish and in Catalan.
