Jordi Calvo

PhD in peace, conflict and development. Economist and researcher on culture of peace, disarmament, defense economics and arms trade and financing. He worked as a coordinator of humanitarian projects in Liberia, Ivory Coast, Mauritania, Uganda, Zambia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria, Central African Republic. Coordinator of the Center Delàs and international relations, peace, security and conflicts, economics and development cooperation lecturer (UJI, URL, UGR). Member of the International Peace Bureau, coordinator of the Global Campaign on Military Spending.

Lines of research


Report 66: «Armed banking and its joint responsibility in the gaza genocide. The financing of companies that manufacture arms used in the massacres against the Palestinian people»

Report 65: “Peace and Disarmament in Europe: For shared détente, peace and security”

Report 57: “The need and possibility of banning explosive weapons. International Humanitarian Law and precision in old and new explosive weapons”

Centre Delàs, Amnistia Internacional and ECCHR report: “Spanish arms exports and alleged war crimes in Yemen”

Report 51: “Prepared for war. How militarism permeates our societies”

Greenpeace report with the collaboration of Centre Delàs: “The sirens of oil and gas in the age of climate crisis: Europe’s military missions to protect fossil fuels interests”

A militarised Union. Understanding and confronting the militarisation of the European Union

Una Unió militaritzada. Comprendre i afrontar la militarització de la Unió Europea

Una Unión militarizada. Entender y confrontar la militarización de la Unión Europea

No business without enemies: War and the arms trade

Report 48: Financing weapons of the Yemen War. Analysis of the financing of arms companies that have exported to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (2015-2019)

Policy Paper from ECP, IDHC and Centre Delàs: “War in Yemen: Saudi responsibility, European complicity”

From Armed Banking to Ethical Banking. Ten keys for switching to ethical finance

Guía para no colaborar con la financiación de armas

Report by the Centre Delàs and Novact: “The spiral of violence in Fortress Spain. Weapons for war and militarism to protect the borders”

What security, whose security? Military security is not neutral

Report 37: Armed Banking in Spain 2019

Report by the Delàs Centre, Fundació Novessendes and Setem Comunitat Valenciana: “From Armed Banking to Ethical Banking. Towards policy coherence and a culture of peace. The case of the Generalitat Valenciana”

Security policies for peace. Another security is possible and necessary

Delas Centre and Novact report: The transformation of the industrial-military complex

Report 35: Building Walls. Policies of fear and securitization in the European Union

Less military spending for more security. Global Campaign on Military Spending

Indra Sistemas S.A., weapons for war and border militarisation

Report by the Centre Delàs and SETEM Catalunya: “From Armed Banking to Ethical Banking. Towards policy coherence and a culture of peace. The case of Barcelona City Council”.

Report of Delàs Center and ECP: Arms trade and conflicts. Analysis of European exports to countries in tension

Stop military expenditure to stop war

Report of Delàs Center and ECP: Arms trade and conflicts. Analysis of European exports to countries in armed conflict

Report 32: European arms that foster armed conflicts. Conflicts that cause refugees to flee. An analysis of arms exports from the European Union to countries with refugees or internally displaced persons 2003-14

Report of Center Delàs and ECP: Central African Republic: Walking the Fine Line of (un) Governability

Report 28: Banks investements in weapons

Report of Delàs Center and the ECP: Democratic Republic of Congo: Comprehensive review of 20 years of war

War, Peace and Disarmament Dictionary

Report 25: Inertia, waste and fraud in the military expenditure. Spanish Defense budget analysis in 2015

Materiales de trabajo 50

Report 23: Military Drones. The videogame war with real victims.

Report 20: The Evolution of the Armed forces in Spain. How to reduce the financing of of weapon companies?

Banca Armada vs Banca Ética

Report: Inversiones que son la bomba

Report 11: Banks and Arms: Explosive investments