Greenpeace report with the collaboration of Centre Delàs: “The sirens of oil and gas in the age of climate crisis: Europe’s military missions to protect fossil fuels interests”

Greenpeace report with the collaboration of Centre Delàs: “The sirens of oil and gas in the age of climate crisis: Europe’s military missions to protect fossil fuels interests”

The member states of the European Union are dependent on fossil
fuel energy imports. Almost 90% of their oil and 70% of their fossil
gas requirements are currently imported. The European Union is
therefore also dependent on ensuring secure trade routes and
stable conditions in its respective supplier countries. Few EU
citizens are aware that the European Union and its member states
secure these imports militarily by deploying their armed forces
around the world. These deployments add billions of euros to the
already high costs of energy and are also paid for by European

This study aims, as a first step, to identify the military missions
conducted by the EU, Italy, Spain and Germany to protect imports
of the fossil climate killers oil and gas and to determine their costs.

Read and download the full report in English and in Spanish.

Authors: Greenpeace Climate for Peace Team
Research contributions: (EU/OTAN and Spain) Jordi Calvo and Alejandro Pozo, Benjamin Steinmer, Iris Blay; (Italy) Sofia Basso; (Germany) Fabian Schwalm


Research collaborators: Iris Blay and Benjamin Steinmer
Lines of research:
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