Tica Font, Xavier Bohigas, Jordi Calvo, Teresa de Fortuny, Eduardo Melero, Xema Moya, Luis Arbide


Pacifistas en acción. Desmilitarizar, desarmar, pacificar

Pacifistas en acción es un análisis único e imprescindible del pacifismo en el Estado español, en el que aparecen las principales iniciativas, acciones y luchas por la paz, el desarme y la desmiliarización. Escrito de manera coral por referentes del pacifismo y antimilitarismo español, muestran no solo quiénes somos, dónde estamos y qué hacemos, sino que identifican también qué nos...

Pere Brunet, Jordi Calvo, Chloé Meulewaeter, Alejandro Pozo


Military Spending and Global Security: Humanitarian and Environmental Perspectives

Global military expenditure reached an estimated $1,822 billion in 2018 and this book questions what that spending responds to and indeed what that entails in terms of global security. The book draws from prior knowledge and research on military expenditure but introduces an all-encompassing, in-depth and original analysis of military spending as a key and often overlooked factor of global...

Tica Font, Eduardo Melero, Chloé Meulewaeter, Alejandro Pozo


Armas, negocio, política y opacidad. Exportaciones españolas de armamento 2005-2017

The Spain occupies the seventh position in the world ranking of arms exporters. This book offers a statistical study that shows that Spanish arms exports, in the period analyzed, have increased systematically regardless of the party governing, be it the PP or the PSOE, the policy of promoting these exports has been the same. Thus, the authors will show us...

Eduardo Aragón, Jordi Calvo


From Armed Banking to Ethical Banking. Ten keys for switching to ethical finance

From Armed Banking to Ethical Banking: Ten Keys to Ethical Finance is a publication that aims to contribute to social mobilization against the financial practices that fuel the war industry. As consumers, we have great power for social transformation. For this reason, these lines offer alternatives in order to promote changes in the consumption habits of banking and financial services,...

Pere Ortega


Money and militarism. From Franco dictatorship to democracy (1939-2018)

This is certainly an ambitious book. On the first hand, it has the obstacle derived from the limited bibliography and documentation on a subject, the military expenditure in Spain, in which the issues related to defence are not transparent. On the other hand, because it looks for unifying criteria to give an overall view that allows to delimit the existing...

Eduardo Aragón, Jordi Calvo, Chloé Meulewaeter


Guía para no colaborar con la financiación de armas

La banca armada, más de 450 entidades financieras de 35 países de todo el mundo, han financiado con 821.659 millones de dólares en el período 2013-18 a 36 empresas de armas, conformando la banca armada internacional. En esta publicación puedes acceder a información específica de los diferentes tipos de financiación que bancos, aseguradoras e inversoras utilizan para ayudar a la...

Ainhoa Ruiz Benedicto, Alejandro Pozo, Anna Montull Garcia, Arés Perceval, Blanca Camps-Febrer, Camino Simarro, Chloé Meulewaeter, Eduardo Melero, Jordi Calvo, Maria de Lluc Bagur, Pere Brunet, Pere Ortega, Teresa de Fortuny, Xavier Bohigas


Security policies for peace. Another security is possible and necessary

Is a pacifist security possible? Traditional security policies, of military nature, shape the current hegemonic security. Most states have at their disposal trained armies, ready to be used whenever and however it is necessary. Under this conception, countries assume that there are enough reasons to participate in armed conflicts and, as a consequence, they develop similar defense policies. Throughout eighteen...

José Luis Gordillo, Pere Brunet, Xavier Mojal, Pere Ortega


“Is it a war? Jihadism and terrorism”

Peace and Disarmament 2: "Is it a war?Jihadism and terrorism" The cities of Barcelona and Cambrils suffered a serious jihadist attack in August 2017 that shook Catalan and Spanish society. Although attacks of this kind had already occurred in other parts of Europe, until then they had mainly struck in the Arab world, in a few countries in sub-Saharan Africa and South-East Asia. These...

Pere Ortega


The War Economy

War begins in our minds, in the movies we watch, in the social relationships we establish, in the educational system... We live in a society that commodifies and turns everything into business from personal relationships to war.  This book talks about the business behind the war, and is presented as a tour of all the gears that move around the military economy, ultimately war. It...


Cambio climático S.A.

Cambio climático S.A. Cómo el poder [corporativo y militar] está moldeando un mundo de privilegiados y  desposeídos ante la crisis climática En la actual crisis climática, el discurso del capitalismo verde ve la seguridad como un sector en auge del que seguir extrayendo beneficios: de la fabricación de armamento sostenible (balas bajas en plomo, cohetes con menos tóxicos o vehículos...

Pere Ortega


La sociedad noviolenta. Conversaciones con Pepe Beunza.

Dharana Editorial publica la narración de la historia del primer objetor de conciencia por motivos políticos del Estado Español. Las creencias de Gandhi iluminaron y animaron al protagonista de este libro, Pepe Beunza, y a un grupo de españoles a llevar a cabo en 1970 la primera campaña de objeción de conciencia. Gracias a esta campaña y a las sucesivas...

Pere Brunet, Gemma Amorós, Maria de Lluc Bagur, Jordi Calvo, Blanca Camps-Febrer, Ainhoa Ruiz Benedicto, Eduardo Salvador


Mentes militarizadas

Cómo nos educan para asumir la guerra y la violenciaMentes militarizadas muestra con una introducción y nueve capítulos cómo desde diferentes ámbitos se promueve de manera más o menos explícita, pero en todo caso consciente, la militarización de las sociedades y de sus individuos. Sin la militarización de las mentes y sin la naturalización de lo militar, la guerra y...

Xavier Bohigas, Teresa de Fortuny, Gemma Amorós, Pere Brunet, Tica Font, Tomàs Gisbert, Eduardo Melero, Pere Ortega, Ainhoa Ruiz Benedicto


Treinta preguntas sobre la OTAN. Treinta años después del Referéndum

Número 1 de la nueva colección “Paz y Desarme” El Centre Delàs aprovecha el treinta aniversario del referéndum sobre la permanencia de España en la OTAN para precisar de qué forma se han incumplido las condiciones y qué supone continuar en la OTAN. Este trabajo aborda treinta preguntas y respuestas sobre los aspectos relacionados con la OTAN, su funcionamiento, las...

Jordi Calvo, Alejandro Pozo


War, Peace and Disarmament Dictionary

100 entradas para analizar los conflictos armados, la paz y la seguridad El Centro Delàs de Estudios por la Paz ha elaborado este diccionario en el que se analizan, desde un punto de vista crítico, algunos de los principales elementos que en la actualidad explican los conflictos armados, la paz y la seguridad mundiales. El objetivo de esta publicación es...


Drones: shadows of the war on terror

«El dron fascina y aterroriza a partes iguales por la ­innegable ventaja que confiere a quienes pueden ­recurrir a su poder de muerte.» Entronizado como adalid de una supuesta «guerra limpia y quirúrgica», exaltado en la lógica neoliberal por sus posibilidades mercantiles o, en el extremo opuesto, representante de una supuesta maldad tecnológica, el dron es hoy un objeto sacralizado....

Pere Ortega


The Spanish military-industrial complex

Where do our tax money go Con el nombre de lobby militar industrial se denomina a quienes desde el ámbito industrial ejercen presión sobre los gobiernos en favor de sus intereses corporativos. En España también tenemos este lobby que coarta las decisiones de quienes gobiernan. Esto es muy visible a través de las denominadas puertas giratorias. Si a esto se...

Xavier Bohigas, Teresa de Fortuny


Riesgos y amenazas del arsenal nuclear

Razones para su prohibición y eliminación Libro publicado por Editorial Icaria que, en el contexto de la revisión del TNP, recopila de manera profunda los peligros permanentes derivados de la mera existència de armas nucleares: el gran número de accidentes registrados relacionados, la posibilidad de inicio de un conflicto nuclear debido a un error humano o técnico y los ensayos...

Pere Ortega


Las Violencias en América Latina

Book published by Dharana Editorial, about the different violence that tend to happen in South and Central America, which come from social conflict because of the exploitation of resources like mining, deforestation, and intense agriculture; in addition we analyze the militarism and military spending, and the trade of arms, as well as the eternal US influence in internal politics in...

Jordi Calvo


Banca Armada vs Banca Ética

Book published by Dharana Editorial, about the finance of arms trade, based on the author’s articles in context off the campaigns Banca Armada, BBVA sin armas, Banco Santander sin Armas and Caixabank sin armas.In which is incorporated the critical view of the Corporate Social Responsibility (RSC acronym in Spanish) of the banks, showing that there is an alternate way to be an ethical bank which is...

Pere Ortega


Nonviolent society. Conversations with Pepe Beunza.

Published by ICIP, in the collection EINES of Peace, Security and Justice with Icaria editorial, Barcelona, 2012 This book comes from the dialogue between Pere Ortega and Pere Beunza, the first objector to obligatory military service by ideological reasons in the year 1971. Author: Pere OrtegaPublisher: Icaria (2012)Language: Catalan General public price: 14€Centre Delàs price: 10€Member of the Centre Delàs...

Teresa de Fortuny, Xavier Bohigas


L’OTAN, una amenaça global

Este libro es fruto de la Campaña No a la OTAN, no a la guerra. La campaña surgió en Cataluña durante el otoño del 2008 a partir de una llamada de diversas organizaciones europeas para congregar el movimiento por la paz y antiOTAN, en una serie de actividades que fueran la réplica a la celebración institucional del sesenta aniversario de...


Atlas del militarismo en España 2009

Atlas del militarismo en España 2009 Publication that explains graphically and visually the Spanish military state: Military spending, weapon industry, arms trade, financing for arms trade, Spanish defense policy, overseas operations and Spanish military state life. Each chapter consist of an introduction, conclusion, and relevant comments; accompanied with graphics, figures, tables, that make it easier to comprehend the data that...

Tica Font, Pere Ortega, Alejandro Pozo


Deconstruir la guerra

Deconstruir la guerra In Catalan Schools, youth studies the successive conflicts that our country has known, specially the Civil War. They know the highlights of both World Wars and the violence perpetrated by the Cold War. Rarely, however, are they spoken about the armed conflicts happening nowadays, which take millions of lives, destroy entire cities and are environmental threats. Few...


Humanitarismo militar, militarismo humanitario

Humanitarismo militar, militarismo humanitario Humanitarian action is characterized by its neutrality, impartiality, and independence. Military actions are clearly impacted by political interests. Two diametrically opposed realities with points of ambiguous interconnection generate this concern and deserve further explanation. Publisher: Centre Delàs (2007)Language: Catalan General public price: 5€Centre Delàs price: 5€Member of the Centre Delàs price: 5€

Pere Ortega


El militarismo en España

Balance del ciclo armamentista español hasta 2007 Spain has chosen to embrace the evolution of armed conflict such as betting on military actions by sending armed forces to various locations around the planet. The political discourse of ruling elites in Spain has led to a strengthening of militarism. Authors: Arcadi Oliveres and Pere OrtegaPublisher: Icaria (2007)Language: Spanish General public price:...

Eduardo Melero


La declaración de guerra en el ordenamiento jurídico español

This book, primarily a legal work, analyzing the legal requirements of the Spanish armed forces in foreign conflicts, as well as the limits and conditions in which said interventions are found. Author: Eduardo Melero AlonsoPublisher: Dykinson (2006)Language: Spanish Not available

Pere Ortega, Alejandro Pozo


Noviolencia y transformación social

In recent years, the demonstrations that have accompanied the movement against capitalist globalization have relocated the debate on violence/ non-violence within social movements. In this work, nonviolence is approached from the perspective of social transformation, as a mode of change for growing social movements. Authors: Pere Ortega and Alejandro Pozo Publisher: Icaria (2005)Language: Spanish General public price: 8€Centre Delàs price:...


Contra la fam i la guerra

Contra la fam i la guerra The revenues of the 50 largest companies in the world are higher than the combined income of 160 countries as well as global military spending which is 20 times the money needed to eradicate hunger. The world is divided between those who profit off this business, and those who suffer because of it, as...


Pensamiento pacifista

Henry D. Thoreau, Leon Tolstoi, Albert Einstein, Virginia Woolf, Hanna Arendt, Martin Luther King, E. P. Thompson. Antiwar activity needs, if it wants to be fruitful, knowledge, updating, and interactional pacifist group ideas and experiences of earlier times with reflection and current proposal and future. There are groups of historical characters, writers and intellectuals that have contribute ideas that today...

Pere Ortega


El ciclo armamentista español. Una panorámica crítica (1989-1999)

Spain belongs to the EU, NATO, WEU,OSCE, forms part of various euro-armies: Eurofor, Euromarfor, and the European army of the EU, and all of this significantly affects the military policy that the Spanish state follows, it even determines its economy, but in principle it seems a militarized country nor being justified by a proportionate threat. Authors: Arcadi Oliveres and Pere...