Armas, negocio, política y opacidad. Exportaciones españolas de armamento 2005-2017

Armas, negocio, política y opacidad. Exportaciones españolas de armamento 2005-2017

The Spain occupies the seventh position in the world ranking of arms exporters. This book offers a statistical study that shows that Spanish arms exports, in the period analyzed, have increased systematically regardless of the party governing, be it the PP or the PSOE, the policy of promoting these exports has been the same.

Thus, the authors will show us that the Spanish Government is not only very little rigorous in complying with the legislation, but in certain cases it can be understood that it is taking clearly illegal decisions (exports to Saudi Arabia). On the other hand, we will see that economic-commercial criteria (sell as much as possible) and geopolitical criteria (sell to allies) of these exports are prioritized, before the protection of Human Rights or the prevention of armed conflicts.

Authors: Tica Font (coord.), Eduardo Melero (coord.), Alejandro Pozo and Chloé Meulewaeter

Publisher: Icaria Editorial

Language: Spanish

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