
Infografia “Qui vigila el vigilant? Violència a les fronteres i impunitat a Frontex”

Infographic prepared within the framework of the research that gave rise to the Report 62 from Centre Delàs and Irídia: “Who watches the watchman? Border violence and impunity at Frontex”, carried out with the support of the Barcelona City Council.


“War profiteers – Top 15 European arms dealers’ profits in 2022″

The purpose of this fact-sheet by ENAAT (European Network Against Arms Trade) is to look at the sales and profits of the 15 main European arms producers in 2022, and see to what extent they are profiting from the current war and the billions of euros in EU subsidies justified by support for Ukraine. War-profiteers-SQUARED-FINALBaixa


Infographics “The links between transnational corporations, warmongering and the climate emergency”

Infographic prepared within the framework of the research that gave rise to the Report 55 from Centre Delàs "Transnationals, warmongering and climate emergency", carried out with the support of the Barcelona City Council.


Infographics “Combat proven business. Exporting the ‘Israel brand’ to maintain the occupation and normalise injustice”

Infographics elaborated in the framework of the Centre Delàs research “Combat proven business. Exporting the ‘Israel brand’ to maintain the occupation and normalise injustice”.


Infographics “Made in Spain, bombed in Yemen. Arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates”

Infographics elaborated within the joint research with Amnesty Internacional and ECCHR "Spanish arms exports and alleged war crimes in Yemen. How Spanish Arms Exports may have facilitated or contributed to International Crimes allegedly committed in Yemen, 2015-2021".


Infographics “The Militarization of Europe”

Infographics prepared with ENAAT and GCOMS Campaign within the Global Days of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS) 2022.


Infografia GDAMS: “Defund the military. Defend people & the planet”

Infographic prepared by the Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau and the Global Campaign on Military Spending (GCOMS) as part of the Global Action Days on Military Spending 2021. For further information about the Global Days of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS) go to www.demilitarize.org.


Infographics “Spanish Armed Banking: Financing the weapons of the Yemen war”

For further information read our report "Financing weapons of the Yemen War. Analysis of the financing of arms companies that have exported to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (2015-2019)".


Infographics “The 30 states with the highest military expenditure in 2019”

Infographics ellaborated with the most recent figures available at SIPRI’s military expenditure database (2019). On April 26th, 2021, SIPRI will launch military spending data for the year 2020. For further information visit Global Campaign On Military Spending (GDAMS) website.


Infographics: “Militarism and environmental crisis”

For furthter information you can read and download the report 47 by Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau “Militarism and environmental crisis. A necessary reflection”.


ENAAT’s Infographics: “Who gets most of EU funding for military research and development?”

4 countries get 53.5% of the grants allocated so far: France, Italy, Spain and Germany, which are also the main EU arms exporters.  Thales gets 15 grants, and 7 companies of the top 10 were members of the Group of Personalities that advised the European Commission to create this funding, in 2016. Considering the poor implementation of the EU Common position...


Infographics GDAMS 2020: “Healthcare not warfare”

Infographic prepared by the Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau and the Global Campaign on Military Spending (GCOMS) as part of the Global Action Days on Military Spending 2020. For further information about the Global Days of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS) go to www.demilitarize.org.


Infographics “A decade of militarization and armamentism in the Mediterranean. How countries of the Southern Mediterranean arms themselves and militarise in order to stop migratory flows”

To find out more, read the Working Paper “The Mediterranean, a decade of military policies. Arms and militarization of the Southern Mediterranean”, published by the Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau, in collaboration with NOVACT and SUDS in the framework of the work carried out by the ODHE (Observatory of Human Rights and Business in the Mediterranean).


Infographics “Top European arms exports to countries in situations of armed conflict and Human Rights violations”

Infographics made by Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau, l'Escola de Cultura de Pau i l'Institut de Drets Humans de Catalunya based in the contents of the report "Arms trade, conflicts and human rights. Analysis of European arms exports to countries in armed conflict and human rights violations" published on February 2020.


Infographics “Guarding the Fortress. Frontex role in the militarisation and securitisation of migratory flows in the European Union”

For further information read the full report "Guarding the Fortress. Frontex role in the militarisation and securitisation of migratory flows in the European Union" published by Delàs Center for Peace Studies, Transnational institute and Stop Wapenhandel


Infographics “Bulding walls. Policies of fear and securitization in the European Union”

For more information, you can consult the report "Bulding walls. Policies of fear and securitization in the European Union" published by the Delàs Centre of Studies for Peace, the Transnational Institute (TNI) and Stop Wapenhandel. With the support of:


Infographic “Expanding the Fortress. EU’s priority country partners for border and migration control

For more information, you can consult the report "Expanding the fortress. The policies, the profiteers and the people shaped by EU's border externalisation programme" published by the Transnational Institute (TNI), Stop Wapenhandel and the Delàs Center Studies for Peace, in May, 2018.


Infographics ‘Typology of the Special Armament Programs (PEA)’ 1/2

For more information you can consult our report "The weapons bubble and the military industry in Spain. Special Armament Programs"  Centre Delàs Study Centre for Peace, 2017 With the support of: Diputació de Barcelona


Infographics ‘Typology of the Special Armament Programs (PEA)’ 2/2

For more information you can consult our report "The weapons bubble and the military industry in Spain. Special Armament Programs" Centre Delàs Study Centre for Peace, 2017. With the support of: Diputació de Barcelona


Infographics ‘The evolution of military spending in the Special Armament Programs (PEA)’

For more information you can consult our report: "The weapons bubble and the military industry in Spain. Special Armament Programs". Centre Delàs Study Centre for Peace, 2017. With the support of: Diputació de Barcelona


Infographics ‘Arms exports, conflicts and refugees’: Europe and Caucasus 1/6

For more information see report "European arms that foster armed conflicts. Conflicts that cause refugees to flee. An analysis of arms exports from the European Union to countries with refugees or internally displaced persons 2003-14" Centre Delàs Study Centre for Peace, 2017


Infographics: ‘Arms export, conflicts and refugees’: Asia 2/6

For more information see the report: European arms that foster armed conflicts. Conflicts that cause refugees to flee. An analysis of arms exports from the European Union to countries with refugees or internally displaced persons 2003-14, Centre Delàs Study Centre for Peace, 2017


Infographics: ‘Arms exports, conflicts and refugees’: Middle East and Central Asia 3/6

For more information see the report: "European arms that foster armed conflicts. Conflicts that cause refugees to flee. An analysis of arms exports from the European Union to countries with refugees or internally displaced persons 2003-14"  Centre Delàs Study Centre for Peace, 2017.


Infographics ‘Arms exports, conflicts and refugees’: East Africa 4/6

For more information see the report "European arms that foster armed conflicts. Conflicts that cause refugees to flee. An analysis of arms exports from the European Union to countries with refugees or internally displaced persons 2003-14" Centre Delàs Study Centre for Peace, 2017.


Infographics ‘Arms exports, conflicts and refugees’: Central Africa 5/6

For more information, see the report: "European arms that foster armed conflicts. Conflicts that cause refugees to flee. An analysis of arms exports from the European Union to countries with refugees or internally displaced persons 2003-14". Centre Delàs Study Centre for Peace, 2017


Infographics ‘Arms export, conflicts and refugees’: Mediterranean and North Africa 6/6

For more information, see the report: "European arms that foster armed conflicts. Conflicts that cause refugees to flee. An analysis of arms exports from the European Union to countries with refugees or internally displaced persons 2003-14", Centre Delàs Study Centre for Peace, 2017.


Infographics: World Military Expenditure 2016

Infographics created within the framework of GDAMS 2017 (Global Days Against Military Spending), an initiative of the Global Campaign on Military Spending (GCOMS), currently coordinated by the Centre Delàs Study Centre for Peace. For further information: https://demilitarize.org/


Infographics: Spanish arms exports 2015

New infographics: Spanish arms exports 2015. Spanish weapons used in Middle East conflicts For further information, you can read the Centre Delàs's last report "Spanish arms exports 2006-2015. Spanish weapons used in Middle East conflicts"


Infographics BBVA: Funding arms compagnies 2011-2016

For more information, see the report "Banks investments in weapons, is an update of the financing of nuclear weapons, cluster munitions and major arms companies in the Spanish military industry from 2011 up to 2016", published by Centre Delàs Study Centre for Peace. With the support of:


Infographics Banco Santander: Funding arms companies 2011-2016

For more information, see the report "Banks investments in weapons, an update of the financing of nuclear weapons, cluster munitions and major arms companies in the Spanish military industry from 2011 up to 2016", published by Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau. With the support of:


Infographic Caixabank: Funding arms companies, 2011-2016

For further information, see the report "Banks investments in weapons, an update of the financing of nuclear weapons, cluster munitions and major arms companies in the Spanish military industry from 2011 up to 2016" published by Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau, 2016. With the support of:


Infographics Banc Sabadell: Funding arms companies 2011-2016

For more information, see the report "Banks investments in weapons, an update of the financing of nuclear weapons, cluster munitions and major arms companies in the Spanish military industry from 2011 up to 2016", published by Centre Delàs Study Centre for Peace. With the support of: