Ainhoa Ruiz Benedicto, Maria Fraile - 08/02/2024

Report 62 from Centre Delàs and Irídia: “Who watches the watchman? Border violence and impunity at Frontex”

The European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), created to prosecute cross-border crime in 2004, has a long history of controversy. In a context where total global forced displacements are increasing by the millions every year, it is worth asking whether this EU-created agency is best placed to ensure the protection of forcibly displaced people. Irrespective of the question of...

Pere Brunet, Ainhoa Ruiz Benedicto - 17/11/2020

Report 46: “A Walled World, towards a Global Apartheid”

The report "A Walled World, towards a Global Apartheid", aims to analyze the walls that have been built on the borders from 1968 to 2018, as well as the different reasons and more paradigmatic cases of these policies of walled-in. The research also investigates the main companies in the military industrial and security complex, as well as others in the...

Ainhoa Ruiz Benedicto - 21/11/2019

Report 40: Guarding the Fortress. Frontex role in the militarisation and securitisation of migratory flows in the European Union

The new report “Guarding the Fortress: the role of Frontex in the militarization and securitization of migratory flows in the European Union” intends to study and analyze the context in which the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, Frontex, is developed and implemented in the European Union, as well as its operation, mechanisms and main operations carried out. The research addresses the context...

  Read and download the full report in English

- 04/11/2019

Transnational Institute, Stop Wapenhandel and Centre Delàs report: “The Business of Building Walls”

“The business of bulding walls” is a sequel to “Building Walls. Fear and securitization in the European Union” published in 2018 by Delàs Centre of Studies for Peace, Transnational Institute (TNI) and Stop Wapenhandel, which first measured and identified the walls that crisscross Europe. This new report analyzes the businesses that have profited from the construction of walls and technologies spread in European borders, built...

  You can read and download the complete report in English here.

Ainhoa Ruiz Benedicto, Jordi Calvo - 27/10/2019

Report by the Centre Delàs and Novact: “The spiral of violence in Fortress Spain. Weapons for war and militarism to protect the borders”

The "spiral of violence of Fortress Spain: Weapons for war and militarism to protect borders" aims to understand, analyse and study the mechanisms that lead to the militarisation of Spain's Southern Border, which generate the structural, cultural and direct violence faced by people who are being forcibly displaced, either by fleeing from wars and armed conflicts or by the dynamics...

  Read and download the full report in Spanish here.

Pere Brunet, Ainhoa Ruiz Benedicto, Jordi Calvo - 08/11/2018

Report 35: Building Walls. Policies of fear and securitization in the European Union

This report published by Delàs Centre of Studies for Peace, Transnational Institute (TNI) and Stop Wapenhandel, reveals that member states of the European Union and the Schenghen area have constructed almost 1000 km of walls, the equivalent of more than six times the total length of the Berlin Walls,1 since the nineties to prevent displaced people migrating into Europe. These physical walls are...

  You can read and download the complete report in English here


Tica Font, Xavier Bohigas, Teresa de Fortuny, Pere Ortega - 22/09/2016

Materials de treball 54

Sumari:  - Refugiats de les nostres guerres, Editorial.  - Els hidrocarburs i la guerra de Síria Pere Ortega.  - Refugiats i Europa, Andrea Jiménez.  - Les ciutats no han de ser objectiu de combat, Tica Font.  - Pedro Morenés, un paradigma de porta giratòria, Xavier Bohigas i Teresa de Fortuny. Per descarregar el document faci clic aquí

  Per descarregar el document faci clic aquí