- 14/11/2024

Informe 67: Securitització a les ciutats. Estudi de quatre casos i anàlisi des d’una perspectiva de pau, drets i seguretat humana

Aquest informe analitza el desplegament de les polítiques securitàries i les conseqüències de no abordar la seguretat amb perspectiva de seguretat humana a ciutats: Los Angeles, París, Barcelona i Jerusalem, i assenyala que, si bé es pot observar que la implementació de les polítiques de securitització varia entre cada ciutat analitzada en base a les especificitats i casuístiques pròpies, les...

Jordi Calvo, Pere Brunet, Tica Font, Pere Ortega - 27/09/2024

Report 65: “Peace and Disarmament in Europe: For shared détente, peace and security”

The war in Ukraine has accelerated a militarization process within the European Union, which has been slowly simmering since the 2003 security and defense doctrine outlined in the EU High Representative's strategic document "A Secure Europe in a Better World". This process continued until March 21, 2022, when the European Council approved the Strategic Compass to strengthen the EU's security...


Gabriela Serra, Ainhoa Ruiz Benedicto, Alejandro Pozo, Eduardo Melero, José Luis Gordillo, Nora Miralles, Pere Ortega, Teresa de Fortuny, Tica Font, Xavier Bohigas - 23/06/2022

Report 53: “NATO, building global insecurity”

A few days before the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit in Madrid and coinciding with the start of the Peace Summit organized by civil society in response to the Atlantic Alliance summit, the Centre Delàs of Peace Studies, in collaboration with IPB and GCOMS, launched a new report that presents an updated snapshot of NATO, taking into account the...

Ainhoa Ruiz Benedicto, Jordi Calvo - 30/06/2021

A militarised Union. Understanding and confronting the militarisation of the European Union

How is the European Union (EU) preparing itself for the challenges that lie ahead? How will it deal with the climate, economic and social crises we are facing? What steps is it taking to tackle the root causes of these crises? Answers to these questions are vital to those living within and outside the EU. The EU’s priorities and the...

   Read and download the full booklet here

Jordi Calvo - 01/06/2021

No business without enemies: War and the arms trade

The arms trade is one of the world’s most successful corporate enterprises. Not only has it created an economic system that grows regardless, it has normalised war and security responses to every social crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed how ineffective the armed forces are in dealing with a global crisis. They divert resources and distort our response. The pandemic...

  Read TNI's State of Power 2021 here

Tica Font, Xavier Bohigas, Jordi Calvo, Teresa de Fortuny, Eduardo Melero, Xema Moya, Luis Arbide - 21/04/2021

Pacifistas en acción. Desmilitarizar, desarmar, pacificar

Pacifistas en acción es un análisis único e imprescindible del pacifismo en el Estado español, en el que aparecen las principales iniciativas, acciones y luchas por la paz, el desarme y la desmiliarización. Escrito de manera coral por referentes del pacifismo y antimilitarismo español, muestran no solo quiénes somos, dónde estamos y qué hacemos, sino que identifican también qué nos...

Pere Brunet, Jordi Calvo, Chloé Meulewaeter, Alejandro Pozo - 26/11/2020

Military Spending and Global Security: Humanitarian and Environmental Perspectives

Global military expenditure reached an estimated $1,822 billion in 2018 and this book questions what that spending responds to and indeed what that entails in terms of global security. The book draws from prior knowledge and research on military expenditure but introduces an all-encompassing, in-depth and original analysis of military spending as a key and often overlooked factor of global...

- 26/11/2020

Routledge publishes the book “Military Spending and Global Security: Humanitarian and Environmental Perspectives” edited by Jordi Calvo

Routledge has launched today the book “Military Spending and Global Security: Humanitarian and Environmental Perspectives”, edited by Centre Delàs Coordinator, Global Campaign On Military Spending (GCOMS) Coordinator and International Peace Bureau (IPB) vice-president, Jordi Calvo Rufanges. The book is part of a joint project of Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau and IPB, carried out within the framework of the...

- 28/10/2020

AIPAZ and its member organizations demand to the Spanish government and parliament a reorientation of military spending towards eco-social investment with gender perspective

As an active member of the Spanish Association for Peace Research (AIPAZ), the Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau joins the petition "Arms or Health" together with numerous civil society organizations by which the Spanish Government and Parliament are urged to redirect military spending to eco-social investment with a gender perspective, especially in favor of people and groups in situations...


Gemma Amorós, Jordi Calvo - 12/03/2020

Working Paper “The Mediterranean, a decade of military policies. Weapons and the militarisation of the Southern Mediterranean”

The Mediterranean is a highly militarised region in a state of conflict, it is one that possesses complex security situations, in which Europe has opted to increase its military control and surveillance capabilities, furthering a narrative of securitisation, in which the responsibility for the control of forced migra-tions has been transferred to the main countries of the Southern Mediterranean (Algeria,...

  Please consult the full Working Paper in English here

Nora Miralles, Pere Ortega - 17/01/2020

Report 42: “The military and borders’ security industry in Catalonia”

The report “The military and borders’ security industry in Catalonia” aims to provide information on the reality of the presence of this type of companies in Catalonia. The research analyzes the growing trend of production in the security sector, linked to companies that already provided military components and services to big companies of the defense sector or to the Spanish...

Ainhoa Ruiz Benedicto - 21/11/2019

Report 40: Guarding the Fortress. Frontex role in the militarisation and securitisation of migratory flows in the European Union

The new report “Guarding the Fortress: the role of Frontex in the militarization and securitization of migratory flows in the European Union” intends to study and analyze the context in which the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, Frontex, is developed and implemented in the European Union, as well as its operation, mechanisms and main operations carried out. The research addresses the context...

  Read and download the full report in English

Tica Font, Pere Ortega - 18/09/2019

Report 38: Violence, security and peace building in the city

It is in the cities where most of the world's citizenship is concentrated, 55%, and at the same time, it is the space where most conflicts are settled. Conflicts are directly related to the commodification of the city, the city as a business; and the diversity and plurality of the people who live in urban conurbations. It is then the confrontation...

  Read and download the full report in English here

Teresa de Fortuny, Xavier Bohigas - 09/05/2019

Working Paper: European Defence Fund

The EU’s willingness to increase military spending and encourage the arms sector The European Commission announced in 2016 the EU’s intention to implement a Fund to finance the research and development of military products and technology. The Fund will be endowed with 13 billion euros from the Union’s budgets for the period of 2021-2027. It is also foreseen that, in the development projects, the...

  Descarrega aquí el Working Paper complet en català.
  You can consult and download the full Working Paper in English

- 09/05/2019

Working Paper: European Defence Fund

The EU’s willingness to increase military spending and encourage the arms sector The European Commission announced in 2016 the EU’s intention to implement a Fund to finance the research and development of military products and technology. The Fund will be endowed with 13 billion euros from the Union’s budgets for the period of 2021-2027. It is also foreseen that, in the development projects, the...

  You can consult and download the the full Working Paper in English.

Nora Miralles - 22/01/2019

Report 36: Gender and security policies. A feminist look into the impacts of militarization in the West

Gender and security policies. A feminist look into the impacts of militarization in the West The rise of the populist far right, which rules alone or in coalition in the USA and in ten European countries, predicts a dark period towards freedom rights, especially to women and LGTBI rights. Policies against people’s rights cling to the idea of returning to...

  You can read and download the complete report in English here.

Ainhoa Ruiz Benedicto, Alejandro Pozo, Anna Montull Garcia, Arés Perceval, Dúnia Camps-Febrer, Camino Simarro, Chloé Meulewaeter, Eduardo Melero, Jordi Calvo, Maria de Lluc Bagur, Pere Brunet, Pere Ortega, Teresa de Fortuny, Xavier Bohigas - 17/01/2019

Security policies for peace. Another security is possible and necessary

Is a pacifist security possible? Traditional security policies, of military nature, shape the current hegemonic security. Most states have at their disposal trained armies, ready to be used whenever and however it is necessary. Under this conception, countries assume that there are enough reasons to participate in armed conflicts and, as a consequence, they develop similar defense policies. Throughout eighteen...

- 13/02/2018

Market Forces: The development of the EU Security-Industrial Complex

A group of transnationals is receiving millions of euros of public research funds to develop surveillance technologies and increasingly invasive espionage, as revealed by a new report published by the Transnational Institute, Statewatch, the Delàs Center for Studies for Peace, International Institute for Nonviolent Action (NOVACT) and the Center for Education and Research for Peace (CEIPAZ). The report Market forces reveals that the research program...

  You can read and download the complete report in English here.


Tica Font, Xavier Bohigas, Teresa de Fortuny, Pere Ortega - 22/09/2016

Materials de treball 54

Sumari:  - Refugiats de les nostres guerres, Editorial.  - Els hidrocarburs i la guerra de Síria Pere Ortega.  - Refugiats i Europa, Andrea Jiménez.  - Les ciutats no han de ser objectiu de combat, Tica Font.  - Pedro Morenés, un paradigma de porta giratòria, Xavier Bohigas i Teresa de Fortuny. Per descarregar el document faci clic aquí

  Per descarregar el document faci clic aquí

- 01/06/2016

Desalojar al enemigo

Dos noticias sobre desalojos llenan las noticias de los últimos días. Se desalojan personas por orden judicial o política. Pero se desaloja como verbo transitivo, es decir, el que significa sacar una persona del lugar donde estaba alojada, como lo define la Enciclopedia Catalana, que, curiosamente, utiliza como ejemplo uno que no podía venir más al caso: "Desalojar el enemigo de...

Xavier Bohigas, Teresa de Fortuny, Gemma Amorós, Pere Brunet, Tica Font, Tomàs Gisbert, Eduardo Melero, Pere Ortega, Ainhoa Ruiz Benedicto - 03/03/2016

Treinta preguntas sobre la OTAN. Treinta años después del Referéndum

Número 1 de la nueva colección “Paz y Desarme” El Centre Delàs aprovecha el treinta aniversario del referéndum sobre la permanencia de España en la OTAN para precisar de qué forma se han incumplido las condiciones y qué supone continuar en la OTAN. Este trabajo aborda treinta preguntas y respuestas sobre los aspectos relacionados con la OTAN, su funcionamiento, las...

Xavier Bohigas, Teresa de Fortuny - 08/01/2015

Riesgos y amenazas del arsenal nuclear

Razones para su prohibición y eliminación Libro publicado por Editorial Icaria que, en el contexto de la revisión del TNP, recopila de manera profunda los peligros permanentes derivados de la mera existència de armas nucleares: el gran número de accidentes registrados relacionados, la posibilidad de inicio de un conflicto nuclear debido a un error humano o técnico y los ensayos...


Xavier Bohigas, José Luis Gordillo, Camino Simarro - 22/04/2014

Materiales de trabajo 49

Sumario: - Tres años de guerra en Síria, Editorial. - Necesitamos un tratado de prohibición de las armas nucleares, Xavier Bohigas. - “Combat Proven”, armas entre la guerra y la feria de muestras, Camino Simarro. - Gran guerra y literatura antimilitarista, José Luis Gordillo. - Bombardeos químicos en el Rif, M. Gabriela Serra. - Noticias. Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Tica Font, Jordi Calvo, Pere Ortega - 21/03/2013

Materials de treball 46

Sumari: - Cal un nou plantejament de seguretat. - Riscos i amenaces a la seguretat de Catalunya, Tica Font. - Quina defensa i seguretat per a Catalunya, Pere Ortega. - Quina seguretat per a Catalunya?, Tomàs Gisbert. - Propostes de seguretat i defensa dels partits polítics catalans, Jordi Calvo i Roger Bruguera. Per descarregar el document faci clic aquí.

  Per descarregar el document faci clic aquí.


Materiales de trabajo 43, Materiales de trabajo 43, Materiales de trabajo 43, Materiales de trabajo 43 - 07/12/2011

Materiales de trabajo 43

Sumario: - La inseguridad del escudo antimisiles. - La suspensión de pagos del Ministerio de Defensa, Pere Ortega. - Nuevos discursos, ¿viejos objetivos?, Anna Sánchez. - Escudo antimisiles en la base de Rota, Teresa de Fortuny y Xavier Bohigas. - El respeto a los derechos y la dignidad de la persona en la vida militar, Tomàs Gisbert. - Noticias breves. Para descargar el documento...

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

- 23/06/2010

TNI and Statewatch’s report: NeoConOpticon

The report from the Transnational Institute, reveals the tight established relations between security policies of the European Commission of the EU and the great industrial military groups that, in mutual agreement, have casted shared programs of security. This has produced a drift to militarized security, as show in multiple initiatives (ESPR, FRONTEX...) casted from the EU. A report that alerts...

  Read and download the full report in English here

Teresa de Fortuny, Xavier Bohigas - 29/03/2010

L’OTAN, una amenaça global

Este libro es fruto de la Campaña No a la OTAN, no a la guerra. La campaña surgió en Cataluña durante el otoño del 2008 a partir de una llamada de diversas organizaciones europeas para congregar el movimiento por la paz y antiOTAN, en una serie de actividades que fueran la réplica a la celebración institucional del sesenta aniversario de...


Materiales de trabajo 38, Materiales de trabajo 38, Materiales de trabajo 38 - 08/01/2010

Materiales de trabajo 38

Sumario: - Mercenarios para proteger la pesca española en Somalia.  - El nuevo Tratado de Lisboa y la vieja Política de Seguridad y Defensa, Francesc Benítez.  - Gasto en I+D militar para 2010, Xavier Bohigas.  - La Unión Europea y el comercio de armamento, Eduardo Melero.  - El presupuesto de Defensa del Estado Español 2010, Pere Ortega.  - Noticias.  Para descargar el documento haga...

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Materiales de trabajo 31, Materiales de trabajo 31, Materiales de trabajo 31 - 08/08/2008

Materiales de trabajo 31

Sumario: - La despesa de les missions espanyoles a l'exterior, Pere Ortega. - Agència Europea de Defensa: Oficina del Lobby de la Indústria de Defensa Europea, Francesc Benítez. - Els militars volen que es parli d’ells en una nova assignatura, Tica Font. - Sobre el Projecte de llei de carrera militar, Tomàs Gisbert. Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Materiales de trabajo 27, Materiales de trabajo 27 - 04/08/2008

Materiales de trabajo 27

Sumario: - Una defensa militaritzada. - La militarització del pressupost d’Espanya, Pere Ortega. - L’Observatori de la Vida Militar, Tomàs Gisbert. - En memòria de Joseph Rotblat. - Caixa Catalunya i GTD poden adquirir GAMESA. - Resum de la reunió anual de l’ENAAT a Londres, Francesc Benítez. - Un llibre: «No-violència i Transformació Social». Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí