Pere Brunet - 24/02/2025

Report 70 from Centre Delàs and ENAAT: The European Defence Fund. The opaque use of public funds

The first EDF work programme was launched in 2021. The Call was published during the last quarter of that year, and on 25 January 2023 the list of approved projects was published. Of the 142 projects submitted, 60 were selected. The budget allocated to them amounts to 1,166 million euros, including 322 million for military research projects and 845 million...

Chloé Meulewaeter - 07/12/2023

Report from ENAAT with Centre Delàs: “From war lobby to war economy. How the arms industry shapes European policies”

In October 2017 the Belgian NGO Vredesactie published the report ‘Securing Profits: How the arms lobby is hijacking Europe’s defence policy’. It showed the high degree of influence the arms industry – in particular a group of large companies – had in shaping the EU’s unfolding military policies, with a focus on its role in the establishment of the European...

Xavier Bohigas, Pere Brunet, Teresa de Fortuny - 17/11/2023

Working Paper “Analysis of the first R&D projects of the European Defence Fund”

On the 7th of June 2017, the European Commission officially launched the European Defence Fund (EDF), a programme for financing research on military products and technology. It was the first time that the EU earmarked resources to strictly military research. The Defence Fund is part of the process of militarisation begun by the EU several years ago. Work began on...


Ainhoa Ruiz Benedicto, Alejandro Pozo - 03/10/2022

Informe 54: “Combat proven business. Exporting the ‘Israel brand’ to maintain the occupation and normalise injustice”

Exporting arms to Israel contravenes the spirit and letter of the law designed to reduce suffering and instability in many countries. However, exports to Israel are normalised, even encouraged, in the vast majority of weapons producing countries. Yet Israel has one of the world’s most important military industries, and in fact has a greater needs to sell than to buy...

Ainhoa Ruiz Benedicto, Alejandro Pozo, Anna Montull Garcia, Camino Simarro, Davi Montesinos, Diego Checa Hidalgo, Edgard Vega, Jordi Calvo, Pere Ortega, Tica Font, Tomàs Gisbert, Xavier Bohigas, Gabriela Serra - 23/12/2021

Report 51: “Prepared for war. How militarism permeates our societies”

Militarism is presented in different ways in our society and the institutions promote this normalization of militaristic security as if there were no other options and perspectives from which to build people's security. The report “Prepared for war. How militarism permeates our societies" is a choral work, with a total of 16 authors from different fields, from the activist to...

  Puedes leer y descargar el informe completo en castellano aquí.

Xavier Bohigas, Pere Ortega, Quique Sánchez Ochoa - 14/12/2021

Report 50: Spain’s real military expenditure for 2022. Investments in weapons shoot up the Defence Budget in the middle of the pandemic

The real military expenditure in the State General Budget for 2022 approved by the coalition government between PSOE (center-left) and Unidas Podemos (left) amounts to 22,796 million of euros, a plus 124% from what is allocated directly to the Ministry of Defence (10,155 million), which means a new historical record and a 5.75% increase with respect to the previous year....

  Puedes leer y descargar el informe completo en castellano aquí.

Ainhoa Ruiz Benedicto, Jordi Calvo - 30/06/2021

A militarised Union. Understanding and confronting the militarisation of the European Union

How is the European Union (EU) preparing itself for the challenges that lie ahead? How will it deal with the climate, economic and social crises we are facing? What steps is it taking to tackle the root causes of these crises? Answers to these questions are vital to those living within and outside the EU. The EU’s priorities and the...

   Read and download the full booklet here

Tica Font, Xavier Bohigas, Jordi Calvo, Teresa de Fortuny, Eduardo Melero, Xema Moya, Luis Arbide - 21/04/2021

Pacifistas en acción. Desmilitarizar, desarmar, pacificar

Pacifistas en acción es un análisis único e imprescindible del pacifismo en el Estado español, en el que aparecen las principales iniciativas, acciones y luchas por la paz, el desarme y la desmiliarización. Escrito de manera coral por referentes del pacifismo y antimilitarismo español, muestran no solo quiénes somos, dónde estamos y qué hacemos, sino que identifican también qué nos...

- 26/10/2020

ENAAT’s Infographics: “Who gets most of EU funding for military research and development?”

4 countries get 53.5% of the grants allocated so far: France, Italy, Spain and Germany, which are also the main EU arms exporters.  Thales gets 15 grants, and 7 companies of the top 10 were members of the Group of Personalities that advised the European Commission to create this funding, in 2016. Considering the poor implementation of the EU Common position...

- 06/05/2020

Will the EU fight for peace or prepare for war? It can’t have it both ways

The EU bears a huge responsibility for what the future will look like, and has a key choice to make: work for sustainable peace by seriously tackling the root causes of conflicts, or continue the path to militarism and prepare for war, writes Laëtitia Sédou. Laëtitia Sédou is the EU project officer at the European Network Against Arms Trade (ENAAT)....

  Read the article in Euractive here

Nora Miralles, Pere Ortega - 17/01/2020

Report 42: “The military and borders’ security industry in Catalonia”

The report “The military and borders’ security industry in Catalonia” aims to provide information on the reality of the presence of this type of companies in Catalonia. The research analyzes the growing trend of production in the security sector, linked to companies that already provided military components and services to big companies of the defense sector or to the Spanish...

- 09/09/2019

61 civil society organisations urge the new members of the European Parliament to save the EU peace project

Today, 61 civil society organisations active in a wide range of areas (peace, environment, human rights, science, development, health, humanitarian aid, transparency…) wrote to the Members of the newly elected European Parliament, urging them to save the EU peace project: “Since 2017, EU funds have been diverted for military-related spending, with a €590 million envelope to fund military-industrial Research and...

- 30/05/2019

Letter from European researchers and academics concerning Israel’s participation in European research programmes

The Delàs Center of Studies for Peace and its members have joined the European Coordination Of Committees And Associations For Palestine petition to stop funding with Research European Programmes, Israeli manufacturers of weapons and surveillance system that test their arms and tecnologies in Gaza as a “test-field”. Researchers, academics and organizations sign this letter that sent to the High Representative of the European Union...

Jordi Calvo, Xavier Bohigas, Teresa de Fortuny, Ainhoa Ruiz Benedicto - 09/01/2019

Delas Centre and Novact report: The transformation of the industrial-military complex

The transformation of the industrial-military complex. Evolution, influence and violation of human rights in Homeland Security This report has been carried out within the framework of the project “STOP CORPORATE WARS” of prevention of modern warfare. It is part of the investigation and monitorization conducted by the Observatory Shock Monitor about the impact of modern war on human rights, and...

  Read and download the full report in Spanish

Jordi Calvo - 04/07/2018

Indra Sistemas S.A., weapons for war and border militarisation

Indra is one of the main military companies in Spain and one of the main defences and security companies in Europe. Indra has a strong presence in lobbies in Europe and a close relationship with the Spanish government (18.7% of its shares are owned by SEPI - a public government company), and this active lobbying has resulted in a large...

  Download the complete file in Spanish

Pere Ortega, Xavier Bohigas - 30/05/2018

Working Paper: The military budget of Spain continues to grow

Analysis of the budget of Defense in 2018 Authors: Pere Ortega and Xavier Bohigas The Working Paper of May 2018 analyzes the military expenditure of the General State Budget for 2018. It presents an increase in military spending of 10.5% with respect to 2017, this increase confirms the political will of the Minister of Defense, María Dolores de Cospedal, to reach...

   You can download the Working Paper in English here

Pere Ortega - 29/05/2018

The War Economy

War begins in our minds, in the movies we watch, in the social relationships we establish, in the educational system... We live in a society that commodifies and turns everything into business from personal relationships to war.  This book talks about the business behind the war, and is presented as a tour of all the gears that move around the military economy, ultimately war. It...

- 13/02/2018

Market Forces: The development of the EU Security-Industrial Complex

A group of transnationals is receiving millions of euros of public research funds to develop surveillance technologies and increasingly invasive espionage, as revealed by a new report published by the Transnational Institute, Statewatch, the Delàs Center for Studies for Peace, International Institute for Nonviolent Action (NOVACT) and the Center for Education and Research for Peace (CEIPAZ). The report Market forces reveals that the research program...

  You can read and download the complete report in English here.


- 06/02/2018

Arenys de Munt aprueba una moción del Centro Delàs de rechazo a la producción y venta de armas que alimentan los conflictos de los que huyen las personas refugiadas

Desde el Centro Delàs de Estudios por la Paz se está impulsando una moción que insta a la regulación del comercio de armas/empresas productoras de armamento a nivel local, desde la premisa que muchas de las exportaciones de material militar guardan una relación directa con los conflictos armados de los cuales huyen las personas refugiadas. La moción, propuesta por la...

Pere Ortega - 07/09/2017

Report 33: The weapons bubble and the military industry in Spain. Special Armament Programs

The weapons bubble and the military industry in Spain. Special Armament Programs The military industry in Spain is largely fuelled by the demands of the Ministry of Defense, and in particular by the so-called Special Armament Programs – Programas Especiales de Armamentos (PEA). PEA were approved the first time in 1998 and since then, due to the commitments made, generated...

  You can download here the full report in English.


Tica Font, Xavier Bohigas, Teresa de Fortuny, Pere Ortega - 22/09/2016

Materials de treball 54

Sumari:  - Refugiats de les nostres guerres, Editorial.  - Els hidrocarburs i la guerra de Síria Pere Ortega.  - Refugiats i Europa, Andrea Jiménez.  - Les ciutats no han de ser objectiu de combat, Tica Font.  - Pedro Morenés, un paradigma de porta giratòria, Xavier Bohigas i Teresa de Fortuny. Per descarregar el document faci clic aquí

  Per descarregar el document faci clic aquí


Xavier Bohigas, Teresa de Fortuny - 25/01/2016

Materiales de trabajo 53

Sumario: - Es necesario abolir las armas nucleares, Editorial. - Contribución de las empresas españolas a la financiación del armamento nuclear, Xavier Bohigas y Teresa de Fortuny. - Situación actual del arsenal nuclear mundial, Teresa de Fortuny y Xavier Bohigas. - Mi llamamiento al mundo, Masashi Ieshima. - Mi experiencia de un bombardeo y el deseo por un mundo en...

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí

Tomàs Gisbert - 08/07/2015

Report: Siege of Communities: The impacts of a Catalan company, Grup TCB, in Buenaventura, Colombia

This report was born out of two concerns: the first, caused by the situation of extreme violence and barbarism in the city of Buenaventura. This violence is well known, but more than 30,000 people from Bonaventura were able to put it on the front page of the Colombian press during a courageous demonstration on 19 February last year. And the...

  You can download here the report in Spanish.

Pere Ortega - 10/06/2015

The Spanish military-industrial complex

Where do our tax money go Con el nombre de lobby militar industrial se denomina a quienes desde el ámbito industrial ejercen presión sobre los gobiernos en favor de sus intereses corporativos. En España también tenemos este lobby que coarta las decisiones de quienes gobiernan. Esto es muy visible a través de las denominadas puertas giratorias. Si a esto se...

- 17/05/2010

Think tanks y complejo industrial militar

This work claims to offer an analysis of the structure and the three functions of the most important think tanks and represented by the United States, all of the voices in Washington. The three, although have different political views, have the explicit missions to defend and promote the interest of North Americans in the world, and to consolidate the US...

  Read and download the full report in Spanish here


Materiales de trabajo 38, Materiales de trabajo 38, Materiales de trabajo 38 - 08/01/2010

Materiales de trabajo 38

Sumario: - Mercenarios para proteger la pesca española en Somalia.  - El nuevo Tratado de Lisboa y la vieja Política de Seguridad y Defensa, Francesc Benítez.  - Gasto en I+D militar para 2010, Xavier Bohigas.  - La Unión Europea y el comercio de armamento, Eduardo Melero.  - El presupuesto de Defensa del Estado Español 2010, Pere Ortega.  - Noticias.  Para descargar el documento haga...

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

- 24/11/2009

Atlas del militarismo en España 2009

Atlas del militarismo en España 2009 Publication that explains graphically and visually the Spanish military state: Military spending, weapon industry, arms trade, financing for arms trade, Spanish defense policy, overseas operations and Spanish military state life. Each chapter consist of an introduction, conclusion, and relevant comments; accompanied with graphics, figures, tables, that make it easier to comprehend the data that...


Eduardo Melero, Pere Ortega - 20/05/2009

Materiales de trabajo 35

Sumario: - Aumentar el compromiso con Afganistán retirando las tropas. - El gasto militar del Estado español para el año 2009. - La guerra de Afganistán es una guerra ilegal, Eduardo Melero. - La factura de la guerra y la crisis económica, Pere Ortega. - APPLUS: Bush, Bin Laden y otros. - El fraude de los créditos de I+D militar. Puedes descargar...

  Puedes descargar aquí el documento en catalán.

Tica Font, Jordi Calvo, Tomàs Gisbert, Pere Ortega - 17/09/2008

Materiales de trabajo 34

Sumario: - Éxito del movimiento pacifista: la prohibición de las bombas de dispersión. - El escándalo de los créditos en I+D militar, Pere Ortega. - Agrocombustibles y violencia, Tomàs Gisbert. - Razones de ser y justificaciones de los ejércitos: la Unidad Militar de Emergencias, Miquel González. - Actualidad de las campañas por el desarme del Centre Delàs, Jordi Calvo. - Informe 2007 de exportaciones...

  Puedes descargar el documento aquí en castellano

Pere Ortega - 01/08/2008

El ciclo armamentista español. Una panorámica crítica (1989-1999)

Spain belongs to the EU, NATO, WEU,OSCE, forms part of various euro-armies: Eurofor, Euromarfor, and the European army of the EU, and all of this significantly affects the military policy that the Spanish state follows, it even determines its economy, but in principle it seems a militarized country nor being justified by a proportionate threat. Authors: Arcadi Oliveres and Pere...