Report: Siege of Communities: The impacts of a Catalan company, Grup TCB, in Buenaventura, Colombia

Report: Siege of Communities: The impacts of a Catalan company, Grup TCB, in Buenaventura, Colombia

This report was born out of two concerns: the first, caused by the situation of extreme violence and barbarism in the city of Buenaventura. This violence is well known, but more than 30,000 people from Bonaventura were able to put it on the front page of the Colombian press during a courageous demonstration on 19 February last year. And the second concern was generated knowing that a Catalan company, Grup Marítim Terminal de Contenidors de Barcelona, SL, (Grup TCB), has a millionaire investment in the port of this Pacific city.

Authors: Tomàs Gisbert, Maria Jesús Pinto and Javier Sulé

You can download here the report in Spanish.

Tags: Industry and military R+D


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