Report 62 from Centre Delàs and Irídia: “Who watches the watchman? Border violence and impunity at Frontex”

Report 62 from Centre Delàs and Irídia: “Who watches the watchman? Border violence and impunity at Frontex”

The European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), created to prosecute cross-border crime in 2004, has a long history of controversy. In a context where total global forced displacements are increasing by the millions every year, it is worth asking whether this EU-created agency is best placed to ensure the protection of forcibly displaced people. Irrespective of the question of whether or not some have the right to seek asylum, such as those fleeing poverty, climate degradation or suffering from other causes of migration not recognised in the 1951 Refugee Convention.

This report, published with Irídia, continues the work begun in 2019 with the publication of our Guarding the Fortress report. It analyses the evolution of an agency whose resources, functions and staff constantly increase. Five years on, this new report seeks to continue to shed light on Frontex’s activities and its remarkable evolution as a border management agency in a European Union that is demonstrably failing in its duty to protect human rights.

Read and download the executive summary in English, in Spanish and in Catalan, and the full report in English, in Spanish and in Catalan.

Authors: Ainhoa Ruiz Benedicto, Maria Fraile and Sani Ladan


Fellow researchers: Sani Ladan
Lines of research: ,
Posted in Barcelona, el 08/02/2024
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