Diego Checa Hidalgo
Doctor in Contemporary History from the University of Granada. He works as Assistant Professor in the Department of Contemporary History at the University of Granada, where he is Coordinator of the Degree in History and Director of the Journal of Peace and Conflicts. He is a member of the Instituto de Paz y Conflictos (Institute for Peace and Conflicts) and the Center for International Cooperation and Development Studies at the University of Bucharest.
With a background as a historian, he has specialized in the study of the theory and practice of nonviolent action, and of international conflict management from the perspective of the History of the Present Time, the History of International Relations and the Research for Peace. His research experience has led him to develop projects in Latin America (Mexico, Colombia), the Middle East (Palestine) and Southern Europe (Spain, former Yugoslavia).
Lines of research
Report 51: “Prepared for war. How militarism permeates our societies”