Report 65: “Peace and Disarmament in Europe: For shared détente, peace and security”

The war in Ukraine has accelerated a militarization process within the European Union, which has been slowly simmering since the 2003 security and defense doctrine outlined in the EU High Representative's strategic document "A Secure Europe in a Better World". This process continued until March 21, 2022, when the European Council approved the Strategic Compass to strengthen the EU's security...

Informe 66: “La Banca Armada y su corresponsabilidad en el genocidio en Gaza. La financiación de las empresas que fabrican las armas usadas en las masacres contra la población palestina”

El informe “La Banca Armada y su corresponsabilidad en el genocidio en Gaza. La financiación de las empresas que fabrican las armas usadas en las masacres contra la población palestina” pone el foco en el negocio de los bancos y las empresas de armas que se están lucrando de la ofensiva israelí sobre Gaza. Para ello, se establecen y documentan...

Issue Briefing from Transnational Institute, Stop Wapenhandel and Tipping Point North South, copublished by Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau: “Climate on the Crosshairs: “The planetary impact of NATO’s spending increases”

As NATO marks its 75th anniversary at its summit in Washington D.C. in July 2024, what will be the climateimpacts of the world’s most powerful military alliance? NATO spent $1.34 trillion dollars on the military in2023, an increase of $126 billion in one year. This research conducted by Transnational Institute, Stop Wapenhandel and Tipping Point North South, copublished by Centre...

Informe 64: “Business as usual. Analysis of the Spanish arms trade in 2022-23 and the case for an arms embargo on Israel”

Spanish arms exports in 2022 increased by 24% compared to 2021, the second highest figure in the history of Spanish arms exports, only slightly surpassed in 2017. Moreover, the only data available made public by the Spanish government on defense and dual-use material exports in 2023 show that in the first half of 2023 alone, exports already reached the figure...

Report 62 from Centre Delàs and Irídia: “Who watches the watchman? Border violence and impunity at Frontex”

The European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), created to prosecute cross-border crime in 2004, has a long history of controversy. In a context where total global forced displacements are increasing by the millions every year, it is worth asking whether this EU-created agency is best placed to ensure the protection of forcibly displaced people. Irrespective of the question of...

Report 61: “The argument against and alternatives to war. On the War in Ukraine”

Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine turned a widespread social conflict and the armed conflict along the Russia/Ukraine border into a conventional war after the invasion in 2022, contravening the international right to national territorial sovereignty. Like all Western wars, this war has sparked new and old debates at various levels of society. Issues such as the best defence models, involvement...

Report from ENAAT with Centre Delàs: “From war lobby to war economy. How the arms industry shapes European policies”

In October 2017 the Belgian NGO Vredesactie published the report ‘Securing Profits: How the arms lobby is hijacking Europe’s defence policy’. It showed the high degree of influence the arms industry – in particular a group of large companies – had in shaping the EU’s unfolding military policies, with a focus on its role in the establishment of the European...

Working Paper “Analysis of the first R&D projects of the European Defence Fund”

On the 7th of June 2017, the European Commission officially launched the European Defence Fund (EDF), a programme for financing research on military products and technology. It was the first time that the EU earmarked resources to strictly military research. The Defence Fund is part of the process of militarisation begun by the EU several years ago. Work began on...

Report from Transnational Institute, Stop Wapenhandel and Tipping Point, with the collaboration of Centre Delàs: “Climate crossfire. How NATO’s 2% military targets contribute to climate breakdown”

Climate mitigation and adaptation efforts are chronically underfunded by billions of dollars, deepening the climate crisis and its impacts on citizens around the world. This has made climate finance one of the most contentious issues at annual United Nations climate summits as the richest countries that bear the most responsibility for climate breakdown have failed to keep even their limited...

Report 59: “Financing Mediterranean militarisation and the border war”

The European Union has continued to increase the control over the people who enter and leave its borders, making its frontiers more impenetrable by intensifying the physical and mental militarization of those. Concurrently, these last few years there has been an emphasis on what we have badly named “the refugee crisis”: where a lot of people migrate from their country...

Report 58: “Spanish military budget sees a massive increase in 2023. The myth of 2% spending on Defense is overcome”

This new report analyzes Spanish military spending for 2023 and finds that it reaches a 2.17% of the GDP, surpassing the NATO guideline if we take into account funds allocated to other departments with a military purpose. The budget of the Ministry of Defense increases in 2023 by 26.31 % with the aim of reaching the 2 % of GDP...

Report 57: “The need and possibility of banning explosive weapons. International Humanitarian Law and precision in old and new explosive weapons”

The war in Ukraine launched in February 2022 has focused attention on the widespread use of weapons with a specific set of characteristics to bomb military and civilian targets. It is no coincidence that many analyses of this conflict use International Humanitarian Law (IHL) to qualify the legitimacy of both side’s warfare. Many of the weapons identified in the news...

Report from Transnational Institute, Stop Wapenhandel and Tipping Point, with the collaboration of IPB and Centre Delàs: “Climate collateral. How military spending accelerates climate breakdown”

As the world’s climate negotiators gather for their annual summit (COP27) in Egypt, military spending is unlikely to be on the official agenda. Yet, as this report shows, military spending and arms sales have a deep and lasting impact on the capacity to address the climate crisis, let alone in a way that promotes justice. Every dollar spent on the...

Report 56: “Potentially Lethal Weapons. Militarizing public space and traumatizing bodies”

Several factors are changing, shaping and evolving the security model in cities. This model has been dominated by the doctrine of public order and the use of state security forces to maintain a certain model of order and security. Often this model of order comes to curb and stifle protest, mobilizations and social protests that, nevertheless, have been part of...

Report 55: “Transnational corporations, warmongering and the climate emergency”

In this paper, we specifically address how a "war" is being waged by the enriched Global North against the impoverished Global South, and how the environmental crisis leads to human insecurity which, in many cases, can end up multiplying the escalation of tensions and the outbreak of armed conflicts that affect so many people in many parts of the world....

Informe 54: “Combat proven business. Exporting the ‘Israel brand’ to maintain the occupation and normalise injustice”

Exporting arms to Israel contravenes the spirit and letter of the law designed to reduce suffering and instability in many countries. However, exports to Israel are normalised, even encouraged, in the vast majority of weapons producing countries. Yet Israel has one of the world’s most important military industries, and in fact has a greater needs to sell than to buy...

Report 53: “NATO, building global insecurity”

A few days before the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit in Madrid and coinciding with the start of the Peace Summit organized by civil society in response to the Atlantic Alliance summit, the Centre Delàs of Peace Studies, in collaboration with IPB and GCOMS, launched a new report that presents an updated snapshot of NATO, taking into account the...

Working Paper “The use of drones for maritime surveillance and border control”

Since 2016, there has been a huge increase of the use of drones in maritime surveillance activities by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) as well as a substantial investment in the evaluation of needs, the implementation of activities and the acquisition of border control technologies. Likewise, the agency signed dozens of multimillion contracts to acquire new aerial...

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Centre Delàs, Amnistia Internacional and ECCHR report: “Spanish arms exports and alleged war crimes in Yemen”

How Spanish Arms Exports may have facilitated or contributed to International Crimes allegedly committed in Yemen, 2015-2021 Since the Houthis armed group took control of Sana'a in September 2014 and the launch of the military operation "Decisive Storm" by the coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the Emirati in March 2015, the armed conflict continues in Yemen. Throughout this conflict,...

ENAAT and TNI’s report: “Fanning teh flames. How the European Union is fuelling a new arms race”

The European Defence Fund (EDF) and its precursor programmes explicitly aim to strengthen the ‘global competitiveness’ of the technological industrial base of European defence. There is a major disconnect between such technologies and their potential impact beyond the profits they will generate. They will inevitably boost European arms exports and fuel the global arms race, which will in turn lead...

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Report 51: “Prepared for war. How militarism permeates our societies”

Militarism is presented in different ways in our society and the institutions promote this normalization of militaristic security as if there were no other options and perspectives from which to build people's security. The report “Prepared for war. How militarism permeates our societies" is a choral work, with a total of 16 authors from different fields, from the activist to...

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Report 50: Spain’s real military expenditure for 2022. Investments in weapons shoot up the Defence Budget in the middle of the pandemic

The real military expenditure in the State General Budget for 2022 approved by the coalition government between PSOE (center-left) and Unidas Podemos (left) amounts to 22,796 million of euros, a plus 124% from what is allocated directly to the Ministry of Defence (10,155 million), which means a new historical record and a 5.75% increase with respect to the previous year....

  Puedes leer y descargar el informe completo en castellano aquí.

Greenpeace report with the collaboration of Centre Delàs: “The sirens of oil and gas in the age of climate crisis: Europe’s military missions to protect fossil fuels interests”

The member states of the European Union are dependent on fossilfuel energy imports. Almost 90% of their oil and 70% of their fossilgas requirements are currently imported. The European Union istherefore also dependent on ensuring secure trade routes andstable conditions in its respective supplier countries. Few EUcitizens are aware that the European Union and its member statessecure these imports militarily...

Report 49: “Climate crisis, armed forces and environmental peace”

This report continues and complements the research work begun in Report 47 of the Delàs Centre, analysing the relationship among power structures, militarized security and the environmental crisis, to then study in detail theenvironmental footprint of the military economy and the carbon footprint of the military sector in Spain (armed forces and military industry), addressing one of the main threats...

  You can read and download the full report here.

A militarised Union. Understanding and confronting the militarisation of the European Union

How is the European Union (EU) preparing itself for the challenges that lie ahead? How will it deal with the climate, economic and social crises we are facing? What steps is it taking to tackle the root causes of these crises? Answers to these questions are vital to those living within and outside the EU. The EU’s priorities and the...

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Pacifistas en acción. Desmilitarizar, desarmar, pacificar

Pacifistas en acción es un análisis único e imprescindible del pacifismo en el Estado español, en el que aparecen las principales iniciativas, acciones y luchas por la paz, el desarme y la desmiliarización. Escrito de manera coral por referentes del pacifismo y antimilitarismo español, muestran no solo quiénes somos, dónde estamos y qué hacemos, sino que identifican también qué nos...

Report 48: Financing weapons of the Yemen War. Analysis of the financing of arms companies that have exported to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (2015-2019)

According to UNHCR data, in Yemen 80 per cent of the population needs humanitarian aid to survive, there are about 4 million internally displaced persons and more than 7 million people who need nutritional assistance. It is, in this serious context of armed conflict and human rights violations, that we present a case study on who support the arms companies...

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Report 47: “Militarism and environmental crisis. A necessary reflection”

The report "Militarism and environmental crisis. A necessary reflection", is the first publication by researchers of Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau and aims, from a critical approach and a human security perspective, to address the problem of climate crisis and its links with militarism. Thus, it studies how militarism is one of the relevant causes of global warming and...

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Military Spending and Global Security: Humanitarian and Environmental Perspectives

Global military expenditure reached an estimated $1,822 billion in 2018 and this book questions what that spending responds to and indeed what that entails in terms of global security. The book draws from prior knowledge and research on military expenditure but introduces an all-encompassing, in-depth and original analysis of military spending as a key and often overlooked factor of global...

Report 46: “A Walled World, towards a Global Apartheid”

The report "A Walled World, towards a Global Apartheid", aims to analyze the walls that have been built on the borders from 1968 to 2018, as well as the different reasons and more paradigmatic cases of these policies of walled-in. The research also investigates the main companies in the military industrial and security complex, as well as others in the...

ENAAT’s Infographics: “Who gets most of EU funding for military research and development?”

4 countries get 53.5% of the grants allocated so far: France, Italy, Spain and Germany, which are also the main EU arms exporters.  Thales gets 15 grants, and 7 companies of the top 10 were members of the Group of Personalities that advised the European Commission to create this funding, in 2016. Considering the poor implementation of the EU Common position...

Informe 45 del Centre Delàs: Asseguradores i Fons de Pensions que financen empreses d’armes. Actualització de la Banca Armada a Espanya 2020

Després de 14 anys d'investigacions i accions sobre el finançament del sector armamentista, hem considerat necessària l'elaboració d'un treball que es focalitzi en analitzar les relacions entre un altre gran pilar del sistema financer, el sector de les assegurances i fons de pensions, i la indústria armamentista. El resultat que presenta aquest nou informe sobre la Banca Armada a Espanya...

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Policy Paper from ECP, IDHC and Centre Delàs: “A decisive moment? The importance of halting Europe’s arms trade with Israel”

Benjamin Netanyahu’s plan to formally annex up to 30% of the occupiedPalestinian territories in the West Bank has once again exposed theserious impact of Israeli policies on the Palestinian people and has causedinternational alarm. Although the details of the initiative are yet to bedefined, multiple international actors have warned that the measure is illegal, violates basic principles of international law,...

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Armas, negocio, política y opacidad. Exportaciones españolas de armamento 2005-2017

The Spain occupies the seventh position in the world ranking of arms exporters. This book offers a statistical study that shows that Spanish arms exports, in the period analyzed, have increased systematically regardless of the party governing, be it the PP or the PSOE, the policy of promoting these exports has been the same. Thus, the authors will show us...

Report 44 from Centre Delàs: “Middle East and Asia, lucrative markets for Spanish weapons. Analysis of the arms trade in 2018 and 2019”

Spanish arms exports increased again in 2019, making it the 3rd year in history in which more weapons made in Spain were sold. The report "Middle East and Asia, lucrative markets for Spanish weapons. Analysis of the arms trade 2018 and 2019" analyzes, on the one hand, Spanish exports of defense material, the amount, the material exported, as well as...

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Report 43 of the Centre Delàs “Critique of reason for military spending (years 2019-2020). Despite the COVID-19 crisis, the arms race continues”

The new report published by the Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau on Spain's military spending estimates military spending at 20,030 million euros for the year 2020. These data take into account part of the consolidated budget of the Ministry of Defence, of 10,199 million, the rest of the military expenditure distributed in other ministries that are not included in...

  You can consult and download the complete report in Spanish here.

Policy Paper from ECP, IDHC and Centre Delàs: “War in Yemen: Saudi responsibility, European complicity”

Since 2015, the level of violence in Yemen has grown significantly. In March of this year, Saudi Arabia decided to head a military coalition to reinstate the government of Abdo Rabbo Mansour Hadi. The war has had devastating effects on the population: there have been thousands of civilian victims, and it has dragged the country into an enormous humanitarian crisis....

  Read and download the full Policy Paper in English here.

Infographics “A decade of militarization and armamentism in the Mediterranean. How countries of the Southern Mediterranean arms themselves and militarise in order to stop migratory flows”

To find out more, read the Working Paper “The Mediterranean, a decade of military policies. Arms and militarization of the Southern Mediterranean”, published by the Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau, in collaboration with NOVACT and SUDS in the framework of the work carried out by the ODHE (Observatory of Human Rights and Business in the Mediterranean).

Working Paper “The Mediterranean, a decade of military policies. Weapons and the militarisation of the Southern Mediterranean”

The Mediterranean is a highly militarised region in a state of conflict, it is one that possesses complex security situations, in which Europe has opted to increase its military control and surveillance capabilities, furthering a narrative of securitisation, in which the responsibility for the control of forced migra-tions has been transferred to the main countries of the Southern Mediterranean (Algeria,...

  Please consult the full Working Paper in English here

Report of Delàs Center, ECP and IDHC: Arms trade, conflicts and human rights. Analysis of European arms exports to countries in armed conflict and human rights violations

“Arms trade, conflicts and human rights. Analysis of European arms exports to countries in situations of armed conflict and human rights violations” is a report by the Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau, the Escola de Cultura de Pau and the Institut de Drets Humans de Catalunya that analyses arms exports by EU member states during the year 2018 (the most...

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Report 42: “The military and borders’ security industry in Catalonia”

The report “The military and borders’ security industry in Catalonia” aims to provide information on the reality of the presence of this type of companies in Catalonia. The research analyzes the growing trend of production in the security sector, linked to companies that already provided military components and services to big companies of the defense sector or to the Spanish...

Report 41: Acculturation & purplewashing in the Spanish Army. A study of token women

More than thirty years of women’s participation in the Spanish Army and many legislative and formal changes geared towards mitigating the effects of sexism, have not altered the eternal relationship between patriarchy and militarism, a binomial that remains, to this day, unquestionable. This new report from Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau analyses how the situation facing women within the...

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From Armed Banking to Ethical Banking. Ten keys for switching to ethical finance

From Armed Banking to Ethical Banking: Ten Keys to Ethical Finance is a publication that aims to contribute to social mobilization against the financial practices that fuel the war industry. As consumers, we have great power for social transformation. For this reason, these lines offer alternatives in order to promote changes in the consumption habits of banking and financial services,...

Report 40: Guarding the Fortress. Frontex role in the militarisation and securitisation of migratory flows in the European Union

The new report “Guarding the Fortress: the role of Frontex in the militarization and securitization of migratory flows in the European Union” intends to study and analyze the context in which the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, Frontex, is developed and implemented in the European Union, as well as its operation, mechanisms and main operations carried out. The research addresses the context...

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Report 39: Novel weapons against ethics and people. Armed Drones and Autonomous Drones

Military and “security” actions with military robotic and armed systems have radically changed the war scenarios, which have evolved from concentrating on military and strategic targets to performing attacks that can seriously affect uninvolved civilian population. Attacks with armed drones often do not appear in newspapers, but they show a steady growth rate in recent years. They are attacks that...

Guía para no colaborar con la financiación de armas

La banca armada, más de 450 entidades financieras de 35 países de todo el mundo, han financiado con 821.659 millones de dólares en el período 2013-18 a 36 empresas de armas, conformando la banca armada internacional. En esta publicación puedes acceder a información específica de los diferentes tipos de financiación que bancos, aseguradoras e inversoras utilizan para ayudar a la...

Transnational Institute, Stop Wapenhandel and Centre Delàs report: “The Business of Building Walls”

“The business of bulding walls” is a sequel to “Building Walls. Fear and securitization in the European Union” published in 2018 by Delàs Centre of Studies for Peace, Transnational Institute (TNI) and Stop Wapenhandel, which first measured and identified the walls that crisscross Europe. This new report analyzes the businesses that have profited from the construction of walls and technologies spread in European borders, built...

  You can read and download the complete report in English here.

Report by the Centre Delàs and Novact: “The spiral of violence in Fortress Spain. Weapons for war and militarism to protect the borders”

The "spiral of violence of Fortress Spain: Weapons for war and militarism to protect borders" aims to understand, analyse and study the mechanisms that lead to the militarisation of Spain's Southern Border, which generate the structural, cultural and direct violence faced by people who are being forcibly displaced, either by fleeing from wars and armed conflicts or by the dynamics...

  Read and download the full report in Spanish here.

Report 38: Violence, security and peace building in the city

It is in the cities where most of the world's citizenship is concentrated, 55%, and at the same time, it is the space where most conflicts are settled. Conflicts are directly related to the commodification of the city, the city as a business; and the diversity and plurality of the people who live in urban conurbations. It is then the confrontation...

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Working Paper: European Defence Fund

The EU’s willingness to increase military spending and encourage the arms sector The European Commission announced in 2016 the EU’s intention to implement a Fund to finance the research and development of military products and technology. The Fund will be endowed with 13 billion euros from the Union’s budgets for the period of 2021-2027. It is also foreseen that, in the development projects, the...

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Working Paper: European Defence Fund

The EU’s willingness to increase military spending and encourage the arms sector The European Commission announced in 2016 the EU’s intention to implement a Fund to finance the research and development of military products and technology. The Fund will be endowed with 13 billion euros from the Union’s budgets for the period of 2021-2027. It is also foreseen that, in the development projects, the...

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Report 37: Armed Banking in Spain 2019

 This new report, reveals the financing to 31 companies dedicated in part or totally to the production of weapons, among which are some of the most important arms manufacturers in the world, Airbus, Boeing, General Dynamics, Thales or Leonardo. Armed Banking in Spain 2019, also includes financing dedicated to Spanish   companies such as Maxam, Navantia, Indra, Oesia or Sener. The...

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Report by the Delàs Centre, Fundació Novessendes and Setem Comunitat Valenciana: “From Armed Banking to Ethical Banking. Towards policy coherence and a culture of peace. The case of the Generalitat Valenciana”

The report "From Armed Banking to Ethical Banking. Towards Policy Coherence and a Culture of Peace. The case of the Generalitat Valenciana" aims to identify the financial reality of the main Valencian public administration, the Generalitat Valenciana, and the possibility of achieving a transition towards greater involvement in ethical finances. All of this is within the framework of this administration's...

Report 36: Gender and security policies. A feminist look into the impacts of militarization in the West

Gender and security policies. A feminist look into the impacts of militarization in the West The rise of the populist far right, which rules alone or in coalition in the USA and in ten European countries, predicts a dark period towards freedom rights, especially to women and LGTBI rights. Policies against people’s rights cling to the idea of returning to...

  You can read and download the complete report in English here.

Security policies for peace. Another security is possible and necessary

Is a pacifist security possible? Traditional security policies, of military nature, shape the current hegemonic security. Most states have at their disposal trained armies, ready to be used whenever and however it is necessary. Under this conception, countries assume that there are enough reasons to participate in armed conflicts and, as a consequence, they develop similar defense policies. Throughout eighteen...

“Is it a war? Jihadism and terrorism”

Peace and Disarmament 2: "Is it a war?Jihadism and terrorism" The cities of Barcelona and Cambrils suffered a serious jihadist attack in August 2017 that shook Catalan and Spanish society. Although attacks of this kind had already occurred in other parts of Europe, until then they had mainly struck in the Arab world, in a few countries in sub-Saharan Africa and South-East Asia. These...

Delas Centre and Novact report: The transformation of the industrial-military complex

The transformation of the industrial-military complex. Evolution, influence and violation of human rights in Homeland Security This report has been carried out within the framework of the project “STOP CORPORATE WARS” of prevention of modern warfare. It is part of the investigation and monitorization conducted by the Observatory Shock Monitor about the impact of modern war on human rights, and...

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Report 35: Building Walls. Policies of fear and securitization in the European Union

This report published by Delàs Centre of Studies for Peace, Transnational Institute (TNI) and Stop Wapenhandel, reveals that member states of the European Union and the Schenghen area have constructed almost 1000 km of walls, the equivalent of more than six times the total length of the Berlin Walls,1 since the nineties to prevent displaced people migrating into Europe. These physical walls are...

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Working Paper: Spanish arms exports 2017

Asia and the Middle East, the main destinations of Spanish weapons Spanish arms exports reached two highs in 2017. Actually made exports during the year, which reached a total of 4,347 million euros; as well as export authorizations which, with a record increase of 280% with respect to the previous year, rose up to 21.085 million euros. This is analyzed by the Working...

Working Paper: Spanish arms exports 2017

Asia and the Middle East, the main destinations of Spanish weapons Spanish arms exports reached two highs in 2017. Actually made exports during the year, which reached a total of 4,347 million euros; as well as export authorizations which, with a record increase of 280% with respect to the previous year, rose up to 21.085 million euros. This is analyzed by the Working...

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Indra Sistemas S.A., weapons for war and border militarisation

Indra is one of the main military companies in Spain and one of the main defences and security companies in Europe. Indra has a strong presence in lobbies in Europe and a close relationship with the Spanish government (18.7% of its shares are owned by SEPI - a public government company), and this active lobbying has resulted in a large...

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Report by the Centre Delàs and SETEM Catalunya: “From Armed Banking to Ethical Banking. Towards policy coherence and a culture of peace. The case of Barcelona City Council”.

The new report published by SETEM Catalonia and the Delàs Centre for Peace Studies presents an analysis of Barcelona City Council's relations with financial entities that are part of the so-called Banca Armada, meaning those that finance the arms industry. This new report also includes the steps taken by Barcelona City Council in favour of the Social and Solidarity-based Economy...

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Working Paper: The military budget of Spain continues to grow

Analysis of the budget of Defense in 2018 Authors: Pere Ortega and Xavier Bohigas The Working Paper of May 2018 analyzes the military expenditure of the General State Budget for 2018. It presents an increase in military spending of 10.5% with respect to 2017, this increase confirms the political will of the Minister of Defense, María Dolores de Cospedal, to reach...

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The War Economy

War begins in our minds, in the movies we watch, in the social relationships we establish, in the educational system... We live in a society that commodifies and turns everything into business from personal relationships to war.  This book talks about the business behind the war, and is presented as a tour of all the gears that move around the military economy, ultimately war. It...

Report of Delàs Center and ECP: Arms trade and conflicts. Analysis of European exports to countries in tension

"Arms trade and conflicts. Analysis of European exports to countries in tension" is a report of the Delàs Centre of Studies for Peace and the Escola de Cultura de Pau that analyses the exports of armament for part of the States member of the UE during 2015 (most recent year with available information of exports) to countries that during this...

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Expanding the fortress. The policies, the profiteers and the people shaped by EU’s border externalisation programme

The EU has made migration control a central goal of its foreign relations, rapidly expanding border externalisation measures that require neighbouring countries to act as Europe's border guards. The report "Expanding the fortress. The policies, the profiteers and the people shaped by EU's border externalisation programme", published by Transnational Institute (TNI), Stop Wapenhandel and Delàs Centre of Studies for Peace, examines...

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Market Forces: The development of the EU Security-Industrial Complex

A group of transnationals is receiving millions of euros of public research funds to develop surveillance technologies and increasingly invasive espionage, as revealed by a new report published by the Transnational Institute, Statewatch, the Delàs Center for Studies for Peace, International Institute for Nonviolent Action (NOVACT) and the Center for Education and Research for Peace (CEIPAZ). The report Market forces reveals that the research program...

  You can read and download the complete report in English here.

Report of Delàs Center and ECP: Arms trade and conflicts. Analysis of European exports to countries in armed conflict

Arms trade and conflicts. Analysis of European exports to countries in armed conflict Arms trade and conflicts. Analysis of European exports to countries in armed conflict is a report by the Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau and the Escola de Cultura de Pau, which analyzes arms exports by member states of the EU during 2015 (more recent year with...

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Report 34: The Absurdity of Military Spending: Analysis of the Budget of defence in Spain, 2017

After being in decline for ten continuous years, the budget of the Spanish Ministry of Defense has increased by 32% compared to 2016. This enormous increase, as well as the budgetary fights that have been applied to hide the real military costs from the public opinion, are analyzed in this new report of Delàs Centre of Studies for Peace. Further, this...

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Report 33: The weapons bubble and the military industry in Spain. Special Armament Programs

The weapons bubble and the military industry in Spain. Special Armament Programs The military industry in Spain is largely fuelled by the demands of the Ministry of Defense, and in particular by the so-called Special Armament Programs – Programas Especiales de Armamentos (PEA). PEA were approved the first time in 1998 and since then, due to the commitments made, generated...

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Report 32: European arms that foster armed conflicts. Conflicts that cause refugees to flee. An analysis of arms exports from the European Union to countries with refugees or internally displaced persons 2003-14

European arms that foster armed conflicts. Conflicts that cause refugees to flee. An analysis of arms exports from the European Union to countries with refugees or internally displaced persons 2003-14 The arrival of hundreds of thousands of refugees at the gates of Europe, mainly from the Syrian war, has given rise to political and social agendas focused on how to...

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Cambio climático S.A.

Cambio climático S.A. Cómo el poder [corporativo y militar] está moldeando un mundo de privilegiados y  desposeídos ante la crisis climática En la actual crisis climática, el discurso del capitalismo verde ve la seguridad como un sector en auge del que seguir extrayendo beneficios: de la fabricación de armamento sostenible (balas bajas en plomo, cohetes con menos tóxicos o vehículos...

Infographics: Spanish arms exports 2015

New infographics: Spanish arms exports 2015. Spanish weapons used in Middle East conflicts For further information, you can read the Centre Delàs's last report "Spanish arms exports 2006-2015. Spanish weapons used in Middle East conflicts"

La sociedad noviolenta. Conversaciones con Pepe Beunza.

Dharana Editorial publica la narración de la historia del primer objetor de conciencia por motivos políticos del Estado Español. Las creencias de Gandhi iluminaron y animaron al protagonista de este libro, Pepe Beunza, y a un grupo de españoles a llevar a cabo en 1970 la primera campaña de objeción de conciencia. Gracias a esta campaña y a las sucesivas...

Report 31: The incorporation of women into the Spanish Army. Opacity, sexism and violence

The incorporation of women into the Spanish Army. Opacity, sexism and violence The incorporation of women into the Spanish Army it is formally established as a process of modernization into the Army. In spite of the fact that the official sources refer to this process as a fact of “equality” the reality is very different. Open the door of the...

  You can download the report here in English

Nora Miralles


Report 30: Gender and military culture. Lives, bodies and social control under war

Gender and military culture. Lives, bodies and social control under war In the new report by the Delás Centre it is analysed the relation of mutual dependence among the militarism and the patriarchy one. That is when the militarism penetrates in the society mobilize all the material available resources to the service of the war, included the human resources. The...

  You can download the report here in English

Report 29: Spanish arms exports 2006-2015. Spanish weapons used in Middle East conflicts

Spanish arms exports 2006-2015. Spanish weapons used in Middle East conflicts  The Delàs Centre publishes a new report on Spanish arms exportations in which it is analyzed the role of Spain in the Middle East conflicts as well as the possible breach of the Spanish and European legislation on the trade of weapon. In the report three worrying cases are...

  You can download the report here in English

Materials de treball 54

Sumari:  - Refugiats de les nostres guerres, Editorial.  - Els hidrocarburs i la guerra de Síria Pere Ortega.  - Refugiats i Europa, Andrea Jiménez.  - Les ciutats no han de ser objectiu de combat, Tica Font.  - Pedro Morenés, un paradigma de porta giratòria, Xavier Bohigas i Teresa de Fortuny. Per descarregar el document faci clic aquí

  Per descarregar el document faci clic aquí

Jordi Calvo


Report of Center Delàs and ECP: Central African Republic: Walking the Fine Line of (un) Governability

Report of Center Delàs and ECP: Central African Republic: Walking the Fine Line of (un) Governability This unique report analyzes the current situation in the Central African Republic (CAR) in which the key internal and external characters, are determinant in the continued political instability that feeds military coups, dictatorships and fosters the uprising discomfort among the civil society. The causes of...

   You can download the report here in English


Report: Border Wars. The arms dealers profiting from the Europe’s refugee tragedy

Border Wars Report: The arms dealers profiting from Europe's refugee tragedy This new report, published by theTransnational Institute, Stop Wapenhandel and Centre Delàs d’estudis per la Pau, reveals how European manufacturers and sellers of weapons benefit from the tragedy of refugees. This report exposes the military and security companies that have profited from the tragedy, winning contracts to provide the equipment...

  You can download here the executive summary in English

Jordi Calvo


Report 28: Banks investements in weapons

Banks investments in weapons, is an update of the financing of nuclear weapons, cluster munitions and major arms companies in the Spanish military industry from 2011 up to 2016. This new report reveals the funding of 34 arms companies, including the most important in the world, and identifies the financial institutions that conform the 'Armed banking', which compiles 80,000 million...

  You can download the report here in English

Jordi Calvo


Report of Delàs Center and the ECP: Democratic Republic of Congo: Comprehensive review of 20 years of war

Report of Delàs Center and the ECP: Democratic Republic of Congo: Comprehensive review of 20 years of war This study co-conducted by Escola de Cultura de Pau (School of Peace Culture) and Centre Delas d’estudis per la Pau (Delàs Study Center for Peace), aims to identify the roots and causes of the conflict suffered by the Democratic Republic of Congo...

  You can download the full report here in English

Mentes militarizadas

Cómo nos educan para asumir la guerra y la violenciaMentes militarizadas muestra con una introducción y nueve capítulos cómo desde diferentes ámbitos se promueve de manera más o menos explícita, pero en todo caso consciente, la militarización de las sociedades y de sus individuos. Sin la militarización de las mentes y sin la naturalización de lo militar, la guerra y...

Treinta preguntas sobre la OTAN. Treinta años después del Referéndum

Número 1 de la nueva colección “Paz y Desarme” El Centre Delàs aprovecha el treinta aniversario del referéndum sobre la permanencia de España en la OTAN para precisar de qué forma se han incumplido las condiciones y qué supone continuar en la OTAN. Este trabajo aborda treinta preguntas y respuestas sobre los aspectos relacionados con la OTAN, su funcionamiento, las...

Centro Delàs’ Report: Saudi Arabia and bombings in Yemen: the responsibilities of the Spanish State

Saudi Arabia and bombings in Yemen: the responsibilities of the Spanish State Facing the civil war in Yemen and the active participation of Saudi Arabia to it, the Delas Center considers necessary to analyze the role of the Spanish government in this conflict through weapons sales to Saudi Arabia, in order to elucidate its possible responsibilities. This document analyzes briefly...

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Materiales de trabajo 53

Sumario: - Es necesario abolir las armas nucleares, Editorial. - Contribución de las empresas españolas a la financiación del armamento nuclear, Xavier Bohigas y Teresa de Fortuny. - Situación actual del arsenal nuclear mundial, Teresa de Fortuny y Xavier Bohigas. - Mi llamamiento al mundo, Masashi Ieshima. - Mi experiencia de un bombardeo y el deseo por un mundo en...

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí

Report 27: Spanish arms exports 2005-2014. Fueling conflicts in the Middle East

Spanish arms exports 2005-2014. Fueling conflicts in the Middle East The Delàs Center publishes its own analysis of Spanish arms exports in a context in which the responsibility of the West in relation to the conflicts ravaging the planet and in particular the Middle East, is seen with the importance it deserves after refugees fleeing wars fueled in part by...

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Report 26: Fraud and improvisation in military spending. 2016 Spanish military budget analysis

Fraud and improvisation in military spending. 2016 Spanish military budget analysis Every year, after the Spanish Government submits the proposal for General State Budget, the Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau analyses the military expenditure in this country in order to acquire an accurate knowledge of the real spending allocated to defence-related activities. The initial budget for Defence in 2016...

   You can download the report here in English.

War, Peace and Disarmament Dictionary

100 entradas para analizar los conflictos armados, la paz y la seguridad El Centro Delàs de Estudios por la Paz ha elaborado este diccionario en el que se analizan, desde un punto de vista crítico, algunos de los principales elementos que en la actualidad explican los conflictos armados, la paz y la seguridad mundiales. El objetivo de esta publicación es...

Drones: shadows of the war on terror

«El dron fascina y aterroriza a partes iguales por la ­innegable ventaja que confiere a quienes pueden ­recurrir a su poder de muerte.» Entronizado como adalid de una supuesta «guerra limpia y quirúrgica», exaltado en la lógica neoliberal por sus posibilidades mercantiles o, en el extremo opuesto, representante de una supuesta maldad tecnológica, el dron es hoy un objeto sacralizado....

Materials de treball 52

Sumari: - Inseguretat nacional, Editorial.- Les noves armes digitals, Pere Brunet.- La NSA i la vigilància massiva de les telecomunicacions globals: una amenaça per als drets humans?, Enric Luján.- Diners, poder i opacitat a les institucions europees: un paradís per al lobby militar, Chloé Meulewaeter. Per descarregar el document faci clic aquí.

  Per descarregar el document faci clic aquí.


Materiales de trabajo 52

Sumario: - Inseguridad nacional, Editorial.- Las nuevas armas digitales, Pere Brunet.- La NSA y la vigilancia masiva de las telecomunicaciones globales: ¿una amenaza para los derechos humanos?, Enric Luján.- Dinero, poder y opacidad en las instituciones europeas:un paraíso para el lobby militar, Chloé Meulewaeter. Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Report: Siege of Communities: The impacts of a Catalan company, Grup TCB, in Buenaventura, Colombia

This report was born out of two concerns: the first, caused by the situation of extreme violence and barbarism in the city of Buenaventura. This violence is well known, but more than 30,000 people from Bonaventura were able to put it on the front page of the Colombian press during a courageous demonstration on 19 February last year. And the...

  You can download here the report in Spanish.

The Spanish military-industrial complex

Where do our tax money go Con el nombre de lobby militar industrial se denomina a quienes desde el ámbito industrial ejercen presión sobre los gobiernos en favor de sus intereses corporativos. En España también tenemos este lobby que coarta las decisiones de quienes gobiernan. Esto es muy visible a través de las denominadas puertas giratorias. Si a esto se...


Materiales de trabajo 51

Sumario: - Quince años trabajando por la paz y el desarme. - Celebración del 15 aniversario. - Grandes frases de la historia, El Jueves. - Tráficodearmas, Lluïsot. - ¡DiosMío!, JL Martín. - Deshechos históricos, Julio A. Serrano. - El ataque de los drones, Mario Morales y Juanjo Cuerda. Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Report 25: Inertia, waste and fraud in the military expenditure. Spanish Defense budget analysis in 2015

Inertia, waste and fraud in the military expenditure. Spanish Defense budget analysis in 2015 New report on Military Spending, analyzing the Spanish defense budget 2015 through an actual calculation of the Spanish military expenditure and expenditure items on which it is based. It is produced for the first time since the crisis began in 2008, an increase of the Spanish...

   You can download the report here in English

Riesgos y amenazas del arsenal nuclear

Razones para su prohibición y eliminación Libro publicado por Editorial Icaria que, en el contexto de la revisión del TNP, recopila de manera profunda los peligros permanentes derivados de la mera existència de armas nucleares: el gran número de accidentes registrados relacionados, la posibilidad de inicio de un conflicto nuclear debido a un error humano o técnico y los ensayos...

Report 24: Spanish Arms Exports 2004-2013 Does the government promote illegal arms exports?

The Centre Delàs publishes a new report on the Spanish arms exports, which analyzes the exports in 2013, through a historical perspective of the last decade. The report ask and tries to answer whether the government promotes illicit weapon exports. According to the official statistics, in 2013, Spain exported, approximately 3,907 million euros in weapons. This figure is twice the...

   You can download the report here in english

Materiales de trabajo 50

Sumario: - Ni necesitamos ni queremos misiones militares en el exterior. - Libia: violencia armada e inseguridad en un estado roto, Blanca Camps-Febrer. - España en Líbano: la operación “Libre Hidalgo”, Eduardo Melero. - La solución no es militarizar RCA, Jordi Calvo Rufanges. - Balance alternativo sobre la intervención militar española en Afganistán, Alejandro Pozo. Para descargar el documento haga...

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Las Violencias en América Latina

Book published by Dharana Editorial, about the different violence that tend to happen in South and Central America, which come from social conflict because of the exploitation of resources like mining, deforestation, and intense agriculture; in addition we analyze the militarism and military spending, and the trade of arms, as well as the eternal US influence in internal politics in...

Materiales de trabajo 49

Sumario: - Tres años de guerra en Síria, Editorial. - Necesitamos un tratado de prohibición de las armas nucleares, Xavier Bohigas. - “Combat Proven”, armas entre la guerra y la feria de muestras, Camino Simarro. - Gran guerra y literatura antimilitarista, José Luis Gordillo. - Bombardeos químicos en el Rif, M. Gabriela Serra. - Noticias. Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.


Materiales de trabajo 49

Sumario: - Tres años de guerra en Síria, Editorial. - Necesitamos un tratado de prohibición de las armas nucleares, Xavier Bohigas. - “Combat Proven”, armas entre la guerra y la feria de muestras, Camino Simarro. - Gran guerra y literatura antimilitarista, José Luis Gordillo. - Bombardeos químicos en el Rif, M. Gabriela Serra. - Noticias. Para descargar el documento haga clic...

Jordi Calvo


Report 23: Military Drones. The videogame war with real victims.

Military Drones. The videogame war with real victims This Report analyses the characteristics and the history of the combat drones, the controversy of the use to commit selective murders, and the volume of business that can mean to the military industry. It also provides an analyses of the legality and legitimacy of military drones, and the intent of its intensive...

  Read and download the full report in English here

Report 22: Rajoy’s Government Military Policy

Rajoy's Government Military Policy This report analyzes Rajoy’s military policy, the legislative changes that affect the Spanish Armed Forces and mainly focuses on the treatment of its members. Authors: Tomàs Gisbert, María de Lluc Bagur i Gemma Amorós. Read and download the full report in Catalan, in Spanish and in English. Tags: Militarisme i Forces Armades

  Read and download the full report in English here

Report 21: Militarism in North Africa

Militarism in North Africa. The role of the armed forces from decolonization to revolts. This report proposes a look at the role of the armed forces and militarism in six North African countries (Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt). Authors: Blanca Camps-Febrer and Pere Ortega. Read and download the full report in Catalan and in Spanish. Tags: Armed Conflicts,...

  Read and download the full report in Spanish here

Defense, security, and occupation as a business

Defense, security, and occupation as a business. Military, armaments and security trade relations between Spain and Israel. This Report analyses a set of trade relations on security and defense between Spain and Israel and complements another report published in 2009. Authors: Alejandro Pozo (Dir.), Camino Simarro and Oriol Sabaté. Read and download the full report in English, in Spanish and...

  Read and download the full report in English here


Materiales de trabajo 48

Sumario: - Ejércitos nuevos con robots, pero las víctimas las de siempre, Editorial. - ¿Qué podemos hacer con el gasto militar?, Pere Ortega. - "La Marañosa", un nombre simpático para una instalación perversa, M. Gabriela Serra. - La robótica y la revolución de la guerra, Tica Font. - La Estrategia de Seguridad Nacional de 2013: seguridad... ¿para quién?, Gemma Amorós y Maria...

Materiales de trabajo 48

Sumario: - Ejércitos nuevos con robots, pero las víctimas las de siempre, Editorial. - ¿Qué podemos hacer con el gasto militar?, Pere Ortega. - "La Marañosa", un nombre simpático para una instalación perversa, M. Gabriela Serra. - La robótica y la revolución de la guerra, Tica Font. - La Estrategia de Seguridad Nacional de 2013: seguridad... ¿para quién?, Gemma Amorós y Maria de Lluc Bagur. - Howard...

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Report 20: The Evolution of the Armed forces in Spain. How to reduce the financing of of weapon companies?

Update in the investment of weapons of the armed banks that operate in Spain, to October 2013. It includes an analysis of policies and regulations limiting the financing of weapon companies. Authors: Jordi Calvo Rufanges, Jordi Alsina, Ainhoa Díaz, Arnau Jordà, Cristina Mediavilla and Blanca Nogueras Read and download the full report in Spanish.

  Read and download the full report in Spanish here

The Dark Side of Military Expenditure. The 2014 Military Budget

The Dark Side of Military Expenditure. The 2014 Military Budget Ministry of Defense expenditures vary far from the initial estimates in the budget, so that the final total at the end of the year may be vastly greater than that which was initially approved. Authors: Pere Ortega, Xavier Bohigas y John Doe. Read and download the full report in Catalan,...

  Read and download the full report in English here

Report 18: Spanish arms exports 2003-2012

Spanish arms exports 2003-2012. Analysis of institutional support for arms exports Every day Spain exports more than €5 million in arms, and many of these arms continue to be exported to countries in  armed conflict or countries where there are grave human rights violations. Authors: Tica Font, Eduardo Melero and Camino Simarro. Read and download the full report in Catalan,...

  Read and download the full report in English here

Banca Armada vs Banca Ética

Book published by Dharana Editorial, about the finance of arms trade, based on the author’s articles in context off the campaigns Banca Armada, BBVA sin armas, Banco Santander sin Armas and Caixabank sin armas.In which is incorporated the critical view of the Corporate Social Responsibility (RSC acronym in Spanish) of the banks, showing that there is an alternate way to be an ethical bank which is...

Materiales de trabajo 47

Sumario: - El Tratado Internacional sobre el Comercio de Armas, Editorial. - El Tratado sobre el Comercio de Armas: análisis de su contenido, Eduardo Melero. - La política militar en tiempos de crisis, Tomás Gisbert. - ¿Cómo defenderse de las armas no letales?, José Luis Gordillo. - Los drones armados: una realidad en expansión, Anna Escoda. - ¿Son legales los ataques con drones militares?, Carles Blanco....

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.


Materiales de trabajo 47

- El Tratado Internacional sobre el Comercio de Armas, Editorial. - El Tratado sobre el Comercio de Armas: análisis de su contenido, Eduardo Melero. - La política militar en tiempos de crisis, Tomás Gisbert. - ¿Cómo defenderse de las armas no letales?, José Luis Gordillo. - Los drones armados: una realidad en expansión, Anna Escoda. - ¿Son legales los ataques...

Pere Ortega


Report 17: The military industry in Catalonia, an unsatisfied desire

The military industry in Catalonia is more a desire and an ambition of some companies and some politicians to make this industrial fabric in Catalonia, than a reality. Apart from a few companies that supply certain components, the truth is that no major arms manufacturer has taken root in Catalonia. Autor: Pere Ortega. Read and download the full report in Catalan,...

  Read and download the full report in Spanish here

Report: Guns, debt and corruption

Guns, debt and corruption The Centre Delàs has published the report "Guns, Debt and Corruption. Miltary spending and the EU crisis" in Spanish. Its author is the researcher Frank Slipjer of the campaign against arms trade (Campgne tegen wapenhadel) in the Netherlands, entity of the European Network Against Arms Trade (ENAAT), which the Delàs Center is also part of. This...

  Read and download the full report in English here


Materiales de trabajo 46

Sumario: - Hacia un nuevo planteamiento de seguridad. - Riesgos y amenazas a la seguridad de Cataluña, Tica Font. - ¿Qué defensa y seguridad para Cataluña?, Pere Ortega. - ¿Qué seguridad para Catalunya?, Tomàs Gisbert. - Propuestas de seguridad y defensa de los partidos políticos catalanes, Jordi Calvo y Roger Bruguera. Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Materials de treball 46

Sumari: - Cal un nou plantejament de seguretat. - Riscos i amenaces a la seguretat de Catalunya, Tica Font. - Quina defensa i seguretat per a Catalunya, Pere Ortega. - Quina seguretat per a Catalunya?, Tomàs Gisbert. - Propostes de seguretat i defensa dels partits polítics catalans, Jordi Calvo i Roger Bruguera. Per descarregar el document faci clic aquí.

  Per descarregar el document faci clic aquí.

Analysis of Spanish foreign trade in defence and dual-use goods. First half of 2012

The Center of Studies for Peace JM Delàs presents the analysis on the Spanish Arms trade in the first semester of 2012 In which reveals that 16 of every 100€ of Spanish arms exports come form 31 countries in a situation of tension or conflict. Over a total 998 authorized license, only 9 were denied the 0.9%. The control polices...

  You can download the report here in Spanish

Report 15: Spanish Arms exports 2002-2011

Spanish Arms exports 2002-2011 En 2011, España se ha situado en la octava posición en el ranking mundial de países exportadores de armamento, alcanzando el 3% del total mundial de exportaciones y el 1,15% de la balanza comercial española. Cada día España exporta más de 6 millones de euros en armas, muchas de ellas a países en conflicto armado o...

  Read and download the full report in English here

Materiales de trabajo 45

Sumario: - Es un deber reducir el gasto militar. - Las trampas del presupuesto militar del año 2013, Pere Ortega. - Créditos para la industria militar a golpe de Real Decreto, Camino Simarro. - Un ejército sobredimensionado, Tomàs Gisbert. - La jurisdicción militar: El recorte que no llega, Tomàs Gisbert. - Reflexiones sobre las operaciones militares españolas en el exterior, Alejandro Pozo. - Noticias. Para...

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.


Materiales de trabajo 45

Sumario: - Es un deber reducir el gasto militar. - Las trampas del presupuesto militar del año 2013, Pere Ortega. - Créditos para la industria militar a golpe de Real Decreto, Camino Simarro. - Un ejército sobredimensionado, Tomàs Gisbert. - La jurisdicción militar: El recorte que no llega, Tomàs Gisbert. - Reflexiones sobre las operaciones militares españolas en el exterior,...

The arms export policy of European Union countries to Africa (2002-2010)

Special consideration to Spanish exports Exports to Africa represent 7 per cent of total arms transfers from the European Union, 6 per cent in the case of Spain. EU countries prefer to maintain their trade relations in this area rather than applying strict criteria for the protection of human rights, conflict prevention or the promotion of sustainable development. This is...

  Read and download the full report in Spanish here

Pere Ortega


Report 14: Truth and lies in the 2013 Spanish military budget

Truth and lies in the 2013 Spanish military budget Military expenditure hinders the growth of the productive economy. To move from a defence economy to a productive economy, Spain must initiate troop reduction programs and a workforce adjustment plan, as some European states around us have already done. Autor: Pere Ortega Read and download the full report in Catalan, in...

  Read and download the full report in English here

Report 13: Piracy in Somalia: An excuse or a geopolitical opportunity?

Piracy in Somalia: An excuse or a geopolitical opportunity? A different look at the Spanish and international military participation against piracy Much has been said in the media of the damage that piracy off the coast of Somalia has caused to the Spanish tuna fishing fleet. And, therefore, of the need for Spain to participate actively in Atalanta, the EU...

  Read and download the full report in English here

Spain’s military operations abroad

Spain's military operations abroad Since 1989, the Spanish army has participated in more than sixty operations abroad. The research carries out a study from a pacifist and critical point of view of these operations. The general framework of the military operations abroad has been analysed and the interventions in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Somalia and Haiti have been analysed in depth. This...

  You can download here the report in Spanish

Jordi Calvo


Report: Inversiones que son la bomba

Inversiones que son la bomba. Negocios de la banca con empresas españolas de armamento. The report finds 42 entities with financial implication that have given financial support with at least 1.372 million of euros to the Spanish industrial military complex from 2007 to 2011. Highlighted Banks: Bankia, Liberbank, Banco Santander, Caixabank, BBVA, Catalunya Caixa, Banco Popular, Banco Sabadell, Ibercaja and...

Materiales de trabajo 44

Sumario: - Tambores de guerra en Oriente Próximo. - La expansión de la OTAN en África, Tomàs Gisbert. - AFRICOM y recursos naturales, Pere Ortega. - La presencia extranjera en Somalia, Teresa de Fortuny y Xavier Bohigas. - ‘MADE IN E.U.’: armas europeas en África, Anna Sánchez. - Un año de revueltas en Siria: un año más de represión al estilo Al Asad, Valentina Saini....

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Materiales de trabajo 44

Sumario: - Tambores de guerra en Oriente Próximo. - La expansión de la OTAN en África, Tomàs Gisbert. - AFRICOM y recursos naturales, Pere Ortega. - La presencia extranjera en Somalia, Teresa de Fortuny y Xavier Bohigas. - ‘MADE IN E.U.’: armas europeas en África, Anna Sánchez. - Un año de revueltas en Siria: un año más de represión al...

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Report 12: The military industrial complex

The military industrial complex This report analyses the most relevant companies that supply weapons to the Ministry of Defense and the existence of industry military oligopoly, which sums-up 75% of the total military budget. The industrial military complex consist of a framework and swivel perta between the military industry, high ranking of the army, politics, and financing groups that benefits...

  You can download the report here in English

Nonviolent society. Conversations with Pepe Beunza.

Published by ICIP, in the collection EINES of Peace, Security and Justice with Icaria editorial, Barcelona, 2012 This book comes from the dialogue between Pere Ortega and Pere Beunza, the first objector to obligatory military service by ideological reasons in the year 1971. Author: Pere OrtegaPublisher: Icaria (2012)Language: Catalan General public price: 14€Centre Delàs price: 10€Member of the Centre Delàs...

Report 10: The Missile Defence System in Rota. A further step towards world militarisation

The Missile Defence System in Rota. A further step towards world militarisation The Centre Delàs presents its report 10, in which argues the negative impact that the installation of the military project will have in the Spanish economy and security. Authors: Teresa de Fortuny and Xavier Bohigas. You can download the report here in Spanish and English. Soon in catalán.

  You can download the report here English

Materiales de trabajo 43

Sumario: - La inseguridad del escudo antimisiles. - La suspensión de pagos del Ministerio de Defensa, Pere Ortega. - Nuevos discursos, ¿viejos objetivos?, Anna Sánchez. - Escudo antimisiles en la base de Rota, Teresa de Fortuny y Xavier Bohigas. - El respeto a los derechos y la dignidad de la persona en la vida militar, Tomàs Gisbert. - Noticias breves. Para descargar el documento...

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.


Materiales de trabajo 43

Sumario: - La inseguridad del escudo antimisiles. - La suspensión de pagos del Ministerio de Defensa, Pere Ortega. - Nuevos discursos, ¿viejos objetivos?, Anna Sánchez. - Escudo antimisiles en la base de Rota, Teresa de Fortuny y Xavier Bohigas. - El respeto a los derechos y la dignidad de la persona en la vida militar, Tomàs Gisbert. - Noticias breves....

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Tica Font


Report 9: The controversial Spanish arms trade, a secret business 2001-2010

The controversial Spanish arms trade, a secret business 2001-2010 The Centre of Delàs presents report 9, where it’s shown that the Spanish State, in 2013 alone, has sold 1,128 million of weapons, many of them destined to countries with armed conflicts, tension, and were human rights are violated. Authors: Tica Font and Francesc Benítez. You can download the report here...

   You can download the report here in English.

Materiales de trabajo 42

Sumario: - Reflexiones tras Fukushima. Recursos energéticos y militarización. - España y las guerras por el petróleo: ¿Es el caso de Libia?, Alejandro Pozo. - Atalanta y la pesca del atún, Teresa de Fortuny. - ¿La industria militar crea muchos puestos de trabajo?, Xavier Bohigas. - Armas que reprimen rebeliones, Tica Font. - Noticias cortas. Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.


Materiales de trabajo 42

- Reflexiones tras Fukushima. Recursos energéticos y militarización. - España y las guerras por el petróleo: ¿Es el caso de Libia?, Alejandro Pozo. - Atalanta y la pesca del atún, Teresa de Fortuny. - ¿La industria militar crea muchos puestos de trabajo?, Xavier Bohigas. - Armas que reprimen rebeliones, Tica Font. - Noticias cortas. Para descargar el documento haga clic...

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Materiales de trabajo 41

Sumario: - El riesgo de militarizar los conflictos laborales, Editorial. - Las ventas españolas de armas: un nuevo máximo, Tica Font. - Lo que a España le cuesta la guerra, Jordi Calvo. - Presupuesto en I+D militar en el Estado español para el 2011, Xavier Bohigas. - La verdad del gasto militar del año 2011, Pere Ortega. - Las vejaciones del Gorh Fock y el...

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.


Materiales de trabajo 41

Sumario: - El riesgo de militarizar los conflictos laborales, Editorial. - Las ventas españolas de armas: un nuevo máximo, Tica Font. - Lo que a España le cuesta la guerra, Jordi Calvo. - Presupuesto en I+D militar en el Estado español para el 2011, Xavier Bohigas. - La verdad del gasto militar del año 2011, Pere Ortega. - Las vejaciones...

Pere Ortega


Militarism in Latin America

Militarism in Latin America This paper focuses on warning about the rising militarism in the continent, and warns that this can slow down economic and social development, and open the door to new armed conflicts. Authors: Pere Ortega and Juan Sebastián Gómez You can download the report here in Spanish and Catalan. Soon in English. Tags: Armed conflicts, terrorism and...

  You can download the report here in Spanish

Report 7: The Truth About the Spanish Military Expenditure 2011

The truth about military expenditure 2011. Military expenditure and R&D in times of crisis The Centre Delàs presents its report 7, in which confirms the severe economic crisis and international depression because of the deficit reduction. In addition, the Spanish government aims to continue favor military spending and military R&D compared to other such as health and education, that see...

   You can download the report here in English.


Materiales de trabajo 40

Sumario: - Caminos de paz para Euskadi. - Sobre las listas de organizaciones terroristas, José Luis Gordillo. - Obama y la extensión de la guerra secreta, Tomàs Gisbert. - La Europa de la vigilancia, Pere Ortega. - La guerra contra el terror en Egipto, sólo un pretexto más, Valentina Saini. - El presupuesto militar de EEUU para 2011, Pere Ortega....

Materiales de trabajo 40

Sumario: - Caminos de paz para Euskadi. - Sobre las listas de organizaciones terroristas, José Luis Gordillo. - Obama y la extensión de la guerra secreta, Tomàs Gisbert. - La Europa de la vigilancia, Pere Ortega. - La guerra contra el terror en Egipto, sólo un pretexto más, Valentina Saini. - El presupuesto militar de EEUU para 2011, Pere Ortega. Para descargar el documento haga...

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

TNI and Statewatch’s report: NeoConOpticon

The report from the Transnational Institute, reveals the tight established relations between security policies of the European Commission of the EU and the great industrial military groups that, in mutual agreement, have casted shared programs of security. This has produced a drift to militarized security, as show in multiple initiatives (ESPR, FRONTEX...) casted from the EU. A report that alerts...

  Read and download the full report in English here

Think tanks y complejo industrial militar

This work claims to offer an analysis of the structure and the three functions of the most important think tanks and represented by the United States, all of the voices in Washington. The three, although have different political views, have the explicit missions to defend and promote the interest of North Americans in the world, and to consolidate the US...

  Read and download the full report in Spanish here

Report: Spain-Israel. Military, Home Security and Armament-Based Relations, Affairs and Trends

The violence suffered in the Palestine nation has become a source of earnings to the potential military industrial complex Israel, but also to other countries. In this report, we analyze the deepness of this relations revealing who are the actors, companies, arms trade and the military link between Spanish and Israel. Author: Alejandro Pozo Marín. Read and download the full...

  Read and download the full report in English here

Materiales de trabajo 39

Sumario: - Por la abolición del armamento nuclear. - El TNP, Arnau Gómez. - Sesenta y cinco años de armamento nuclear, Teresa de Fortuny y Xavier Bohigas. - Arsenal nuclear mundial en 2009. Teresa de Fortuny, Xavier Bohigas y Pere Ortega. - Las políticas nucleares de inicios del siglo XXI, Tomàs Gisbert. - ¿Atacar Irán?, Pere Ortega. Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.


Materiales de trabajo 39

Sumario:   - Por la abolición del armamento nuclear. - El TNP, Arnau Gómez. - Sesenta y cinco años de armamento nuclear, Teresa de Fortuny y Xavier Bohigas. - Arsenal nuclear mundial en 2009. Teresa de Fortuny, Xavier Bohigas y Pere Ortega. - Las políticas nucleares de inicios del siglo XXI, Tomàs Gisbert. - ¿Atacar Irán?, Pere Ortega. Para descargar...

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Report 5: Spanish military expenditure and R&D 2010

The crisis has affected the world’s economy, especially in Europe, something that has affected different states, which have immediately decreased the welfare budget and affected the military budget. Thus, the military budgets for 2010 foresee a reduction in Europe and Spain is not an exception; the majority of the military sectors were reduced in 2010, although we have to wait...

   You can download the report here in English.

L’OTAN, una amenaça global

Este libro es fruto de la Campaña No a la OTAN, no a la guerra. La campaña surgió en Cataluña durante el otoño del 2008 a partir de una llamada de diversas organizaciones europeas para congregar el movimiento por la paz y antiOTAN, en una serie de actividades que fueran la réplica a la celebración institucional del sesenta aniversario de...

Materiales de trabajo 38

Sumario: - Mercenarios para proteger la pesca española en Somalia.  - El nuevo Tratado de Lisboa y la vieja Política de Seguridad y Defensa, Francesc Benítez.  - Gasto en I+D militar para 2010, Xavier Bohigas.  - La Unión Europea y el comercio de armamento, Eduardo Melero.  - El presupuesto de Defensa del Estado Español 2010, Pere Ortega.  - Noticias.  Para descargar el documento haga...

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Atlas del militarismo en España 2009

Atlas del militarismo en España 2009 Publication that explains graphically and visually the Spanish military state: Military spending, weapon industry, arms trade, financing for arms trade, Spanish defense policy, overseas operations and Spanish military state life. Each chapter consist of an introduction, conclusion, and relevant comments; accompanied with graphics, figures, tables, that make it easier to comprehend the data that...


Materiales de trabajo 37

Sumario: - Exportaciones de armas españolas 2008.-El «Viva la muerte» de EXPAL, Pere Ortega.- Trobada ENAAT, Francesc Benítez.- Déficit público y armas, Miquel González.- Comunicado Centre Delàs.-¿Relaciones «insignificantes» con Israel?, Alejandro Pozo.- Noticias. Puedes descargar aquí el documento en castellano y catalán.

Materiales de trabajo 35

Sumario: - Aumentar el compromiso con Afganistán retirando las tropas. - El gasto militar del Estado español para el año 2009. - La guerra de Afganistán es una guerra ilegal, Eduardo Melero. - La factura de la guerra y la crisis económica, Pere Ortega. - APPLUS: Bush, Bin Laden y otros. - El fraude de los créditos de I+D militar. Puedes descargar...

  Puedes descargar aquí el documento en catalán.


Materiales de trabajo 35

Sumario: - Aumentar el compromiso con Afganistán retirando las tropas. - El gasto militar del Estado español para el año 2009. - La guerra de Afganistán es una guerra ilegal, Eduardo Melero. - La factura de la guerra y la crisis económica, Pere Ortega. - APPLUS: Bush, Bin Laden y otros. - El fraude de los créditos de I+D militar....

Report 4: “Alliance of barbarians. Afghanistan 2001-2008. 10 reasons to question (and rethink) foreign involvement””

Since September 11, 2001, Afghanistan has become a priority to all exterior agendas all over the world. The terrorist attacks in the US traumatized part of the world’s population and increased the perception towards the external threat and the polarization between the Middle East and the Muslims. Author: Alejandro Pozo Marín You can download the report here in Spanish.

Deconstruir la guerra

Deconstruir la guerra In Catalan Schools, youth studies the successive conflicts that our country has known, specially the Civil War. They know the highlights of both World Wars and the violence perpetrated by the Cold War. Rarely, however, are they spoken about the armed conflicts happening nowadays, which take millions of lives, destroy entire cities and are environmental threats. Few...

Report 3: Spanish military expenditure 2009

Spanish military expenditure 2009 The Spanish State Budgets project for next year 2009 has been presented in the Congress of Deputies. These budgets are presented in an international conjuncture of economic crisis especially aggravated in the Spanish case. The Spanish Government announces the containment of spending in the public sector and especially that relating to the Ministry of Defense, which...

   You can download the report here in English.

Report 2008: Spanish Exports of Defense Material

This report aims to identify the main trends in the export of arms, including the most significant changes in the Spanish market and export policy of the Government. The main source of information for this study is the annual publication of the Ministry of Industry , Tourism, and Trade, prepared by this same institution “Statistics on Spanish exports of defense materials,...

   You can download the report here in English.

Materials de treball 33

Sumari: - Primera llei que regula el comerç d’armes a Espanya. - La inèrcia de la despesa militar de l’Estat espanyol, Pere Ortega. - La Llei d’ocultació de les vendes d’armes, Eduardo Melero i Tica Font. - BBVA i BANESTO lideren un crèdit sindicat a MAXAM, Tomàs Gisbert. - Un pas més cap a la prohibició de les bombes de dispersió?, Jordi Calvo. -...

   Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Materiales de trabajo 34

Sumario: - Éxito del movimiento pacifista: la prohibición de las bombas de dispersión. - El escándalo de los créditos en I+D militar, Pere Ortega. - Agrocombustibles y violencia, Tomàs Gisbert. - Razones de ser y justificaciones de los ejércitos: la Unidad Militar de Emergencias, Miquel González. - Actualidad de las campañas por el desarme del Centre Delàs, Jordi Calvo. - Informe 2007 de exportaciones...

  Puedes descargar el documento aquí en castellano


Materiales de trabajo 34

Sumario: - Éxito del movimiento pacifista: la prohibición de las bombas de dispersión. - El escándalo de los créditos en I+D militar, Pere Ortega. - Agrocombustibles y violencia, Tomàs Gisbert. - Razones de ser y justificaciones de los ejércitos: la Unidad Militar de Emergencias, Miquel González. - Actualidad de las campañas por el desarme del Centre Delàs, Jordi Calvo. -...

Materiales de trabajo 32

Sumari: - Campanya "BBVA sense armes", Jesús Carrión i Jordi Calvo. - Per què no es publiquen les dades dels finançaments de les exportacions espanyoles d’armament?, Alejandro Pozo. - Desarmar la banca, Pere Ortega. - Agències de Crèdit a l’Exportació: complicitat els estats del Nord en els negocis bruts, Francesc Benítez. - Una banca alternativa: la banca ètica, Jordi Calvo. Para descargar el documento haga...

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Materiales de trabajo 32

Sumari: - Campanya "BBVA sense armes", Jesús Carrión i Jordi Calvo. - Per què no es publiquen les dades dels finançaments de les exportacions espanyoles d’armament?, Alejandro Pozo. - Desarmar la banca, Pere Ortega. - Agències de Crèdit a l’Exportació: complicitat els estats del Nord en els negocis bruts, Francesc Benítez. - Una banca alternativa: la banca ètica, Jordi Calvo....

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.


Materiales de trabajo 32

Sumari: - Campanya "BBVA sense armes", Jesús Carrión i Jordi Calvo. - Per què no es publiquen les dades dels finançaments de les exportacions espanyoles d’armament?, Alejandro Pozo. - Desarmar la banca, Pere Ortega. - Agències de Crèdit a l’Exportació: complicitat els estats del Nord en els negocis bruts, Francesc Benítez. - Una banca alternativa: la banca ètica, Jordi Calvo....

Materiales de trabajo 31

Sumario: - La despesa de les missions espanyoles a l'exterior, Pere Ortega. - Agència Europea de Defensa: Oficina del Lobby de la Indústria de Defensa Europea, Francesc Benítez. - Els militars volen que es parli d’ells en una nova assignatura, Tica Font. - Sobre el Projecte de llei de carrera militar, Tomàs Gisbert. Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.


Humanitarismo militar, militarismo humanitario

Humanitarismo militar, militarismo humanitario Humanitarian action is characterized by its neutrality, impartiality, and independence. Military actions are clearly impacted by political interests. Two diametrically opposed realities with points of ambiguous interconnection generate this concern and deserve further explanation. Publisher: Centre Delàs (2007)Language: Catalan General public price: 5€Centre Delàs price: 5€Member of the Centre Delàs price: 5€

Materiales de trabajo 31

Sumario: - La despesa de les missions espanyoles a l'exterior, Pere Ortega. - Agència Europea de Defensa: Oficina del Lobby de la Indústria de Defensa Europea, Francesc Benítez. - Els militars volen que es parli d’ells en una nova assignatura, Tica Font. - Sobre el Projecte de llei de carrera militar, Tomàs Gisbert. Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Materiales de trabajo 30

Sumario: - Els excessos del clixé Somàlia, Alejandro Pozo. - La despesa militar de l'exercici 2007, Pere Ortega. - ONG i experts rebutgen la ingerència dels exèrcits en l'ajut humanitari. - Campanya contra les municions de dispersió. - La XVII Trobada de Barcelona denuncia els vincles entre l'actual model de consum i la violència. Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Pere Ortega


El militarismo en España

Balance del ciclo armamentista español hasta 2007 Spain has chosen to embrace the evolution of armed conflict such as betting on military actions by sending armed forces to various locations around the planet. The political discourse of ruling elites in Spain has led to a strengthening of militarism. Authors: Arcadi Oliveres and Pere OrtegaPublisher: Icaria (2007)Language: Spanish General public price:...

Materiales de trabajo 30

Sumario: - Els excessos del clixé Somàlia, Alejandro Pozo. - La despesa militar de l'exercici 2007, Pere Ortega. - ONG i experts rebutgen la ingerència dels exèrcits en l'ajut humanitari. - Campanya contra les municions de dispersió. - La XVII Trobada de Barcelona denuncia els vincles entre l'actual model de consum i la violència. Para descargar el documento haga clic...

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Materiales de trabajo 30

Sumario: - Els excessos del clixé Somàlia, Alejandro Pozo. - La despesa militar de l'exercici 2007, Pere Ortega. - ONG i experts rebutgen la ingerència dels exèrcits en l'ajut humanitari. - Campanya contra les municions de dispersió. - La XVII Trobada de Barcelona denuncia els vincles entre l'actual model de consum i la violència. Para descargar el documento haga clic...

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Tica Font


Materiales de trabajo 29

Sumario: - El debat sobre l'exèrcit espanyol a l'Afganistan. - Evolució dels conflictes en el començament del segle XXI, Francesc Benítez. - D'Hiroshima a Txernòbil: la maledicció de l'urani, Jordi Foix. - Exportacions espanyoles de material de defensa, Tica Font. Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Materiales de trabajo 28

Sumario: - Humanitarismes que maten. - És legal el que fa Espanya  l’Afganistan?, Alejandro Pozo. - La inacabable proliferació nuclear, Jordi Foix. - L’Ajut Oficial al Desenvolupament i el comerç d’armes a Espanya, Pere Ortega. - Drets humans: nous aires, nova voluntat?, Sabina Puig. Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Materiales de trabajo 27

Sumario: - Una defensa militaritzada. - La militarització del pressupost d’Espanya, Pere Ortega. - L’Observatori de la Vida Militar, Tomàs Gisbert. - En memòria de Joseph Rotblat. - Caixa Catalunya i GTD poden adquirir GAMESA. - Resum de la reunió anual de l’ENAAT a Londres, Francesc Benítez. - Un llibre: «No-violència i Transformació Social». Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí

Noviolencia y transformación social

In recent years, the demonstrations that have accompanied the movement against capitalist globalization have relocated the debate on violence/ non-violence within social movements. In this work, nonviolence is approached from the perspective of social transformation, as a mode of change for growing social movements. Authors: Pere Ortega and Alejandro Pozo Publisher: Icaria (2005)Language: Spanish General public price: 8€Centre Delàs price:...

Materiales de trabajo 26

Sumari: - Armes per petroli. - La batalla aeronàutica, Pere Ortega. - Una política militar continuista, Tomàs Gisbert. - El Centre Delàs en el V Fòrum Social Mundial. - En record de Seymour Melman. - Espies darrere de les pancartes: el cas de l’espionatge de BAE Systems a grups contra el comerç d’armament, Francesc Benítez. Para descargar el documento haga...

   Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Materiales de trabajo 26

Sumario: - Armes per petroli. - La batalla aeronàutica, Pere Ortega. - Una política militar continuista, Tomàs Gisbert. - El Centre Delàs en el V Fòrum Social Mundial. - En record de Seymour Melman. - Espies darrere de les pancartes: el cas de l’espionatge de BAE Systems a grups contra el comerç d’armament, Francesc Benítez. Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Materials de treball 27

- Una defensa militaritzada. - La militarització del pressupost d’Espanya, Pere Ortega. - L’Observatori de la Vida Militar, Tomàs Gisbert. - En memòria de Joseph Rotblat. - Caixa Catalunya i GTD poden adquirir GAMESA. - Resum de la reunió anual de l’ENAAT a Londres, Francesc Benítez. - Un llibre: «No-violència i Transformació Social». Per descarregar el document faci clic aquí.

   Per descarregar el document faci clic aquí.

Contra la fam i la guerra

Contra la fam i la guerra The revenues of the 50 largest companies in the world are higher than the combined income of 160 countries as well as global military spending which is 20 times the money needed to eradicate hunger. The world is divided between those who profit off this business, and those who suffer because of it, as...

Materiales de trabajo 25

Sumario: - Aeronàutica militar a Catalunya. - Drassanes i la deriva sindical, Pere Ortega. - Les tropes espanyoles a Afganistan i el risc radioactiu, Tomàs Gisbert. - Assistència del Centre d’Estudis per la Pau J.M. Delàs a la reunió de la ENAAT, Francesc Benítez. - Més del mateix. El pressupost militar a Espanya per a l’any2005, Pere Ortega. Para descargar...

   Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Materiales de trabajo 25

Sumario: - Aeronàutica militar a Catalunya. - Drassanes i la deriva sindical, Pere Ortega. - Les tropes espanyoles a Afganistan i el risc radioactiu, Tomàs Gisbert. - Assistència del Centre d’Estudis per la Pau J.M. Delàs a la reunió de la ENAAT, Francesc Benítez. - Més del mateix. El pressupost militar a Espanya per a l’any2005, Pere Ortega. Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Pensamiento pacifista

Henry D. Thoreau, Leon Tolstoi, Albert Einstein, Virginia Woolf, Hanna Arendt, Martin Luther King, E. P. Thompson. Antiwar activity needs, if it wants to be fruitful, knowledge, updating, and interactional pacifist group ideas and experiences of earlier times with reflection and current proposal and future. There are groups of historical characters, writers and intellectuals that have contribute ideas that today...

Materiales de trabajo 24

Sumario:- Trencar el vell cercle de la violència. - Civil o militar? Aquesta és la qüestió, Pere Ortega. - La caiguda d’efectius de l’exèrcit professional, Tomàs Gisbert. - La privatització de la seguretat, Sander Ammann. - L'11-M i Unión Española de Explosivos, Pere Ortega. Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Materiales de trabajo 24

Sumario:- Trencar el vell cercle de la violència. - Civil o militar? Aquesta és la qüestió, Pere Ortega. - La caiguda d’efectius de l’exèrcit professional, Tomàs Gisbert. - La privatització de la seguretat, Sander Ammann. - L'11-M i Unión Española de Explosivos, Pere Ortega. Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

El ciclo armamentista español. Una panorámica crítica (1989-1999)

Spain belongs to the EU, NATO, WEU,OSCE, forms part of various euro-armies: Eurofor, Euromarfor, and the European army of the EU, and all of this significantly affects the military policy that the Spanish state follows, it even determines its economy, but in principle it seems a militarized country nor being justified by a proportionate threat. Authors: Arcadi Oliveres and Pere...

Materiales de trabajo 23

Sumario: - Abolir la guerra. La Constitució Europea i la pau. - L’escalada de la despesa en defensa i el deliri de l’R+D militar a l’Estat espanyol, Pere Ortega. - Dels atacs anticipatorios i la revisió estratègica de la defensa, Tomàs Gisbert. - La Conferència de Donants o «Alí Babá i els 40 llladres», Tica Font. Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

  Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Materiales de trabajo 22

Sumario: - La guerra de Irak y el nuevo desorden mundial. - Nuevas armas en la guerra de Irak, Tomàs Gisbert. - Galería de «Monstruos». - La industria militar aeronáutica se introduce en Catalunya, Pere Ortega. Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.

Materiales de trabajo 21

Sumario: - ¿Conflicto étnico? El negocio de las armas en el conflicto de Afganistán, Alejandro Pozo. - Afganistán, Irak, bombardeados con uranio, Tomàs Gisbert. - Las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones aplicadas a la defensa y la seguridad, Francesc Benítez. - El gasto militar del 2003 en España, Pere Ortega. Para descargar el documento haga clic aquí.


Materiales de trabajo 20

Sumario:- Globalización y guerra. - Por la paz! No a la investigación militar! - Terrorismo y libertades, Francesc Gusi. - Ni el ejército a la escuela, ni la escuela al ejército, Carme Romia i Agustí. - Guerras: las mujeres y los niños primero, Elena Grau Biosca. - El Centre J.M.Delàs en la reunión de la ENAAT, Arnau Gómez. Para descargar...

Materiales de trabajo 19

Sumario:- Adiós a Joan Gomis. - Las fuerzas de mantenimiento de la paz, un peligro para miles de mujeres, Tomàs Gisbert. - Bétera se moviliza contra el cuartel de la OTAN, Enric Prat. - Crónica de la reunión de ENAAT, Arnau Gómez. - El presupuesto militar del 2002 en España, Pere Ortega. - Consecuencias del 11-9, Pere Ortega. Para descargar...

Materiales de trabajo 18

Sumario: - El Centre d’Estudis per la Pau J.M. Delàs. - Las hipocresías del uranio empobrecido, Tomàs Gisbert. - Tarragona, ¿patrimonio de la humanidad o de la OTAN?, Jordi Navarro. - La Nueva Defensa Estratégica de EEUU, Pere Ortega. - La industria aeronáutica en Barcelona, Centre Delàs. - El culebrón de Santa Bárbara, Pere Ortega. Para descargar el documento haga...


Jornades “Humanitarisme militar, militarisme humanitari”

La acción humanitaria se caracteriza por su neutralidad, imparcialidad e independencia. Las actuaciones militares responden a intereses claramente políticos. Dos realidades diametralmente opuestas con unos puntos de interconexión ambiguos que generan cierta preocupación y que merecen un estudio profundo. Es cierto que gracias al apoyo de los ejércitos los autores humanitarios pueden trabajar con mayor seguridad y tienen un mejor...


Silences. Daily violence of the armies

Silences. Daily violence of the armies We present here the results of investigations carried out within the framework of the SILENCE project on parallel violence in the armed forces. The SILENCES project was promoted by IDS (Informació per a la Defensa dels Soldats) of Barcelona, with the collaboration of Archivio Disarmo of Rome and the Victor Seix Institute of Polemology...

Tica Font


For a fairer globalization. Shall we talk?

For a fairer globalization. Shall we talk? This work is the booklet that was included in the poster exhibition with the title above on the complexity of globalization, considered mainly as an economic phenomenon that involves changes in all aspects of the human order, even though they cannot be explained only by economic causes. These changes imply continuous adaptations of...

  You can download the report here in Catalan