Report 49: “Climate crisis, armed forces and environmental peace”

Report 49: “Climate crisis, armed forces and environmental peace”

This report continues and complements the research work begun in Report 47 of the Delàs Centre, analysing the relationship among power structures, militarized security and the environmental crisis, to then study in detail the
environmental footprint of the military economy and the carbon footprint of the military sector in Spain (armed forces and military industry), addressing one of the main threats looming over humanity: the growing use of military force to impose the political/economic model and to repress the resistance of those who oppose that model. Also studying the environmental damage and GHG emissions arising from military activities and placing emphasis on the sectors surrounding the military economy – sectors analysed are those for which information is available to quantify them-.

Authors: Pere Brunet, Chloé Meulewaeter and Pere Ortega

Read and download the executive summary in English, in Spanish and in Catalan, and the full report in English, in Spanish and in Catalan.


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