Expanding the fortress. The policies, the profiteers and the people shaped by EU’s border externalisation programme

Expanding the fortress. The policies, the profiteers and the people shaped by EU’s border externalisation programme

The EU has made migration control a central goal of its foreign relations, rapidly expanding border externalisation measures that require neighbouring countries to act as Europe’s border guards. The report “Expanding the fortress. The policies, the profiteers and the people shaped by EU’s border externalisation programme”, published by Transnational Institute (TNI), Stop Wapenhandel and Delàs Centre of Studies for Peace, examines 35 countries, prioritised by the EU, and finds authoritarian regimes emboldened to repress civil society, vulnerable refugees forced to turn to more dangerous and deadly routes, and European arms and security firms booming off the surge in funding for border security systems and technologies.

Read and download the executive summary in Catalan, in Spanish and in English. And the full report in English.

Link to the summary video from the report: https://youtu.be/5t6Mi9APoTg


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