Report 30: Gender and military culture. Lives, bodies and social control under war

Report 30: Gender and military culture. Lives, bodies and social control under war

Gender and military culture. Lives, bodies and social control under war

In the new report by the Delás Centre it is analysed the relation of mutual dependence among the militarism and the patriarchy one. That is when the militarism penetrates in the society mobilize all the material available resources to the service of the war, included the human resources. The war speech, the devaluation of the value of the life, the construction of “the other one” as enemy or the promotion of certain masculinities can generate increase of the violence and feedback the existing one as mechanism of control on women, children and non-hegemonic sexual and gender identities.

Author: Nora Miralles Crespo, collaborator of the Delàs Centre for Peace Studies

You can download the report here in English, Spanishand Catalan.


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