Report 31: The incorporation of women into the Spanish Army. Opacity, sexism and violence

Report 31: The incorporation of women into the Spanish Army. Opacity, sexism and violence

The incorporation of women into the Spanish Army. Opacity, sexism and violence

The incorporation of women into the Spanish Army it is formally established as a process of modernization into the Army. In spite of the fact that the official sources refer to this process as a fact of “equality” the reality is very different. Open the door of the army to the women, allow them to obtain the same rights of men or will turn them into other pieces of the militaristic gear?
Question like the sexual violence inside the army, the difficulty in the familiar conciliation or the perpetuity of the patriarchal roles make think about the army as an institution that generates violence inside and out of its rows.

Autora: Maria de Lluc Bagur, investigadora del Centro Delàs de Estudios por la Paz

You can download the report here in Spanish, Catalan and English


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