Centre Delàs hosts the International Peace Bureau Interoffice Meeting in Barcelona

Centre Delàs hosts the International Peace Bureau Interoffice Meeting in Barcelona

The Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau (Delàs Center of Studies for Peace), as the decentralized International Peace Bureau’s (IPB) office in Barcelona, hosted the visit of three representatives from IPB offices in Berlin and Geneve. IPB president, Reiner Braun, travelled also to Barcelona to attend the Interoffice Meeting. A common evaluation of the organization’s present situation and the activities and campaigns IPB is taking part of, was made in this meeting. The members of IPB also met with different institutional and Catalan peace organizations representatives with the aim of defining the next steps of the IPB campaigns and main activities.

Founded in 1891, the International Peace Bureau is dedicated to the vision of a World Without War, promoting peace through the elimination of nuclear weapons, exposing arms trade and promoting disarmament, education and peace culture. The Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau is an active IPB member from its beginning and from 2017 coordinates GCOMS international campaign and is the IPB decentralized office in Spain.

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