International Congress “Another security is possible, rethinking the security and defense policies at a global and local level of the culture of peace”

  16 November, 2018
 Where: Contemporary Culture Center of Barcelona, CCCB (carrer de Montalegre, 5, 08001 Barcelona)
 Organizes: Delàs Center for Studies for Peace and the International University of Peace.
 Type of event:

The Delàs Center for Studies for Peace and the International University for Peace organize the International Congress “Another security is possible, rethinking the security and defense policies at a global and local level of the culture of peace”, which will take place on Friday 16th november of 2018 from 10 am to 2 pm and from 4 pm to 8 pm at the Center for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona (CCCB).

What are the alternatives to the current security model? What alternative proposals are being built locally and globally? What security model should institutions encourage to move towards the human security model? These are some of the main questions about the security models that the congress will address, which will have a diversity of scholars, thinkers and institutional figures from the international relations environment, the culture of peace and social transformation.

The event will begin at 10 am with an opening by the organizing entities and institutions that support the event. The inaugural conference will include the video intervention of the catalan philosopher, journalist and writer Josep Ramoneda, who will provide a global introduction on what it means to build security today.

Under the title “Narratives of security and peace: question the hegemonic paradigm of security”, the first round table will explore the narrative that accompanies the different views and doctrines of security that are implemented globally and locally, and will have an intervention of video of the expert in the framework of peace studies Johan Galtung, and with the participation of the expert in international relations, Itziar Ruiz-Giménez, and the resarcher from GRIP Group for Research and Information on Peace and Security, Georges Berghezan.

At 4:00 pm. and until 6:00 p.m., the table “We build another security from below: experiences of local peace and security policies” will be opened, with the participation of Josep Mayoral, mayor of Granollers, who has worked to introduce the concept of security human in the municipal institutions; Patricia Guerrero, expert in international humanitarian law and founder of the City of Women in Colombia; and Carlos Giménez Romero, director of the Institute of Human Rights, Democracy, Culture of Peace and Nonviolence.

Finally, we will address global security policies with the table “From militarized s (in)security to human security: global experiences of peace and security”, in which the expert on security and defense issues and adviser of SIPRI will participate, Tarja Cronberg, the scholar and expert in human security Karlos Pérez de Armiño, and finally, Rafael Martínez, expert in security policies of the spanish State.

The El Mirador room of the CCCB in Barcelona is the space that will host this congress that has the support of the Catalan Agency for Cooperation for Development (ACCD) and the Diputació de Barcelona.

The event is open to all audiences, but it is compulsory to formalize an earlier registration that you can make in this link.

Day and schedule: Friday, November 16, 2018 from 10:00 a.m. at 2:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. At 8:00 pm.

Place: Contemporary Culture Center of Barcelona, CCCB (carrer de Montalegre, 5, 08001 Barcelona)

Organized by: Delàs Center for Studies for Peace and the International University of Peace.

With the support of: Catalan Agency for Cooperation for Development (ACCD) and Diputació de Barcelona.

Facebook event in this link.

Full program:

10:00 a.m. at 10:30 a.m. – Institutional opening:

Pere Ortega, president of Delàs Center for Studies for Peace

Arcadi Oliveres, president of International University of Peace

Manel Vila i Motlló, director  Devlopment Cooperation of Agència Catalana de Cooperació al Desenvolupament (ACCD)

Salvador Gausa i Gascón, director of International Relations of Diputació de Barcelona

10:30 a.m. at 11:30 a.m. – Inaugural conference:

Josep Ramoneda (journalist, philosopher and writer)

What does security mean nowadays?


José María Perceval (Doctor of Social Sciences and Communication Sciences and member of the Universitat Internacional de la Pau)

Conclusions and questions


11:30 a.m. at 12:00 p.m. – Coffee break

12:00 am. at 2:00 p.m. – Table 1: Narratives of security and peace: questioning the hegemonic paradigm of security.

Johan Galtung (videoconference) (philosopher and scholar for peace)

Is another security possible?

Itziar Ruiz-Giménez (Bachelor of Law and Political Science and Doctor in International Relations, Coordinator of the African Studies Group (GEA) of the UAM)

Build another security from international relations

Georges Berghezan (resarcher from GRIP Group for Research and Information on Peace and Security)


Nuria del Viso (Journalist, anthropologist and expert in peace and security, Fuhem)

Conclusions and questions

2:00 pm to 4:00 pm – Lunch break

4:00 a.m. at 6:00 p.m. – Table 2: Let’s build another security from below: Experiences of local peace and security policies

Patricia Guerrero (lawyer, exjueza and feminist activist, founder of The City of Women, Colombia)

The safety of and for women

Carlos Giménez Romero (Director of the Institute of Human Rights, Democracy, Culture of Peace and Nonviolence, DEMOSPAZ-UAM)

Urban violence, what violence does the city have to face?

Josep Mayoral (Mayor of Granollers and vicepresident of Mayors for Peace)

How to implement human security from institutions


Ana Barrero (President of Associación Española de Investigación por la Paz, AIPAZ)

6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. – Table 3: From militarized (in)security to human security: Global experiences of peace and security

Tarja Cronberg (former finnish  representative, specialist in peace, security and demilitarization)

The importance of demilitarizing institutions

Karlos Pérez de Armiño (PhD in Political Science and Diploma in European Studies as well as in International Humanitarian Aid)

The proposal of human security as an alternative to militarized security

Rafael Martínez (Professor of Political Science)

Build security from the State


Kristian Herbolzheimer (Director of Institut Català Internacional per la Pau, ICIP)

Conclusions and questions


8:00 pm – Closing and conclusions

Neus Sotomayor (director of the Universitat Internacional de la Pau)

Jordi Calvo (researcher and coordinator of the Delàs Centre of Studies for Peace)
