Jornadas 2015: Reduce military spending for a safer world

Jornadas 2015: Reduce military spending for a safer world
#ReduirLaDespesaMilitar #CutMilitarySpending
On the 12th of November 2015 in Barcelona, Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau will celebrate its annual conference. This conference, will be preparatory comitee to the International Peace Bureau (IPB) Worldwide Congress 2016 (PrepCom). The Congress, called “Disarm! For a climate of Peace”, will talk about how to reduce the military expenses budget in the world, which goes up to $1.8 trillion, and how to invest the money in peace promotion activities, social development, environmental policies, social and welfare policies, Human Rights, gender equality and sustainable job creation.

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The main goal of the Cente Delàs’ conference is to highlight the amount of money assigned to the military expenses budget and introduce it in the Politics, Media and social agenda in order to understand how these affect in conflicts, world and Peace development and it makes the social transformation more difficult.
09:00- 10:00: Seminary for journalists What is the military expenses budget? Ways to hide them from the State´s budget.
- Dr. Sam Perlo Freeman, a researcher from SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute). Expert in military expenses, Defence economy and arms trade.
- An expert from Centre Delàs.
Location: Centre Delàs.
18:00- 19:30: Conference Reduce military spending for a safer world
Introduction by Lourdes Morelo, General Directorate deputy for Development cooperation of the ACCD and Judit Salas Calduch, General Directorate deputy for Global Justice and International Cooperation of the Ajuntament de Barcelona
- Presentation: Marià de Delàs, editorial director of Público newspapper
- Dr. Sam Perlo Freeman, a researcher from SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute). Expert in military expenses, Defence economy and arms trade.
- Ingeborg Breines, Co-president of the International Peace Bureau (IPB).
- Moderating: Centre Delàs.
Location: Blanquerna Auditorium, Faculty of Communications and International Relations (URL). C/. Valdonzella, 12 – Barcelona (Raval district)
English <> Catalan interpretation available
19:30- 21:00: Round table Which defence and security model are necessary for the 21st century? How many military expenses?
- Moderating: Sergi Picazo, journalist from Crític newspaper.
Political representatives:
- PSC-PSOE: Ferran Pedret Santos, Member of Catalan Parliament
- IU: Joan Josep Nuet, Member of Catalan Parliament
- CUP: David Fernàndez i Ramos, Ex-Member of Catalan Parliament
- ERC: Marta Vilalta, Member of Catalan Parliament
The political parties, PP and Ciudadadnos, have been invited but they did not accept to participate to the round table.
Location: Blanquerna Auditorium, Faculty of Communications and International Relations (URL). C/. Valdonzella, 12 – Barcelona (Raval district), Metro stations Universitat and Pl. Cataluña
Catalan <> English interpretation available

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To know more about the International Peace Bureau world congress
Disarm! For a climate of peace – Creating an action agenda
- Web del congreso
- Descarga el tríptico del evento en pdf
- Vídeo en Youtube: