2016 Annual Conference: Peace, gender and militarism

Where: Auditori Blanquerna, Facultata de Communicació i Relaciones Internacionals
Organizes: Centre for Peace Studies J.M Dèlas
Type of event: Conferences
17th of November 2016, in Barcelona, we will hold the annual conference from Centre for Peace Studies J.M Dèlas, in regard of the following topic “Peace, gender and militarism”.
Delàs Center dedicates its conferences from 2016 to reflect on the position of women in military structures and armed conflicts, while examining the diverse roles she can take part with.
From a feminist perspective the patriarchy is cause and consequence of military violence which appears in areas of armed conflict, process of preparation for war and the society in which they are integrated.
Is militarism an extent of the patriarchy and does it legitimate violence against and by women? To reach conclusions in these areas among others related to militarism and gender we will have two debate panels: The matter of gender among the Spanish armed forces and The roles of Women in Armed Conflicts.
17.30h Welcoming ceremony.
18.00h – 19.30h Panel discussion, ‘The matter of gender among the Spanish armed forces’.
Julio Rodríguez: Head of the Military State 2008-2011.
María de Lluc Bagur: Researcher Centre Delàs Studies for Peace.
Moderator: Gemma Amorós: Researcher Centre Delàs Studies for Peace.
19:30h – 21.00h Panel discussion, ‘ The roles of women in armed conflicts’.
Nora Miralles: Researcher Centre Delàs Studies for Peace.
María Villellas: Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) and Researcher Escola de Cultura de Pau.
Yanira Restrepo: Ex-Militia of M19 in Colombia.
Alba Sotorra Clua: Producer of documentaries on the Middle East and Units Defense of Women Kurdish.
Montserrat Cervera: Feminist Activist. Member of Women in Black and Women X Women.
Moderator: Pamela Urrutia: Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) and Researcher Escola de Cultura de Pau.
Free entrance. Previous inscription recommended Aquí

Con la colaboración de: Women International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF España)

Proyecto realizado con el apoyo de la Agència Catalana de Cooperació al Desenvolupament i l’Ajuntament de Barcelona