“European military spending harms peace and the planet”, ENAAT’s webinar with Chloé Meulewaeter

On Thursday 8 June, 17pm (CET) the European Campaign Against Arms Trade (ENAAT) will be holding an online event to know more about how a growing European military spending is a threat to peace and the planet, and who are the main profiteers of the war economy, with the presentation of our data collection work on the top European arms companies for 2022.
The webinar will also discuss how civil society could join forces to oppose the forthcoming increase in military spending, and fight for a better use of taxpayers’ money to respond to the real current challenges facing humanity, such as the climate crisis, pandemics, deforestation, floods, loss of biodiversity and many more.
For this, experts from the European campaign members, as Centre Delàs, will participate in the debate:
- Laëtitia Sédou, ENAAT (EU)
- Sam Perlo Freeman, CAAT UK
- Chloé Meulewaeter, IPB/Centre Delás
- Wendela de Vries, Stop Wapenhandel
The event is organised by ENAAT in cooperation with Stop Wapenhandel and will be in English. You can register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwtcuiopjMpHtSkB31vmtsRL4DgmHozWeg9