Second day of the II World Peace Congress in Barcelona: “(Re)imagine our world. Action for peace and justice”

  16 October, 2021
 Where: CCCB (Hall + Pati de les Dones) and Blanquerna (Universitat Ramón Llull)
 Organizes: International Peace Bureau
 Type of event:

The International Peace Bureau organizes the Second World Peace Congress to be held in Barcelona this fall, from October 15 to 17, co-organized by ICIP. The Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau participates in the organization of this international congress together with the main Catalan peace entities, hand in hand with the Escola de Cultura de Pau, the Universitat Internacional de la Pau, Fundipau, Justicia i Pau, Novact,, among others.

More than 50 Catalan, Spanish and international peace organizations and networks are involved in the preparations for this meeting that will bring together a wide variety of experts, activists and human rights defenders from around the world in theses three days of dialogue, debate, workshops and seminars that will be hosted by the CCCB of Barcelona. Speakers from all disciplines and backgrounds, including internationally recognized expert voices and grassroots voices, will ensure the participation of peace organizations, feminist and civil rights groups, labor unions, environmentalists, educators, religious and spiritual leaders, community development representatives, human rights defenders and many more.

Among the already confirmed speakers there are internationally recognized experts and activists such as Noam Chomsky, Vandana Shiva, Jody Williams, Martin Chungong, Wada Masako and Beatrice Fihn.

You can read the full programme on the Congress website.

Tota la informació del World Peace Congress aquí.
