Luis Arbide
Member of ATTAC, Association for the Taxation of Financial Transactions and for Citizens’ Action, an international anti-globalization movement that promotes democratic control of financial markets and institutions in charge of their control through political reflection and social mobilization.
Member of the platform Ongi Etorri Errefuxiatuak in defense of the right to migrate and the rights of people who are displaced due to forced causes. On this platform, he is an activist at the commission La Guerra Empieza Aquí (War Begins Here) that works against the arms trade and wars that expel people from their territories.
At Centre Delàs he has participated in two publications; the book “Pacifistas en acción” (Pacifists in action) and the report “Los puertos de la muerte, cómplices de las exportaciones de armas españolas para la guerra. El caso de la venta de armas españolas al ejército saudí y su probable uso en la guerra de Yemen” (Harbours of death, accomplices of the exports of Spanish weapons for war).