Statement from the Centre Delàs de Estudis per la Pau: Solidarity and responsibility with women refugees from war and misery
Solidarity and responsibility with women refugees from war and misery
Statement from the Delàs Centre for Peace Studies coinciding with the International Day of Peace
The current refugee crisis, in which millions of people are fleeing war, political repression or failed states in various countries, is a reminder of the terrible damage caused by armed conflicts worldwide.
Many are the refugees who arrive at the edges of Europe fleeing from the war in Syria, but also from the conflict and instability in countries such as Libya, the Central African Republic, Iraq and many others in which the European forces are involved, either through military interventions or arms sales.
Now that thousands of refugees are arriving at our borders, it is necessary to look back and remember that during the two world wars, it was our grandparents who undertook long journeys in search of refuge. Far from promoting the image of refugees as poor, rootless or unprotected people, we must treat them with international solidarity, with absolute condemnation of all wars and the political decisions that generate them.
We believe that the European Union and the member countries of NATO, as well as all countries in the world that choose the military and violent route, should take responsibility for the armed interventions they make.
We warn against the possibility that this crisis may serve to implement political measures that are contrary to international law and that increase the militarisation of border and security controls, endangering the free movement of people in the Schengen area. In this regard, we claim the courage and bravery of the people who are trying to save their lives and those of their families and we condemn the treatment that is being given to them from the borders and from the streets of some European countries.
Finally, we also condemn the tremendous inequalities that our world suffers causing many people to leave their homes behind, and we demand the implementation of political measures that promote human security, as well as an end to the manufacture, investment, and commercialization of weapons.
From the Centre Delàs, we denounce that this crisis is the crisis of wars and the misery and inequalities that they trigger. We demand that the member countries of the EU and NATO assume responsibility for the consequences of the wars they promote and feed, and that they take the necessary political measures to end them peacefully.
We demand concrete and urgent political measures to enable the immediate reception of refugees and other people fleeing war, misery and repression.
We claim the responsibility of states, their role in armed conflicts and call on them to assume the consequences of their military actions.
Solidarity for refugees and their bravery.

Barcelona, 21st of September, Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau
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