Mandla Mandela visits Barcelona during Anti-Apartheid Week

Mandla Mandela visits Barcelona during Anti-Apartheid Week

Last minute: the organizing entities inform that the event “Conversations on apartheid, from South Africa to Palestine” will finally be held by videoconference. The event continues for Thursday, March 19 at 6:30 p.m. It can be accessed through a link that we will send shortly.

Due to the security measures to reduce spreading of the Covid-19, the event will take place online. You can access it freely through this link:

African National Congress deputy, tribal chief and grandson of Nelson Mandela will share a table with decolonial activist Desirée Bela at the “Apartheid Talks: From South Africa to Palestine” event on March 19 at the El Borne Cultural Center.

Next March the Coalició Prou Complicitat with Israel and with the support of several entities and institutions of the city received the visit of the tribal chief and deputy of the ANC (African National Congress), Mandla Mandela in Barcelona. Mandela is a reference in the anti-racist and anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa, but also an open defender of the rights of the Palestinian people and of the campaign for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel.

In the week against apartheid, and coinciding with the International Day against Racism (March 21), we organized an open act of dialogue between the South African representative and the anti-racist communicator Desirée Bela, to put in common the parallels between apartheid in South Africa and that which the Palestinian people are currently experiencing, and to share strategies of non-violent resistance against racism, in accordance with the theme of this year’s Israeli Apartheid Week: united against racism.

The event will take place on Thursday 19 March at 18:30h in the afternoon and has received the support of several organizations and institutions, such as La Fede, the Human Rights Institute of Catalonia or the Centre for African and Intercultural Studies, among others, as well as the Barcelona City Council and the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation.

Hashtag: #UnitedAgainstRacism #IsraeliApartheidWeek

Link and instructions
If you want to choose the spanish >< english translation you should download the app you’ll find in the link (you have no access to translation while accessing the webinar via browser only). Click the link, download the application, introduce your mail address and name, and enjoy the webinar!

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