The Delàs Centre is once again participating in the Global Meeting of the global Stop Killer Robots campaign, held this year in Buenos Aires

The Delàs Centre is once again participating in the Global Meeting of the global Stop Killer Robots campaign, held this year in Buenos Aires

Between the 26th and 29th of February the 2020 global meeting of the international Stop Killer Robots campaign took place, in which the Delàs Centre for Peace Studies participated as an active member of the campaign and representing Stop Killer Robots Spain. The annual meeting took place in Buenos Aires and during 3 days gathered a hundred activists from 40 countries that debated and discussed how to advance and promote the work of the campaign to prohibit in a preventive way totally autonomous weapons and to influence states to position themselves in favor of a binding international treaty.

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Tica Font, researcher at the Delàs Centre and co-author of the latest report co-published by the Delàs Centre and the global campaign (Novel weapons against ethics and people. Armed Drones and Autonomous Drones), participated in the meeting representing the campaign in Spain, and was able to share the publication with partners around the world, as well as the progress of the campaign in Spain. Font was invited to participate in the public conference that took place on the first day of the Meeting, to talk about the legal principles concerning lethal autonomous weapons (killer robots) and about the campaign. The member of the Delàs Centre and WILPF Spain, participated by moderating one of the group work sessions that were dedicated to debate and think about the technological, ethical and legislative aspects around lethal autonomous weapons.

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Pere Ortega, president of the Delàs Centre, also participated in the meeting, which offered three days of debates, knowledge sharing and tools for action and political advocacy.

This is the second international meeting of the campaign in which the Delàs Centre, present in Berlin last year, actively participates. The meeting was open to all campaign members and interested supporters.

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