Military embargo on Israel

Military embargo on Israel

As a response to Palestinian civil society’s call, we, groups of the European Network Against Arms Trade, ask the European Parliament and European countries a military embargo to Israel.

1) Cease forthwith any provision to Israel of arms and related materiel of all types, including the sale or transfer of weapons and ammunitions, military vehicles and equipment, para-military police equipment, including dual-use equipment, and spare parts for the aforementioned, and cease as well the provision of all types of equipment and supplies and grants of licensing arrangements for the manufacture of aforementioned or maintenance of the aforementioned;

2) Stop all military and dual-use imports (equipment, assistance and munitions) from Israel;

3) Stop the transfer of military products to and from Israel through national ports, territory and airspace;

4) Stop cooperation with the Israeli army, military companies, and military-related R&D projects, including joint ventures (whether bilateral or multilateral);ç

5) Halt all military-related training and consultancies with the Israeli army, military companies and academic research institutions; 

6) End all military aid to Israel;

7) Refrain from any cooperation with Israel in the manufacture and development of nuclear weapons and mobilize for a nuclear-free Middle East.

Campaign Against Arms Trade UK
Campagne tegen Wapenhandel Netherlands
Centre d’Estudis per a la Pau JM Delàs (Justícia i Pau) – Barcelona Spain
Gruppe für eine Schweiz ohne Armee GSoA
Norwegian Peace Association
Peace Union of Finland
Vredesactie Belgium
Rete Italiana per il Disarmo
Kampagne Stoppt den Waffenhandel

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