Conference: “Who Assemble Conflicts and Wars? Europe’s responsibilities and control mechanisms”

  16 May, 2018
 Where: Auditorio de la Facultad de Comunicación y RRII de Blanquerna
 Organizes:  Centre Delàs de Estudios por la Paz y Escola de Cultura de Pau
 Type of event:

The Delàs Center for Studies for Peace and the Escola de Cultura de Pau de la UAB, organize the conference “Who Assemble Conflicts and Wars? Europe’s responsibilities and control mechanisms”, that will take place on the afternoon May 16, 2018 in Barcelona. 

The conference will feature renowned speakers from prestigious and European and global reference organizations such as SIPRI, Safer World, Pax or Conflict Armament Research (CAR), experts in exports and weapons tracking in conflicts, to reflect on what is reality of the European arms trade to countries in situations of armed conflict and war. Issues such as current legislation and control mechanisms for European arms exports, as well as the breaches that are taking place, will be addressed, motivating the European armament to end up in the hands of the actors of the conflicts that devastate regions such as the East. Middle or Africa.

You can register for the conference by filling out the registration form here.

In the first table European arms exports to conflicts, inside or outside the law? Legislation, control mechanisms and non-compliance, the mechanisms included on international and European arms trade legislation and the reality of their application will be discussed.

It will also be treated, in a second table under the title Weapons in bad hands. What conflicts are European exports going to?, about the origin of weapons that have been found in conflicts such as those of Syria, the Central African Republic, Yemen or Turkey, as well as legal, illegal exports and transfers of arms to third parties Countries that favor the presence of European and Spanish weapons in wars, with special attention in the case of Saudi Arabia.

The Communication Faculty Auditorium and International Relations at Blanquerna of Barcelona, are the space chosen to host these conferences, organized by the Center Delàs of Studies for Peace and the Escola de Cultura de Pau de la UAB, with the support of the Barcelona Provincial Council.

Day and time: Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at 5:00 p.m.

Place: Communication Faculty Auditorium and International Relations at Blanquerna

Organized by: Center Delàs de Estudios por la Paz and Escola de Cultura de Pau

With the support of: Barcelona Provincial Council 

Full program:

Conference “Who Assemble Conflicts and Wars? Europe’s responsibilities and control mechanisms”

From 5pm to 7pm

Table 1: European arms exports to conflicts, inside or outside the law? Legislation, control mechanisms and non-compliance. How is it controlled that the arms exported do not end up in the hands of the actors of a conflict? How can these controls be improved and increased? This table will deal with the mechanisms included in international and European arms trade legislation and the reality of their application.


Jordi Calvo Rufanges (Center Delàs de Estudios por la Paz). Moderates and presents the conclusions of the project “Enough of arms exports to countries in conflict or tension!”

Aude Fleurant, researcher of the arms export and military expenditure program from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)

Roy Isbister, director of the Weapons Unit of the organization Safer World

From 7pm to 9pm

Table 2: Weapons in bad hands. What conflicts are European exports going to? We will address the origin of weapons that have been found in conflicts such as Syria, Central African Republic, Yemen or Turkey. As well as legal, illegal and arms transfers to third countries that favor the presence of European and Spanish weapons to wars, with special attention to the case of Saudi Arabia.

Moderator: Pamela Urrutia Aristizábal (Escola de Cultura de Pau)


Damien Spleeters, regional operations coordinator of Conflict Armament Research (CAR), which tracks the origin of weapons found in conflicts

Tica Font, expert researcher in trade and arms transfers to third countries

Frank Slijper, coordinator of the ‘Arms Trade’ project of the PAX organization
