“The European Fortress: the hidden history, the human cost”, presentation of the report “Expanding the Fortress. The politics of externalisation of the EU borders”.

  28 June, 2018
 Where: Casal de Barri Pou de la Figuera de Barcelona (Carrer de Sant Pere Més Baix, 70, 08003)
 Organizes: el Centro Delàs de Estudios por la Pau, el Transnational Institute, Novact y el Migrant People's Tribunal (PPT)
 Type of event: ,

“The European Fortress: the Hidden History, the Human Cost”, an event organized by the Delàs Center of Studies for Peace, the Transnational Institute, Novact, and the Permanent People’s Tribunal, will take place on Thursday the 26th of June, 2018 in Barcelona.

The event will host the Spanish public presentation of the report “Expanding the fortress: The policies, the profiteers and the people shaped by EU’s border externalisation programme”. This report, by Mark Akkerman, has recently been published by TNI and StopWapenhandel, and will be presented by Niamh Aine Ni Bhriain, War and Pacification Coordinator at Transnational Institute (TNI). The presentation of the report will be with the collaboration of other experts and representatives from the civil society and the social movements, as Juan Hernàndez (professor of law and investigator for OMAL) and a representative from Sindicato de Manteros, to reflect on and discuss on the problems of migration and the violations of human rights for the forcibly displaced people.

This event is part of of an introductory session to the audience of the Permanent People’s Tribunal, that will take place from June 29 until the first of July 2018. The event is about the violation with impunity of the human rights of the migrants and refugees, the #MigrantPPT, peoples against borders, #PeoplesVsBorders, promoted by the Transnational Migrant Platform and the Transnational Institute, and other migrant solidarity groups (Facebook event here).

Day and time: Thursday 28 June 2018, at 19:00.

Location: Casal de Barri Pou de la Figuera de Barcelona (Carrer de Sant Pere Més Baix, 70, 08003)

Organized by: Centre Delàs Study Center for Peace, the Transnational Institute, Novact, and the Permanent People’s Tribunal

With the support of: Ajuntamento de Barcelona

Find the Facebook event here.
