Webinar “Arms waste in times of crisis” and presentation of the latest report of the Centre Delàs

  16 June, 2020
 Where: Videconference
 Organizes: Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau
 Type of event:

Next Thursday, June 16, the Webinar “Arms waste in times of crisis” will be held to present the latest report by the Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau, which analyses the Spanish defence budgets for 2019 and 2020.

The Webinar will be attended by the president of the Centre Delàs, an expert in military spending and author of the report, Pere Ortega, who will present the latest publication of the Centre Delàs, ” Critique of reason for military spending (years 2019-2020). Despite the COVID-19 crisis, the arms race continues”. The panel will include Sara del Río (Greenpeace Spain), Koldobi Velasco (Antimilitarist Alternative and ADNV), Ana Barrero (AIPAZ), Andrés Amayuelas (Coordinadora ONGD), Josemi Lorenzo (Desarma Madrid), Enrique Quintanilla (Ecologistas en Acción) and Jordi Calvo (GCOMS, International Peace Bureau and Centre Delàs).

At the event, which will be held by videoconference, the analysis of Spanish military spending will be discussed, emphasizing the enormous opportunity cost involved, and the urgency of redirecting it to health and other expenses to face the current crisis caused by the Covid-19.

The event can be followed live on the YouTube channel and Facebook of the Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau. Through the Youtube Channel a chat will be opened for participants to comment, ask questions and participate in the debate.

Follow the event by videoconference here

  Follow the event by videoconference here
