Resultats de la cerca: Mark Akkerman


Press conference: Walled World, towards a Global Apartheid

30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, we find ourselves in a world with more walls than ever. The new report Walled world, towards a Global Apartheid co published by the Center Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau, Transnational Institute, Stop Wapenhandel and Stop the Wall campaign, examines the rise of the walls built by ever more governments, the...


Transnational Institute, Stop Wapenhandel and Centre Delàs report: “The Business of Building Walls”

“The business of bulding walls” is a sequel to “Building Walls. Fear and securitization in the European Union” published in 2018 by Delàs Centre of Studies for Peace, Transnational Institute (TNI) and Stop Wapenhandel, which first measured and identified the walls that crisscross Europe. This new report analyzes the businesses that have profited from the construction of walls and technologies spread in European borders, built...

  You can read and download the complete report in English here.


“The European Fortress: the hidden history, the human cost”, presentation of the report “Expanding the Fortress. The politics of externalisation of the EU borders”.

“The European Fortress: the Hidden History, the Human Cost”, an event organized by the Delàs Center of Studies for Peace, the Transnational Institute, Novact, and the Permanent People’s Tribunal, will take place on Thursday the 26th of June, 2018 in Barcelona. The event will host the Spanish public presentation of the report “Expanding the fortress: The policies, the profiteers and the people...


Nota de prensa – Los mortales acuerdos de la Unión Europea con Estados dictatoriales para frenar la llegada de las personas refugiadas

Las políticas de externalización de fronteras de la UE favorecen el auge de la industria de la seguridad, con graves costes humanos y para el desarrollo. (Ámsterdam/Barcelona, 14 de mayo 2018) – La Unión Europea ha abandonado su consagrado apoyo a los derechos humanos, la democracia, la libertad y la dignidad humana expandiendo masivamente sus esfuerzos de externalización de fronteras,...


Nota de Prensa – Los fabricantes y vendedores de armas europeosque se benefician con la tragedia de los refugiados

Los fabricantes y vendedores de armas europeosque se benefician con la tragedia de los refugiados Ámsterdam, 4 de julio de 2016. Entre las empresas que más se están beneficiando con la militarización de las fronteras de la UE se encuentran algunas de las que están vendiendo armas a Oriente Medio, según revela un nuevo informe cuya investigación ha realizado la...


Report: Border Wars. The arms dealers profiting from the Europe’s refugee tragedy

Border Wars Report: The arms dealers profiting from Europe's refugee tragedy This new report, published by theTransnational Institute, Stop Wapenhandel and Centre Delàs d’estudis per la Pau, reveals how European manufacturers and sellers of weapons benefit from the tragedy of refugees. This report exposes the military and security companies that have profited from the tragedy, winning contracts to provide the equipment...

  You can download here the executive summary in English

Pere Brunet

Armed robots, autonomous weapons and ethical issues

Pere Brunet - Article published after the “Future Wars” Conference, CND, London - 10th November 2018 Business of war and the arms trade are highly profitable for the military industry and financial entities. Also, the strategy of the global ruling elite is based on a militarized national security that ends up favouring its businesses and benefits its large corporations while boosting...