
The Centre d’Estudis per la Pau J.M. Delàs (Centre of Studies for Peace J.M. Delàs) was created in 1999 in Justícia i Pau (Justice and Peace, as a result of the Campanya Contra el Comerç d’Armes –C3A, the Campaign against Arms Trade – C3A, which started in 1988. Currently, it is an independent Research Center on issues related to disarmament and peace.

The mission of Centre Delàs is to strengthen the culture of peace and the construction of a disarmed society, making people aware of the negative effects of arms and militarism. The Centre combines the work of research and publication with divulgation and social mobilization against militarism’s consequences, such as military expenditure, military R&D and the manufacture and trade of arms. Besides, it works to denounce governments’ lack of compliance with the international agreements regulating these issues.

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The Study Centre for Peace was given the name of J.M Delàs in memory of Josep Manuel Delàs, who was the chairman of Justice and Peace – Girona and previously was an army reserve commander and a member of the UMD (Democratic Military Union) and he devoted the last part of his life to the defense of peace and values of non-violence.

Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau is a collaborator of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) and is a member of the European Network Against Arms Trade, the ENAAT (European Network Against Arms Trade), the Spanish Association of Research for Peace (AIPAZ) and the Universitat Internacional per la Pau. Besides, through Justicia i Pau, it is part of the Catalan NGOs Federation for Peace (LaFede.cat) and the International Peace Bureau (IPB).

In addition, Centre Delàs received in 2017 the Price 33º Memorial para la Paz Josep i Liesel Vidal, for its work in favor of Peace; as well as the Mención Colibrí in the year 2018, for its promotion of the culture of Peace, and the construction of a disarmed society.

Centre Delàs is organized through its Working Group which analyzes current issues, propose studies and research and lines of action, advocacy and campaigning. In the working group can participate permanent members as well as new collaborators, trainees and technical equipment.

Researchers and fellows

The Centre Delàs is composed by a group of 30 to 40 reasearchers who voluntarely carry out research, analysis and advocacy tasks and form the Delàs Center work group. This group is formed by experienced researchers and new additions, with the objective of carrying out a task of follow-up on the issues of disarmament, militarism, peace, conflicts, security and arms.

A brief CV of each permanent member can be found in the section of Researchers and fellows, where the researchers and activists of the Centre Delàs appear with a consolidated trajectory in one of the fields of study of the entity.

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Board of directors

Centre Delàs has a Board of Directors which is the governing body of the organization. The current charges are:

Technical team

Centre Delàs has a technical team responsible for the coordination tasks of members, volunteers and trainees, as well as management, communication and administration of the organization.

Currently the technical team consists of:

Technical Support External Services: Jamgo SCCL (web); Tam Tam (graphic design); Koinós SCCL (translations); Aeiou Traductores SOC Coop (translations)

How we are funded

Public entities:

Private entities:

Shareholder contributions and donations

The members of the entity collaborate with a monthly, quarterly or annual fee and have the right to participate in the assemblies of the entity and to be part of the Board of Directors. In addition the Centre Delàs receives occasional donations linked to any of the campaigns such as Banca Armada or Fiscal Objection to Military Spending, among others.

Headquarters and delegations

The Centre Delàs has its headquarters in Barcelona, ​​and several delegations and work groups in the places of habitual residence of its permanent members and collaborators, where awareness-raising and dissemination activities are organized.

The Centre Delàs keeps a permanent international presence through a strategic collaboration with the International Peace Bureau and ENAAT, in addition to participating in the main international campaigns for peace and disarmament.

The offices and delegations of the Centre Delàs officially established and / or in the process of consolidation are the following:



Carrer Bisbe Laguarda, 4 08001 (Barcelona) – 93 4411947

  • Barcelona – Oficina Central
  • Sant Cugat del Vallès

País Valencià:

Polígono La Moleta, s/n Edifici EPA Jordi de Sant Jordi 12600 (La Vall d’Uixó)

  • València
  • La Vall d’Uixò


  • Granada


  • Donosti


Shared office of political incidence in the European institutions with ENAAT (European Network Against Arms Trade).


The Centre Delàs fosters a decentralized Office of the International Peace Bureau (IPB) and manages its main line of work, Disarmament for Development, through the GCOMS campaign (Global Campaign on Military Expenditure). The IPB’s head office is in Berlin and counts with another office in Geneva.

We are a member of:
We collaborate with: