Letter from European researchers and academics concerning Israel’s participation in European research programmes

Letter from European researchers and academics concerning Israel’s participation in European research programmes

The Delàs Center of Studies for Peace and its members have joined the European Coordination Of Committees And Associations For Palestine petition to stop funding with Research European Programmes, Israeli manufacturers of weapons and surveillance system that test their arms and tecnologies in Gaza as a “test-field”. Researchers, academics and organizations sign this letter that sent to the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security, Ms. Federica Mogherini, and to the European Commission, DG for Research and Innovation, Mr Carlos Moedas.

“Now the Israel/Gaza border is quiet, as Israeli army restricts open-fire orders to shoot the protesters during the Eurovision song festival in Tel Aviv. Great March of Return is probably already forgotten, though it continued every Friday and the Israeli army continued to shoot till a few weeks ago. Reports by the UN and various human rights organizations clearly show that the disproportionate use of force defies any argument that the Israeli army is acting in self-defense.

Our moral indignation is all the greater because we realize that keeping Gaza as a “test-field” is highly profitable for the Israeli arms and security industry. Some of these high-tech companies and their academic collaborators are receiving grants from the European Framework Programs for Research and Technological Development, thus making Europe and European tax payers potentially complicit in the lucrative business based on human suffering. We feel compelled to point to the European Union and the European Commission that these practices jeopardize the values Europe holds dear.

On this ground, we join European trade unions, Amnesty international, Gaza youth and many citizens of Europe to ask that no access be accorded to Israeli dual use and military projects from the European Research programs”.

You can read the full letter in Spanish and in English.

If you are a researcher, academic or member of a research centre or organization , sign the letter here.

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