Report by the Centre Delàs and SETEM Catalunya: “From Armed Banking to Ethical Banking. Towards policy coherence and a culture of peace. The case of Barcelona City Council”.

Report by the Centre Delàs and SETEM Catalunya: “From Armed Banking to Ethical Banking. Towards policy coherence and a culture of peace. The case of Barcelona City Council”.

The new report published by SETEM Catalonia and the Delàs Centre for Peace Studies presents an analysis of Barcelona City Council’s relations with financial entities that are part of the so-called Banca Armada, meaning those that finance the arms industry. This new report also includes the steps taken by Barcelona City Council in favour of the Social and Solidarity-based Economy and ethical finances, through the Plan to Promote the SSE, the incorporation of social clauses in public contracts and in the procedures for selecting banks, or the proposals for collaboration and promotion of ethical and cooperative finance entities.

Authors: Jordi Calvo (Coordinator), Mònica Vega, Audrey Esnault

Edition: Carla Liébana

You can download the full report in Spanish and Catalan


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