Chloé Meulewaeter a la sessió inaugural de l’European Forum 2021: “The big challenges for the future of Europe”

Chloé Meulewater, investigadora del Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau, participarà el proper divendres 26 de novembre a la Sessió inaugural de l’European Forum, compartint taula amb Jeremy Corbyn, Monica Valente, Luca Visentini, Pierre Laurent, Yolanda Diaz i Dorothy Guerrero. El panell abordarà “Els grans reptes per al futur d’Europa” i tindrà lloc de 16:00 a 17:00 (CET).
Aquesta plenària també es podrà seguir en línia per Zoom amb traducció simultània a l’anglès, francès i espanyol.
Per a més informació visiteu el web de l’European Forum.
PROGRAMA PROVISIONAL (26 i 27 de novembre 2021 – dos dies de Fòrum presencial a Brussel·les)
*These Plenaries and Assemblies can also be followed online by Zoom with translation EN, FR, ES*
26 November 16:00 – 17:00
Opening session: The big challenges for the future of Europe
Jeremy Corbyn (former Leader of the Labour Party)
Monica Valente (Executive Secretariat of the Forum of São Paulo)
Luca Visentini (General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, ETUC)
Pierre Laurent (Vice-President of the European Left)
Chloé Meulewaeter (International Peace Bureau)
Yolanda Diaz (Spanish Minister of Labour) (TBC)
Dorothy Guerrero (Global Justice Now, COP26 Coalition) (TBC)
26 November, 17:00 – 17:30
Welcome drinks
26 November 17:30 – 19:30
Plenary: Economic and social issues after the pandemic
Heinz Bierbaum (President of the European Left)
Ernest Urtasun (Vice-Chair of the Group of the Greens/EFA in the EP)
Manon Aubry/Martin Schirdewan (Co-Chair of the Left in the EP)
Zofia Malisz (Razem, Poland)
26 November 19:30 – 20:00
Book presentation: “Radical in Diversity: Europe’s Left 2010-2020”
26 November, 20:00
27 November 10:00 – 11:30
Plenary: Strategies for Democracy and Peace in Dangerous Times – Common struggles against the far right, militarisation and for real democracy in a global crisis
Kostis Papaioannou (Golden Dawn Watch)
Riccardo Petrella (Agora of the Inhabitants of the Earth)
Conny Hildebrandt (Co-President of transform!europe)
David Rinaldi (Director of Studies & Policy at the Foundations for European Progressive Studies-FEPS- and Associate Professor at the ULB – Institute for European Studies)
Green European Foundation (GEF) (TBC)
Moderator: Barbara Steiner (Director of transform!europe)27 November 11:30 – 12:00
Coffee Break
27 November 12:00 – 13:30
Plenary: One decade to save the planet. What now?
Rossella Muroni (Independent MP, Member of Environment Committee, Italy)
Urszula Zielińska (Zieloni, Deputy Chair of Environment Committee, Poland)
Andreu Escrivà (Writer and scientist, Spain)
Julia Poliscanova (Emobility & clean vehicles director at T&E)
Diego Pary Rodríguez (Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bolivia)
Silvia Modig (MEP, Left Alliance, Finland) (TBC)
Moderator: Hervé Bramy (French Communist Party, coordinator of the EL Environment WG, France)
27 November 13:30 – 14:00
27 November 14:00 – 16:00
Culture Assembly + Youth Assembly
Culture Assembly: “The social question at the heart of culture”
Youth Assembly: “Post-Covid-19 democracy: a crucial debate”
The Youth Assembly will only be held face-to-face
Interpretation: FR, EN
27 November 16:15 – 18:15
Women assembly + Trade Unionists’ Assembly
Women assembly: “The rise of the far right and women’s rights”
Michelle Urquiza (Sororidad sin fronteras, Mexico)
Cristina Romano (Organisation Juanita Moron, Argentina)
Clara Alonso (adviser in the Ministry of Equality, Spain)
Elena Kountoura (MEP, Syriza, Greece)
Trade Unionists’ Assembly: “Reflecting on the future of Europe: a new Social Contact for the 21st Century”
The Trade Unionists’ Assembly will only be held face-to-face
Interpretation: FR, EN
27 November 18:30 – 19:00
Presentation of the book “Diario de Turín. La solidaridad en tiempos de pandemia” by Enrique Ubieta (director of “La Calle del Medio”, Cuba) (TBC)
27 November 19:15 – 20:45
Closing of the Forum
Transform!europe (TBC)
Foundation for European Progressive Studies, FEPS) (TBC)
Green European Foundation (GEF) (TBC)
Plenaries and Assemblies reports
Final declaration and action plan
Moderator: Jose Luis Centella (President of the Spanish Communist Party)
27 November 21:00
Tapas + Concert “Stop the blockade against Cuba now! For a world of peace and solidarity!”
Group Tumbao Cubano