“20 years working for peace and disarmament”, Centre Delàs shares a publication of its work and achievements during its years of history
We want to share with you this special publication on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau, in which we have compiled the main achievements and milestones of the Centre during these 20 years as well as some reflections from members, friends and donors.
We began a new decade of the Center, highly motivated in our task to demilitarize and disarm our societies through research and action for peace.
We have been working together for 20 years for a culture of peace but we are aware that our work is now more necessary than ever, with major challenges to face from a pacifist approach such as climate change, increasing tensions between countries, migration, the growing extreme right authoritarianism and populism or inequalities (economic, gender-based, ethnic…), issues strongly linked to militarism and violence.
We want this memory to be a tribute to the work of all collaborators, volunteers, trainees and workers, as well as the support of organizations, institutions and donors, without whom the achievements of these 20 years would not have been possible.
You can read and download the publication “20 years working for peace and disarmament” in Catalan and in Spanish.